Chapter 48- Plans and jealousy

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*** Please don't hate me, but the story will be coming to an end soon. Let me know if there is any idea or type of story that you would like me to work on. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Thank you for the support. Sending love, MMF***

Adrien hadn't gotten any sleep for the second night in a row. He was glancing at Marinette's sleeping body while he wasn't twisting and turning in bed. Her words resonated in his head over and over again. Almost as if they were torturing him.

"I still love you, Chaton. I'm sure you'll be a great father to our kitten."

He heard them. He was almost positive he had. It all felt too real for it to be an illusion. Right? But how come Marinette was sound asleep when he turned to look at her? Why didn't she act any differently toward him the next day? It was as if it had never happened in the first place.

Oh, how much he wished the words were a reality. He would give anything to hear Marinette say she loves him and even more to have a family with her.

As Mr. Couffaine lectured, Adrien's leg bounced up and down. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to focus. The fact that the bluenette sat at his side and her boyfriend was the professor teaching at the same time didn't help matters. Adrien cursed his bad fate in hushed tones.

He desperately wanted to ask Marinette if she had said those things, but he couldn't. What was he supposed to say, exactly? "How are you, princess? So, did you truly say you love me and that I'm going to have a child?" No, no, no. That was not going to happen. Especially since she didn't act as if it had happened.

But even then, Adrien couldn't help but think of what-ifs. 

What if Marinette was expecting a child?

What if he's the biological father?

What if she still has feelings for him?

What if she was but didn't tell him?

What if she was but didn't tell him? What if she never did?

What if Luka forbids him from seeing his child?

What happens if they reconcile?

What if-

"Adrien, are you okay?" Marinette whispered as she observed his strange behavior. "You haven't been acting like yourself recently," she added, her tone concerned.

Adrien locked his gaze on Marinette for a moment. His gaze shifted from her face to her stomach almost instantly. He wished it was real and that his princess was bearing his child, but he didn't see anything. There was no bump, no weight gain, nothing whatsoever. But what about the sickness? That had to mean something. Right? But then again, she had gotten better. Maybe it was a dream, after all.

Adrien sighed but stayed deafeningly quiet. He had to be dreaming or hallucinating. Maybe, it was due to the movie or their previous talk that inspired him to fantasize about these things. He had to disclose that he wished his lady was expecting his child during the chat. Throughout the film, he couldn't get the thought out of his head. As a result, he may have dreamed of Marinette telling him that. That was the end of it. Adrien bit his lower lip, dissatisfied. Marinette had no idea how desperately he desired to start a family with her.

"Kitty?" she calls out again. 

"Y-yeah, I- I am fine. Sorry, M'lady," He responded, looking away from the bluenette with sorrowful eyes. 

Marinette doubted he was being honest, but she also knew she had no right to push him to speak.

"All right, I guess."


It has been a few weeks since the incident. It took Adrien a few days to get over the feeling of disappointment and accept that he was most likely wrong, but Adrien managed to keep himself together.

After a few days, Adrien decided to ignore the situation and move on. Either way, he was almost positive it had been a figment of his imagination. Well, that and the fact that his princess's birthday was tomorrow and he had been busy planning the best birthday party ever.

Adrien double-checked that everything was in order. He discussed the celebration with his father, who agreed that it would be hosted at the Agreste home.

Adrien then bought customized decorations to remind his lady of  "The Adventures of Ladybug and Chat Noir," a series of ancient novels they used to read together during their younger years. Adrien laughed as he remembered how they were so into the books they were on the verge of becoming Ladybug and Chat Noir themselves. That's how they acquired their nicknames.

There were times when Adrien didn't return home at all, what with mailing secret invitations and preparing the remainder of the celebration. He hadn't slept in the dorm for the past three days. Adrien planned to come home last night, but he was so exhausted from party planning that he overslept and missed lectures earlier that day. He only prayed his princess wasn't enraged.


Marinette was down on her luck. She'd started to have trouble concealing her pregnancy. While she was fortunate that her stomach did not develop too large or too quickly, she felt as if it was obvious nonetheless. Every morning, the bluenette tried to locate appropriate attire. Her customary outfit was no longer suitable, and most of her clothing was too tight for her. Marinette had to go shopping for baggy, looser apparel in order to keep her pregnancy hidden.

Marinette mumbled, fearful that someone might be able to put two and two together soon. She'd gotten to the point where every time Luka or Adrien hugged her, the designer worried and attempted to put some distance between them and her tummy. 

Marinette knew that she had to confess the truth soon, but every time she tried, something stopped her. Her mouth would go dry, her heart would start pounding, and she thought she would pass out. Marinette was frightened of the reaction she would be receiving from Luka and Adrien. Why couldn't she be tough like Alya? 

Marinette sat on her bed and sighed. Her birthday was tomorrow, and she was almost positive everyone had forgotten. In their defense, Marinette knew she hadn't really mentioned her birthday lately as she was counting the days to summer vacation, but it still sucked. Marinette felt defeated. Luka was loving but had become busy with his music as of late. And Adrien? Well, apparently, he was starting not to care about her.

Marinette bit her lip and held back tears as she looked around the dorm. Once again, Adrien had not come home. He had been doing it a lot recently. The young designer had begun to believe that the blonde had met someone else and no longer loved her at this point.

Placing her hands over her face, Marinette screamed in frustration. Her tears finally streamed down her cheeks. She knew it was selfish, but she didn't want Adrien to stop loving her. She didn't want to so much as picture him with another woman that was not her. Marinette was aware this was unfair to Adrien because she was in a relationship with Luka, but she couldn't help it. She still loved Adrien, and she didn't want him to move on. So, what if it was? Was she not allowed to be selfish every now and then?

Marinette, heartbroken and frustrated, snatched the nearest book and hurled it against the wall. The thought of  Adrien making love to another woman made her sick to her stomach. Where had he been spending his nights, and with who? Was this him showing her he moved on?   Was she no longer deserving of her place in his world? Was he planning to inform her at some point? Why was he torturing her like this? He promised he would never stop loving her, but he lied. 

"FUCK!" she cried once again as she threw another volume.

When Adrien opened the door, he saw a book hurtling across the room, almost missing his face by an inch.

"Woah there, are you okay, M'Lady?" he called out, alerting the bluenette of his presence.

Marinette looked at him in anger as her tears continued to fall.

"Where the hell have you been?" she hissed. Marinette was upset with the blonde, her thoughts blurring her better judgment. Although she had to right to demand answers, she couldn't but do so. Her jealousy was eating her alive, and she did nothing to hide it.

Adrien's pupils dilated. 'Shit,' he thought to himself as he heard the rage lacing through in his princess's voice. He was scared she would become enraged, but he had honestly fallen asleep while attempting to make the table arrangements.

Was she, however, jealous? Was his princess jealous? She couldn't possibly be, could she? She was dating Luka. Marinette had made it clear that she didn't want him. But if she was jealous, it suggested she still had feelings for him. Right? Adrien's stomach fluttered at the prospect.

"Princess, I-" he started to explain but was immediately cut off by the pissed-off bluenette.

"Don't you princess me, Adrien. Where have you been? You haven't slept home the past three days. I bearly see you in class, and when I do, you run out so damn fast I can never keep up," she added angrily.

Marinette then took a deep breath and looked towards the ground in sadness. "Are you seeing someone? Is this your way of avoiding me and keeping it a secret? I-I mean, if you are, don't you think I should know? There is no reason for me to keep believing that you still love me if it's not true?"

Marinette was so angry she failed to realize that she had basically confessed to Adrien that she still loved him and was jealous. But even if she had, she didn't care because the truth was that Marinette was jealous, and she wanted her dumb kitty to know that he should not think of anyone else other than her.

Adrien bit his lip harshly. He hoped the pain could keep him from running up to her and kissing her senseless. How could she think there would ever be another woman? Of course, he still loved her, and knowing that she was jealous made his heart full.

Realizing that his lady still loved him, Adrien gave her a smug smile before walking up to her.

"You know, princess? There is this thing called a cellphone, and if you had used it, you could have gotten a hold of me fast. If you called, I would have run home to you. I always would. And although this little jealousy scene is cute, I think we both know I only got eyes for you. Calm down, M'lady. No, there is no one else, and yes, I am still madly in love with you," he laughed, pulling her into a hug.

Marinette blushed and pushed him. "Screw you, Chaton. I am not jealous," she said, attempting to play it safe.

"Umm, sure, okay, whatever you say," he said sarcastically.

"Adriennnnn," she whined, making him laugh again.

"You know you could have just asked me when I was instead of almost decapitating me with a book," he joked.

"If you don't stop, I will."

"Relax, M'Lady. If you must know, I was gone because I was busy with your birthday surprise. You didn't think I'd forget, did you?"

Marinette gasped. She should have known her kitty wouldn't forget.

"I-I," she hesitated.

"You-you need to meet up with Alya in the morning," he teased. "I left my debit card in your purse two days ago. She knows and agreed to take you shopping for something beautiful. You know the pin already, M'Lady."

"Kitty, I can't-"

"Yes, you can, and you will, princess. Please, for me. I want you to look stunning for your surprise. Come on, M'Lady, we were apart for so long. I missed four birthdays, Mari. Allow me to make it up to you. Will you let me, please?" he whispered sadly.

Marinette pressed her lips together. This man was really making it hard for her not to want to be in his arms.

Adrien watched as Marinette nodded in response. He smiled happily. He was going to make this the best birthday of her life.


Luka sighed. He had forgotten all about Marinette's birthday. If he was honest, Luka had no idea it was tomorrow. If it hadn't been for his blonde rival, he would miss his girlfriend's birthday entirely.

Luka gritted his teeth in anger. That blonde had given him an invite to his own girlfriend's surprise party. "Save the thanks. We both know I am not doing this for you, nor do I like you. But I want my princess to have the best birthday ever," were his exact words as he dropped off the invite.

The nerve of that model.

Adrien Agreste! God, that boy had his nerves bad. Luka couldn't stand knowing that the model was still close to his girlfriend. He could swear that Adrien did it on purpose. If Luka happened to be busy with rehearsal and Marinette needed help, there Adrien was. She needed help with homework, and there the blonde was again. Family event? The blonde was also invited. Ugh, it was so aggravating.

Luka felt that no matter what he did or how hard he tried, he could never compare to the blonde. The model had to outshine him in everything. He got her the opportunity with the boutique, but the blonde spent restless nights helping her. Did he ever take a break?

Four months! It had been four months since he started dating Marinette, yet Luka felt as if she still cared more about the blonde than she did him.

Four months! They had been together for four months, yet she did not allow him to go farther than a kiss or hand-holding. It wasn't that he was desperate, nor did he want to pressure her to do something she wasn't comfortable with, but he simply couldn't understand why. It is not like it was her first time. That much was clear from the look of both of their necks that time ago. So what was it that was holding her back with him?

Luka looked at the ladybug invitation and grunted. He had an idea as to why she acted that way. It was because of the blonde! If Adrien were to be far away from his melody, he would finally have her all to himself. Luckily, he was sure that the luck would be on his side, and he wouldn't have to wait for much longer. See, Luka had a surprise. A surprise that he had been waiting weeks to share with Marinette, and now he knew when and where to give it to her.

Luka laughed. The blonde thought that his surprise party would be the highlight of her day? Well, he was wrong. Hopefully, his surprise for Marinette would be both, the best gift for his girlfriend and the end of Adrien Agreste.

Let the party begin. 

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