Chapter 4- I Don't Have the Answers (Part 1)

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Ten Years Ago
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts


Alex Smith was surprised to see that the woman who slapped him twice was a cheerleader. He saw her the moment he appeared for practice and made a mental note to go and talk to her after. Then, throughout the entire two hours of football practice, he showed off for her.

When practice was finally done, Alex wiped the sweat off his brow and jogged back to where the cheerleaders were located with a new bounce in his stride. Today, he'd wow her. He already showed her his football prowess which made most of the other cheerleaders swoon. But not her. He knew from the first moment that he saw her that she wasn't easy to please so he strove harder.

"Hi," he said as he reached the bench. All the other cheerleaders waved and threw flirtatious smiles his way. She, on the other hand, didn't even turn her back. So he moved around her and faced her.

"I have my helmet now, lady. Slap me if you must but remember that I warned you against it," he said with a cheeky grin. She huffed and rolled her eyes. She looked down at her pompoms as though debating throwing it in his face.

"Take of that helmet and I'll slap the shit out of you for hurting my friend, Emily," Isobel spat. Alex frowned. Emily? Who the hell was Emily? He dated a lot of women but he did remember their names and he didn't date any Emily as far as he could recall.

"Isobel!" another cheerleader called out. She had black hair, brown eyes and a mouth-watering body that could've belonged to a supermodel. She flushed when she glanced at Alex. "Want me to slap him again for you, Emily?" Isobel asked her friend.

Ah. So this was the Emily she's been talking about. Alex certainly would've remembered if he dated someone like her. But no. He didn't know her at all.

"What on earth are you talking about?" the friend hissed.

"It's him! The jerk who hurt you!" Isobel shouted. "No! That's Alex Smith! It's his friend Nikos Demakis who dumped me!" she shouted.

Isobel flushed a deep, deep scarlet. She looked at the floor as though she wished it would open up and swallow her right at that moment. She glanced at Alex and pasted on a smile for him. It was stunning.

"Oops?" she whispered.


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