(02) Jewels and Justice

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Mason blinked against the harshness of the interrogation room lights and waved at Nick, with the ends of Nick's blanket hanging long over his fingers. Nick flicked open the case file that had been put on the desk in front of him.

'You've got quite an impressive record, Mr. King. Says here you've been arrested 3 times for breaking and entering, and 1 time for stealing a car.' Nick said.

Mason nodded. It would be pointless to deny anything, he'd just look like more of a fool.

'So, I'm curious. What prompted you to take the jewels you were holding when I found you in the bushes?'

'I had taken them from my grandmother. She left them to me in her will. I was the one to take them out of her vault at the bank a few weeks ago. They were supposed to be delivered to some relatives up north, but I have no idea if that will be happening now. Obviously.' Mason replied.

'Okay. We will have to verify that with the bank, and put the gems through evidence before we let you go.'

Nick then clicked his fingers, and in came two men holding a pair of handcuffs. They walked over to Mason, who stood up and let them lead him away.

When Mason was out of sight Nick walked out of the interrogation room. The door clicked behind Nick, and he looked to his left at Hank; who was standing against the wall with his arms crossed.

'You holding up all right? You've had a long day.' Hank asked.

'Yeah; I think I just need to go home and sleep.' Nick replied.

Quickly Hank looked down the hallway to make sure nobody could hear him before opening his mouth and asking Nick his next question.

'So, what do you think? Is he wesen?' Hank asked.

'I don't know, I didn't see him woge.'

'What about the jewels? Do you think he was telling the truth about the relatives that want them?'

'I'd like to believe that.' Nick said, wistfully. 'But I think the chances of that are rather low.'

'All right, but if it works out badly - for any of us here at the precinct - you owe me lunch.'

'Deal.' Nick said, shaking Hank's hand. Then together they walked back to the captain to give their report.

Initially Published: 2nd October 2020 | Edited: 20th August 2022

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