Chapter 10 | The Eagle Has Landed

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Night had fallen upon the beautiful city of Regulus. This was a place of money, any fool could see that. Marble statues of lions were posted along the streets. Above them, golden balls of light hovered, serving as mystical street lamps. Among the fairy lights and sky walkways, the peace was silently and swiftly being disturbed.

Thankfully, not many were out this time of night. The few that were couldn't help themselves from stopping and staring at a sight they knew they'd most likely never see again. Upon one of the clear bridges that connected buildings high up above the streets, two flashes of blue and red went at each other like rabid dogs. Four killers in two bodies tangled in a dance of death.

Those who rested in this city knew that the Eclipse slept below their feet. They ignored it, turned a blind eye to the darkness inside the brightest city in the underworld. Now, for once, the Laced One has emerged from their hellhole to take down the only being that was foolish enough to ever challenge them. It went without saying that the Wiccan's fear was nonexistent, and their conviction unfathomable.

They'd never seen another of their kind, either of them. Half their fight was spent studying one another. The Eclipse had similarities, but plenty of differences. Their hair was black at the roots and faded to a shattered ombre of light blue. A mask covered their mouth and their bangs fell in front of their eyes, just like their opponent. However, a silver chain was wrapped around their throat multiple times instead of a scar. On one end dangled a hook, on the other a shining dagger. Under a leather coat, a silver ribcage was fastened over their pale chest. Spiked brass knuckles of the same finish protected both their hands.

A few blocks away at the train station, the buzz of folks talking didn't go unnoticed. The second Kuza and Chris caught whispers of a fight between two Laced Ones, they were running as fast as their feet could carry them. Deysa wasn't far behind, but he did harbor more hesitance than them, for several reasons. People like him, vagabonds, they aren't welcomed in nice cities like this. Aside from that, he had to expect that both General Eckerström and members of Demon's Card weren't far behind them.

"Deysa!" Kuza called for him, pulling him out of his thoughts. His red eyes were stuck on the fight far above their heads. "Is that the Eclipse?"

He sighed, "Yeah. It's creepy seeing them again. I have to assume that's the Wiccan. You think that's your friends?"

"We know it is. Ryan's the only person I know that fights like that." Chris responded.

"I can see how you'd think that was Casper and Elliot by the looks, but... Deysa, look at the way they're fighting. That's not the way you and Dex taught them." Kuza said.

"No," He replied as his eyes followed the icy figure, "They're using a combination of Aikido and Hojojutsu to fight. There's only one place they could've learned that, but..."

He knew that tone in Deysa's voice and it wasn't a good one. "What's wrong?"

"The Wiccan isn't just keeping up with them incredibly well, but their fighting style is incredible. I can tell Ryan is an expert in Taido and Naginatajutsu, and I'm guessing probably several other Japanese Martial Arts, but his mate knows more of a rougher style, like prison or street fighting. The two shouldn't work together so well, but they do. It's... Marvelous." His eyes were glistening like a child at Disneyland.

"I can promise you, you will never find someone else like Ryan and Ricky. They're a picture of what true love can create; perfect harmony. Unfortunately, the Eclipse has had a lot more practice in recent years than they have. I'm afraid they won't be able to win this fight, especially if that is Casper and Elliot. I don't know why they'd be doing this, maybe they're brainwashed or some shit, but if that thing has their Arcadia's, I don't think Ryan and Ricky can win this fight."

"Your friends, what are theirs?" Deysa asked.

"Ryan can connect his soul with his weapon, which is why he's such a great fighter. They can move as one, and it makes it so he can pick up literally any weapon and know how to use it like an expert immediately. Ricky can light things on fire, in a way. He can't do it to himself but he can do it to things he touches, which is why he fights with arrows a lot." Kuza explained, "They're great for combat normally, but useless against shadow and density manipulation."

"Guys, I don't mean to be rude and interrupt," Chris spoke in a sarcastic tone, "But please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the giant metal eagle in the sky?"

The pirate turned white, "Oh no." He turned around, seeing the figure in the distance. "Fuck!" He spat, "Because this wasn't enough of a shit show already!"

"That's General Eckerström, isn't it?" Kuza blandly asked.

"Yep." He bitterly replied, "Well, you up for it?"

"Do I really have much of a choice?" He responded. Kuza removed his jacket, allowing his cloak to fall again. He'd need all the energy he could get. Giving Chris a quick kiss and handing him his coat, he said, "Please keep yourself safe. Remember, I need you healthy to be able to heal me when I fuck up. Plus, I just don't want you in pain. Get to higher ground, it'll be safer, okay?"

Chris raised his eyebrow curiously, "And where exactly are you going?"

"To help." He simply smirked.

Kuza and Deysa ran for the giant lion statue in the middle of the town square. They hopped up it like it was nothing. Your average person would never be able to climb that on their best day. Chris felt like his heart was about to explode. Was he seriously- he was. The two jumped off the lion's snout just as the giant metal eagle came swooping in low. They each grabbed onto a talon and started to pull themselves up to the top.

Just as fate would have it, Ghost and Vinny had found their way into this chaos as well. She ran ahead of her mate to hug Chris, "I'm glad you're okay." She softly said.

"You too." He replied, his heart still beating a million miles an hour.

"Yeah, barely." Vinny spoke as he reached them, "But what the fuck was that?!"

"It's a long story. C'mon, let's just get up on one of these buildings. Mike told me he wants us to get to higher ground. He said it's safer." Chris explained. He looked down at the weathered jacket in his arms, cursing, "That fucking idiot better not die."

Ghost offered him a sympathetic smile. Yeah, she'd definitely been there before. For all the men that once served the Oath, being reckless was a way of life. They knew nothing else. Somehow, it hadn't gotten them killed, yet. There's always a first time for everything, though. Chris had to hope that Kuza wouldn't jump into this if he wasn't certain he would win. Both their lives are on the line, after all.

As Deysa got to the top of the iron beast, he had to dodge getting hit by a small smoke bomb. His superior was quick to yell at him about his idiotic behavior. In the midst of all his insane ranting, he screeched a "Heads up!"

Kuza and Deysa both jumped back when a body fell on the back of the bird. Whomever it was hit hard. Once they were settled after the initial shock, they came to realize the Wiccan had been pushed off the bridge just as they swept under it. They weren't getting up immediately, which was bad. It wasn't like either of them to not bounce back quickly. Thankfully, they were breathing, rather heavily actually.

"Long time, no see." Kuza spoke as he knelt down beside his old friends.

"We've been waiting on you." Ricky muttered.

"You took fucking forever." Ryan groaned.

He chuckled, "Sorry. We've actually only been here a few days because of some weird shit, but we'll talk about it later. First, we have to deal with the Eclipse."

The General finally swung his legs around from the front of the bird and stood up. He had strong shoulders, but you could tell by the wear on his face, he carries a lot on them. There was a fortified look in his eyes, yet a terrifying and psychotic aura around him. He was riding a giant fucking eagle, after all. It's not like you can expect someone like that to be right in the head.

"Who exactly are these two?" He questioned his subordinate.

"Kuza, he's an old friend, one of the ones I've been traveling with, and the Wiccan, I assume." Deysa responded.

"Ah." Just like that, he dropped it and changed the subject. "The way I see it, we can either run from this mess and have to face it at another time, or we can take advantage of this unique opportunity. We have no idea how long it will be until the Eclipse reappears and it would be a great help to the order to rid ourselves of them."

"With all do respect, General, I think there's a way we can take care of them without killing them. I'm not sure, but please, allow me a little time to see if I can figure it out. We just need to immobilize them first. That girl down on that roof, I think that's their sister. If I'm right, she'll be able to talk some sense into them." Kuza carefully said.

"Alright. I'll give you this one chance, but don't fuck it up! I'll drop you two off on the bridge, then land Matilda over by them." He replied.

"That's good. There's a healer down there that can help these two." Deysa returned, "Does she have her eaglets?"

General Eckerström scoffed, "Of course." He turned back to the front just as they were turning around, "I'll deploy them when you give the word. I believe I know your plan. Now, get ready to jump."

"What happened to dropping us off?" He sneered.

Unfazed, the man responded, "Well, it is a drop off."

"He's technically right." Kuza said.

Deysa glared at him, "Don't you start. When we get down there, keep them busy until I give the signal. Then I want you to jump off the bridge."

"How the fuck can you complain about him making us jump off an eagle then two seconds later tell me to jump off a bridge and oh my god I just heard what I just said. I've completely lost all touch with reality." He rambled.

"Welcome to life under General Eckerström." Deysa smirked like an asshole.

That was enough for the mentally unstable man to kick him back off the eagle. Thankfully, it was where they needed to go, anyways. Kuza hopped off after him and kicked him mid-air to readjust his stance. Deysa managed to land without falling in his face. The two found themselves quickly on each side of the Eclipse. The creature's long hair blew in the gentle night breeze as they looked over at the scarred Lost One.

Under the pale moon light, through their dual-colored bangs, Kuza could see their eyes. He didn't want to admit it, but he had to face facts. With a grimace, he said, "It is you."

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