Chapter 11 | Laced

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Kuza made it a point to get in bed as quick as possible. He didn't want to risk having to speak with Chris. It'd be a very long night and all he wanted was some sleep. Considering how low he was on energy, it wasn't hard for him to blackout the second he fell into his bed. He'd disregarded any cares of the candles burning. The ambient light and smell of vanilla aided in his fast descent into dreamland.

Chris took his time walking back. He paced somewhat, watching as he swung one foot in front of the other slowly. His initial hatred for Kuza had subsided. Somehow, the remains had blossomed into a small glimmer of hope. He was going to try his hardest, if not for himself, but for his family. He'd lost enough to tragedies that were out of his hands. The least he could do was be proactive in a matter he did have control over.

Upon opening his bedroom door quietly, he found Kuza had somehow managed to go to bed already. He didn't even bother to get under the sheets. Chris ever so delicately pulled a blanket over him. These nights could get rather cold. No matter what came of their relationship, he'd always prided himself in being considerate of others. He was raised with manners and dignity.

Chris blew out each candle in the room with care. He took deep breaths, calmed by the scent of smoke. In small doses, it was relaxing. He took one final glance over at Kuza. When he wasn't full of spite and fire, Chris could see how beautiful he really was. His back eye makeup smeared along his skin and his silky pin straight hair framing his face made him out to be some kind of sexy drifter.

He sat down on his bed, still stealing looks over at his companion. It may have been dark but his whiskey eyes could see clearly. The creature he'd fought with for days now, he was starting to see differently. He'd always preached for others to open his mind and he wasn't about to become a hypocrite.

"Well, fuck." Chris sighed to himself.

| | |

For creatures who are bound together, they want to be as close to each other as possible. Unlike humans or other creatures, they don't get sick of each other. At least for a devoted couple like Ricky and Ryan, that reigned true. Perhaps there are some out there who live bathed in gall, but they'd rather not think of such a thing. Don't be fooled. They didn't live with rose-colored glasses. They'd seen far too many horrors for that, but it's because of those horrors that they block out what they can.

Wooden shelves were stacked in rows around the rock basement. Barrels and crates were scattered about. It was almost medieval down here. Dim candles burned, creating light for the farthest corner of the cellar. It the back, behind all the reserves of supplies, Ricky and Ryan's bed was laid on the ground. It may have been rustic and certainly wasn't glamorous. However, to them, it was paradise as so long as they had each other.

Ricky sat behind his beloved, his legs wrapped around Ryan's waist while his hands massaged his shoulders. The sheets wrapped around them just enough to keep them warm, but left little to the imagination. If they could, they'd stay like this forever. It was perfect. There was no danger or fear. The smaller slowly kissed the base of his mate's neck. Ryan kept his eyes closed to enjoy the feeling.

"You scared me tonight." He mumbled.

"My love," Ryan spoke softly, "I'm still right here, and I'm not going anywhere. I'd never do anything that could take me away from you." Gently, Ricky rested his head against his back. He brought his hands down from Ryan's shoulders, wrapping his arms around his torso. Ryan grabbed his hand and gave him a comforting squeeze, "You okay?"

"Yeah..." He murmured, "I... I'd like to think I could live if it was just you and I... But I don't know if- If I could."

"You're worried about Chris?" He asked.

"Everyone," Ricky replied, "We can't live like this forever. And, if we lose one person, we lose two."

"Don't think of it that way. Think of it as if one person gets sick, they have the life of another to give them strength. Being bound isn't a handicap in the face of disaster. If nothing else, it means you won't die alone."

He managed a bittersweet smile, "Hm, you always can find something romantic in even the worst situations."

Ryan turned his body sideways to face him, "I found you when I was at my worst, so I guess I have a knack for discovering diamonds in a shit pile." He gave his love a passionate kiss.

Ricky brought his hands up to the sides of his face, moaning against his lips, "Mmh, are we really going to go for round three?"

"What can I say? A good hunt turns me on." He mused, tracing his fingertips up and down Ricky's arm, "We can go to sleep if you want."

"Fuck sleep. We can sleep when we're dead." He joked.

Ryan beamed a smile and continued to kiss him. He lowered them both down to the mattress as they got tangled up in each other. Their bedroom may be unconventional, but it was the perfect setting for a romantic encounter. Combine with their raving passion for each other, it was nearly impossible for the two love birds to stay apart. They could fuck each other all day and night and never get bored.

Their pale bodies pressed tightly against each other. Ryan intertwined his fingers with Ricky's hand, of which rested on the ground beside his head. The smaller shuttered under the weight of his partner. The sheer passion emended in their skin to skin contact was enough to make him tremble.

"Oh, God." Ricky quivered as his lover's mouth found his sweet spot. He was always sensitive for Ryan, but tonight it seemed worse than normal.

He pressed his hands down on his blue eyed angel's chest, pushing his palms up his skin. His breathes suddenly became thick, "Do you feel it?"

"Yeah," He murmured in amazement, "Do you really think... It's-?"

"After all the time we've spent together, I sure as Hell hope so. Not to be arrogant or anything, but I think we damn well deserved this." Ryan responded.

Ricky dragged his hands across his shoulders, bringing his fingers up into his hair. He pulled Ryan down to his lips, as not to lose the surreal moment. Their kiss quickly turned French in a desperate need to love each other harder. They could feel one another's warm seeking into the other's skin, and their energy becoming one.

The smaller wrapped his leg around his dominant's waist. Ryan didn't even break their heated kiss while lining himself up with his mate. Ricky whimpered into his lips as he felt their bodies become one. The feeling of Ryan's cock inside his small body was one he'd honestly die for. When they had a chance to take it slow, it made it even better. Tonight had quickly become more than just a simple fucking, though. They didn't expect it, but then again, no one plans for it.

Any lost ones of the same breed can mate. That is true, but falling deeper into codependency is rarely possible. They call it lacing; the ability for two who's love is stronger than any chains to become even more intertwined. You have to truly love someone, to the point you would die for them, to lace your souls together. The two had talked about it, even hoped highly for it, but the universe delivers this ability only to those who deserve it most. It was, in a sense, an evolution of binding.

Ricky gasped, breaking their kiss. He tilted his head back in response to an icy rush across his skin. As he opened his eyes, one of his blue eyes began to lose it's color. Like milk being poured into water, if began to cloud like his lover's. His eyelids slipped shut and he pulled himself closer to Ryan. Crystal colored tears slipped down his cheeks as a result of pure ecstasy.

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