Chapter 13 | Passengers

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The second the Wiccan sat down on the train, they were asleep. They slumped against the window in the corner of their seat. Chris was half tempted to try to finish healing them while they were asleep, but he knew they'd get mad at him. He sat down beside them, his mate sitting across from them. They continued to glare at each other occasionally.

On the other side of the isle, Ghost sat down with her brother, Vinny going across from them. They were all very quiet. No one knew exactly what to say, even though they knew there was a lot to be talked about. They'd been through the ringer. After nearly drowning and having to fight the Eclipse, Kuza passed out pretty fast. Chris sighed to himself when realization hit that everyone around him was asleep.

"Would they like me to heal them?" He softly asked Ghost.

"No, it's alright. They didn't really take much physical damage." She gently guided their head against her shoulder. Ghost petted over their hair, calming them to sleep. "They're just tired, and disoriented."

"They ain't the only ones." Vinny mumbled, "I didn' wanna say anythin' back there, there were more important things goin' on, but Dev.. I saw him, my own brother. He was watchin'."

"That's not good. That means Demon's Card knows we have Cas and Elliot." She responded.

"Wait, back up. I feel like I just majorly missed something here." Chris said.

Vinny was about to explain, but he stopped himself when people started walking down the isle looking for empty seats. The early morning rush of travelers started to settle in. There went any chance for them to have a serious conversation. They couldn't talk so openly about criminal affairs.

A woman in a black snake skin skirt and laced corset approached. Her light pink hair was hidden under a Victorian era hat. Judging by her Gothic fashion, she wasn't actually a soul of that time. Only an eccentric individual. She set her perfectly manicured hand on the back of Chris' seat.

Gesturing across from him, she asked, "Is this seat taken?"

"No, but please, take my seat." He glanced over at the Wiccan, "They're a lot less likely to get mad about having a stranger next to them when they wake up." Chris laughed it off as a joke, but it really wasn't. Kuza was already in a bad enough mood. He got up and moved over next to his sleeping dragon, allowing the soft spoken woman to sit down.

"Thank you very much." She smiled.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is a young girl like you traveling all alone?"

"She's perfectly capable of standing her own, don't worry." Ryan muttered.

"I thought you were asleep." Chris replied.

"We always sleep with one eye open." He responded. They raised their head, looking at the woman through their messy bangs. "Why are you here?"

Her innocent grin turned into an evil smirk. She raised her head enough that they could see under her hat. Ammonia answered, "You're transporting a very delicate package. Did you really think Heart wasn't going to place a little insurance on it?"

"Fine by me. We've done enough fighting for one day, and we don't exactly expect this trip to go smoothly. Especially after I just heard Vinny say Ezra watched us take them."

Chris raised his eyebrow at the youngest, "So... Erza's your brother?"

"Half-brother, technically." He nagged him.

"He wasn't the first we saw. Lolli came after us in Porrima. We got away, thanks to some people that helped us." Ghost said.

"Deysa told us about that. He didn't know you guys were there, but he knew about Lolli attacking there. Those three, they all work for the same order that Deysa and the General do. It's called the Silent Crow. I'm curious exactly how big their whole organization is." Chris explained.

"We don't know their exact numbers. They work in complete secret." Ammonia answered, "Consider yourself extremely lucky that you saw one of the Generals. They're harder to find than even Laced Ones."

"I take it you have experience with them?"

She shrugged, "They haven't gotten into our operations, but their name is very well known among the crime guilds. They're the anti-heroes. Of course they came on our radar quickly."

They were all jolted a tad as the train started up. A few people were still finding their seats, but for the most part, they were on the move. The quicker this whole thing could end, the better. For some reason, they all just felt like they'd be safer once they reached Hera's headquarters.

A particularly small gentleman walked their way. He wasn't tiny enough to be a child, but he definitely was abnormally short and thin. His large eyes didn't help deter from his young appearance. By the high class clothes fitted to his fine frame and the white locks cascading over his shoulders, it was clear he was no child.

Chris was too distracted in his conversation with Ammonia (someone he never thought he'd be having a civil talk with) to notice the man. If he had, he probably would've recognized him from the sketches his mate had created for him on their last train ride. When he spoke, though, it drew his attention quickly. Chris immediately hit Kuza awake when he saw whom was in front of them.

He looked down to the open seat beside Vinny, calmly asking, "May I sit here?"

Vinny glanced over to him to answer and immediately felt his throat thicken. He should've known... He should've known Ezra wouldn't just walk away peacefully. He couldn't help but play with his food. As for Vinny, despite how much he'd grown up, he had never overcome his fear for his older brother.

"Babe," Ghost spoke up, "Are you okay?"

"You don' know who he is..." He muttered, mostly coming to the realization for himself.

Kuza was already pissed from being woken up so roughly. To see that asshole standing there so smugly, he almost came undone. He started to get up but Chris pushed him back down. This wasn't the place to cause a scene, and none of them were strong enough to fight the second most powerful member of the underworld's number one crime guild.

The Eclipse was awoken too, by the commotion. When a word fell from their mouth, Ghost was shocked to hear Elliot's voice emerge for the first time. He muttered, "Ezra..." Hearing that name nearly stopped her heart.

"Please, I don't want to be rude and take this seat without permission. Unfortunately, it looks to be the only seat left." He nonchalantly said.

Vinny looked away from him, mumbling, "Go on. Not like I got much'a choice."

His haunting grin graced his face as he took his place next to his long lost sibling. "We all have a choice. Some simply choose to submit to the decisions of others. It's the difference between shepherds and lambs. You know, there's a surprising amount of lambs here."

"People aren't going to change their ways just because they died." Ghost replied.

"No," He drawled, examining the Eclipse, "But death can do some interesting things to people. I see they remember you. Do you mind me asking, exactly how that is? I was under the impression they had completely lost their memory."

"I... Actually don't know." She confessed, then looked across the isle to Kuza.

He groaned, "There's no point in lying to him. He can't really benefit from knowing the reason why they lost most their memory. They only lost a fraction of it, but it was the most recent years leading up to their death. Their younger memories are still in tact, which is how I figured out what happened.

There's this old fashioned belief among our kind. Not a lot of the younger generations believe it, but I do. That is the belief that our memories are stored in our eyes when we die. That is why, while the rest of our bodies decay, our eyes turn to crystals. When Casper and Elliot passed, I took their eyes for that very reason. Unfortunately," Kuza glared at his mate, "One of Casper's eyes was destroyed."

Chris had to bite his tongue. That wasn't his best moment. At the time, he was still overly emotional in regards to Angelo's death, and he was on the verge of the end himself. He wasn't exactly in the best head space. That still wasn't an excuse and he knew it. There was no taking it back, though.

Typically, for Laced Ones, you couldn't see their eyes. Their hair usually covered them, yet somehow they could see clearly. Despite not being able to see their eyes, Chris could feel Ricky and Ryan's stare. Ryan's was a lot colder, angrier, whereas Ricky's was just sad. He still blames himself so much for Chris' behavior at that time.

"I see," Ezra mused, "I doubt there is much we can do to help them, then. Without their memory, they don't know who you are or what you mean to them. The way I see it, they're a lot more valuable to us than you."

"It'd be a cold day in Hell before we handed them over to you." Kuza sneered.

He snit, "Hm, that's an interesting choice of words coming from you. If you were to ask Fortune, he'd tell you Hell is cold."

His expression quickly changed from rage to regret. "I'm sorry. I'm not the man I was back then. I may hate you, every single one of you, but I no longer would wish that sort of torture on my worst enemy."

Ezra slowly stood up. He started to walk down the isle slowly, turning back briefly to tell Kuza, "You will get a chance to pay for what you've done. Trust, it isn't just for your benefit." He continued on and opened the door that led across to the next car. Like that, Ezra was gone, and he'd left even more disruption among their already broken ranks.

☤ ☤ ☤

So, since I already established that my OCs exist throughout all my universes because they're all connected, I was thinking about having some past OCs appear as the other generals.

Who would you guys want to see return?

Also, here's a pic of Ezra. Even tho I'm making him evil in this, IRL Levi is a precious smol bean

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