Chapter 15 | Once Bitten

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Time is regarded as the most valuable asset obtainable because it is the one thing we can't get back. Perhaps, not in the past, that is. The future could end tomorrow or in ten years, depending on how we live our lives. For lost ones, who would do anything to live another day, they had trouble understanding why some creatures choose to take time away from themselves; Those that rot their lungs with cigarettes, destroy their organs with alcohol, and butcher their minds with drugs. When we're faced with death in the future, suddenly we start to take into account the decisions we make in our present, and the mistakes we've made in our past.

Now that they've bought themselves a lifetime, Chris and Kuza were giving appreciation to something else: Silence. It's the little things that we can neglect. The crackle of a candle, the slowed heartbeat of the one you love, the sound of silk when you glide your fingers along their skin. Though small, they make up a bigger picture of serenity.

Kuza's eyes remained half closed as his head rested on his mate's bare chest. He felt like he'd been through the ringer ten times over. His body was beat down and sore. Even if he could move, he wouldn't want to. Stippled trails of black eye shadow were trailed down his face from crying and sleeping in his makeup. His hair was no longer perfectly pin straight. Rather, it was a knotted mess. He was a hot fucking mess but his mind was too numb to care.

He opened his mouth slowly, his words delayed as he spoke, "I never thought I'd merge with someone I barely knew."

Chris kept his arm around Kuza's back, firmly holding his shoulder. It was comforting for the both of them. He let himself stare at the ceiling blankly as he replied, "Nothing ever ends up how I picture it. That's not always a bad thing."

Kuza looked up at him briefly, "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Chris pulled him in closer and kissed his forehead, "If there's anything you want to know, don't be afraid to ask. I will be completely open with you."

Absentmindedly, he played with the ends of Chris' long hair. It was so soft, smelling like a wood burning fire. Kuza closed his eyes briefly, huffing in thought. "I am scared to ask though... I..." He sighed, "I want to know about Angelo. The others told me how you lost him, but... I want to know, did you love him?"

That name struck through Chris' chest like an arrow. He stayed still as he tried to keep his composure. Letting out a trapped breath, he admitted, "Yes, as much as I could. We weren't compatible. He had blue eyes, more beautiful than even Ricky's. I've never seen a creature like him. That's probably why the hunter went for him first, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

When I first came to Earth, I knew I needed to find other lost ones. I couldn't survive on my own. There were times I'd just walk through a city for hours on end hoping I'd find one of my own kind on the street. I looked at thousands of faces, and humans... They're so dead in theirs. It was depressing. I was giving up hope, then I met him. He was homeless, living out of his car. I found him selling his art on the street to make even the littlest bit of money. He was like a lost puppy, and lucky me, I was in need of someone optimistic in my life.

Angelo was... He was a wanderer. Sometimes he'd go off on his own and it scared the shit out of me. More times than not, I really did feel like I was taking care of a puppy, or a toddler. That childish wonder he had, though, was what made me believe there was still good in the world. There was still a whole lot of good in him when he died. Probably the only good that was in this house."

Kuza thought for a moment, deciding what the right response was. The passion Chris still felt for his dearly departed was strong. His voice was small as he asked, "He really did mean a lot to you, didn't he?"

"He was my crack of sunlight in a dark room. The way you're so overprotective of Ghost, how you'd do anything to make her happy, that's how I was with Angelo." He explained.

"Did you ever..." Kuza cleared his throat, sitting up a tad, "Did you even sleep with him?"

Chris did say he'd answer any of his questions, but he didn't want to confess to that one. The memories of heated nights spent with his ocean-eyed angel still haunted him. One thing he wouldn't admit was how he thought about Angelo while making love to Kuza. Not the whole time, not exactly. Only small bursts of old memories would pop in his head when his mate moaned a certain way or he touched Chris the way Angelo used to.

"Yeah," He murmured, sitting up in bed. Chris brought his hand around his waist and kissed his temple, "But no matter how much you love someone, sex with your mate is still going to be a thousand times more intense." His other palm slowly traveled up Kuza's chest as he planted loving kisses along his jawline and ear. Kuza shuttered in his arms, the remains of their encounter still leaving him sensitive. "I know we had a... rough start," Chris whispered in his ear, "Which was mostly my fault, but I promise I'm not just going to disregard you. Even if we did mate just to survive, I'm still going to treat you the way I should."

He leaned his head back on Chris' shoulder. His breaths paced faster as he felt his dominant's fingertips ghost over his nipple. "And how is that?" He questioned, feeling as if he was going to break under his touch.

"Gently, lovingly, caring, romantic. Everything you deserve." Chris slowly glided his hands off of him when he realized his feelings were still raw. "Why don't we go take a shower?"

"Y-Yeah," Kuza murmured, "That sounds good."

Chris stood up from the bed, stretching his hands over his head. Kuza took a glance at him, getting transfixed on his muscular psychic. He bawled his fist around the blanket covering his lower half. There was still this part of him, in the back of his mind, that was kicking himself from getting turned on. Chris glanced back at him and chuckled.

He leaned over the bed and pecked Kuza's cheek, "I'll go warm up the water for you."

That little kiss made him feel warm inside. Not the burning fire he'd felt earlier in the night. More of the teenage butterflies in your stomach. Perhaps, with an open mind, he can manage to fall in love with Chris. Just maybe.

| | |

Ghost stared out the window, watching the endless snow continue to fall. The dress she wore cascaded over her long legs, down to the ground. She looked gorgeous as always. Even the upset look on her face could even have some beauty to it. Sadness is, in a way, poetic, especially on a living piece of art like her.

Vinny came down the stairs in search of his mate. She had a tendency to wander off, he noticed. It was something he himself was rather known for. The others were always losing him even in this small inn. To be the one searching, for a change, felt bizarre to him. He approached where she sat and watched out the window for a second. There was nothing other than miles of snow. He had no clue what kept her eyes captivated on the miles of black trees.

"Everythin' okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah." She replied, turning her head to face him. Ghost continued to play with her necklace absentmindedly as she continued, "I was just thinking about some things... You know, when I first came here, I heard Ricky mention that there was another girl in the house, but I haven't seen her yet."

"Oh..." His tone trailed off. Vinny leaned on the windowsill, keeping his arms crossed across his chest. "She... don't leave her room much anymore... She had'a accident, few months back. Sullen bit her an' she gotta bad infection. Lost her sight 'cause of it."

Ghost nodded slowly in understanding, "She's Josh's mate, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah. He takes real good care of her, makes her feel beautiful... She gets upset 'bout her looks 'lot. After what the infection did ta her... She hides from us." He replied.

They were so focused on each other, they didn't hear Josh quietly come in the room. He folded his hands over his chest, speaking up, "She's still just as gorgeous as the day I met her. She won't ever believe me though." He walked over to the window they both remained at. Looking out on the endless snow, he added, "I'm just happy she's alive, though. When it happened, I really thought I was going to lose her... Would you like to meet her?"

Ghost smiled sweetly, "I would, if she's okay with it."

"She can be a little reserved, these days, but she's been having a good day today." He positively said, "Follow me."

She stepped down from the window and readjusted her dress. After being surrounded with so many men for months, she forgot what it even felt like to be around another woman. She had no one to have girl talk with or just to bond. Even with the company she does have, it gets rather lonely being the only woman.

Ghost followed Josh upstairs. He walked all the way down to the bedroom at the end of the hall. Putting his hand up, he said, "Wait here a second." Josh pushed open the door, slipping into the room quietly. She leaned on the wall and waited patiently. Surprisingly, she was feeling nervous. Excited, but nervous. Ghost took in a deep breath, releasing it shakily as she heard the door reopen.

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