Chapter 25 | Flashes of the Past

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Kuza gentle traced his fingertips along Chris' chest as he started to wake up. His mate was still asleep but he figured he needed it. Ghost and Vinny weren't there but he had a feeling they hadn't strayed too far. The fire was still going. Barely, but it was enough to give a little warmth. He sat up slowly and stretched himself out.

"Chris," He whispered as he leaned back over. Kuza gently nipped his ear, "Baby, wake up."

"I don't want to." He muttered.

"Sorry." He snickered, "But we don't have much of a choice."

Chris forced himself to sit up with a groan, "Yeah, I know. Where are the other two trouble makers?"

"I'm sure they're around." He placed his hand on his knee, using the leverage to get up, "I hope we can get a little farther today. I figure we're only just over the PA boarder in New York."

"I know a place we can go in Albany, if it's still there. I really hope it is."

Kuza picked up his coat from one of the seats, pulling it on. "You hope the place is still there or the people are?"

"People. Good people. They're not like us, but they weren't human. I... I never really figured out what they were. I just knew they helped me when I needed it." He explained.

"Well, in that case, I hope they're there too. A little help would be nice." He optimistically spoke.

Chris found it refreshing that he wasn't being a negative asshole for once. The night before must've lighted his spirits. For the first time in awhile they had a taste of what the world was like before it all went to shit. A few years ago, who would've known that simply watching a movie would mean so much to them.

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The walk was fucking long. There was nothing else to say than that. They passed few many towns, now demolished and covered in layers of snow. It was hard to recognize anything. Lost ones were able to stay away much longer than humans if they wanted to. No one really wants to walk for thirty hours though. Hell, who would want to walk for three?

They could occupy their time getting to know one another in a way they should've long before this. Luckily, the snowfall and winds wasn't nearly as bad as it had been at the inn. It was easier to hear one another. Vinny wasn't much to talk but he loved to hear the stories his mate would tell. She raved on about the glamorous life of working in the film industry.

"She should've become an actress herself." Kuza commented, "But she was always scared to go out for the roll. I tried to convince her to go out for a roll in a Rob Zombie movie but she was too scared too."

"As great as it would've been, I wouldn't have had a chance. I was good at makeup, not acting." She replied.

"I met you woulda been an amazin' actress." Vinny turned to face her, causing him to walk backwards. He spread his hands in the air as he said, "I could see it now, your name is big lights."

The beauty blushed, "I guess we'll never know now."

"What about you?" Chris asked, "What'd you do before all this?"

"I... I'd rather not talk about it." Kuza responded uncomfortable.

His smile fell, "Why?"

"I just don't. I wasn't a good person." He stubbornly said.

Chris lowered his voice, "Will you tell me when we're alone?"

"Maybe. I don't know... We'll see. I did a lot of bad, selfish things in my past." He bowed his head, letting his hair fall in his face.

He was ashamed of who he'd hurt but more than anything, he feared Chris' reaction. Kuza wasn't always selfless. Even now, you could argue he makes a lot of bad decisions for his own self interests. They aren't nearly as bad as who he used to be. The key word there being used to be. Chris would understand, if he'd just trust him. Trust is a fragile thing and people aren't too fond of it being toyed with or doubted.

Ghost changed the subject, to avoid any awkwardness. She started to ask Vinny about his past. He wasn't much of a talker for the most part but once you get him started, he keeps going. Stereotypical of an Italian, but his mate found it adorable. He explained to her where he came from in New Jersey. It was a small town, where everyone knew everyone.

His family owned a butcher shop that dated back three generations. That explained why he was so good with shorter weapons like sickles and meat cleavers. Ghost loved listening to him go in detail about all his bizarre family members. Somehow, he wasn't getting too emotional over them being gone. He missed them, of course, but it was actually a weight off his chest to get to talk about them for once.

As for Chris and Kuza, it may not have been super interested. It was something to listen to instead of the wind though. Besides, neither wanted to be left to their own thoughts. Kuza was currently dreading the moment his mate asked again about his past. Meanwhile, Chris was worrying what exactly was so bad that he did. He wouldn't press anymore, considering he had his own secrets.

"I see it." Chris suddenly said in a burst of excitement, "I can see the building!"

"What building?" Ghost started to ask, but he ran off before she could get an answer.

Kuza sighed, "He said he had friends here. He's hoping they're alive and well, I am too. I don't think he'd take it well if they weren't."

The red eyed creature rushed after his mate to try to catch up. Ghost and Vinny followed, keeping their distance. They feared and expected the worst. When the fallout came, they wanted to be a little far away from it. Chris had reached the busted up witchcraft shop. The glass was broken and nearly everything inside was gone.

"They left." He said simply, "They've been gone for awhile."

"Baby, are you sure that's the reason?" Kuza carefully asked.

"They were survivors, babe. I know it sounds crazy as fuck but trust me. I know my own friends." He insisted.

Kuza was rather scared at his denial. More than likely, his friends were dead. There was a reason he didn't walk any further into the shop. He didn't want to find bodies, if there were any. Most the ravishers took everything down to the bone. The two slowly made their way back to Ghost and Vinny.

"I think this would be a good town to stop for awhile." Ghost said.

"Yeah," Vinny added, "I saw'a Costo. Place like that's prolly got some good food, decent place to sleep."

"And the structure of the building is strong. Plus, provided the place hasn't been raped of supplies, we can load up on shit to make fires and first aid kits, and other shit like that." Kuza replied.

They all agreed on the decision. Maybe this time they wouldn't be greeted with a ton of dead bodies. Although, this city was much bigger than the small town they'd been in previously. All the windows of the building were boarded up, which wasn't a good sign. Vinny and Kuza combined their brute strength to break through one of the barricades.

"The place looks completely abandon." Ghost commented as they walked in.

"Yeah," Vinny muttered, "Who boarded the place up?"

Chris' eyes scanned the place curiously. It was a massive warehouse but the lack of lights made it easy to see any glow. Though it was faint, in the darkness it stuck out like a soar thumb. He pointed towards the dim light, "You see that?"

"You don't think... That could be survivors?" Kuza wondered hesitantly.

A smirk met his lips, "I told you."

"We don't know it's them, Chris." He tiredly responded.

Somehow, his mate's negativity hadn't pulled him down. He was confident in his thoughts. Kuza wanted sleep and he was done with all this shit. He was almost positive that Chris was being delusional. And if he had to be bound to a crazy person for the rest of his life, he might as well shoot himself in the head now. Regardless, he stayed close behind his mate as they walked towards the light in the corner of the story.

Cautiously, Chris peered around the corner. He smirked, "I told you so."

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Comment question: Any guesses as to who they found?

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