Chapter 31 | Faults

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It was hard to believe they'd made it as far as they had. The weeks spent on this journey didn't feel as long as they thought. Maybe it helped to not be alone, and to have shelter. The word "shelter" is a loose term, of course. Abandoned theaters and busted museums weren't the most ideal place to camp every night, but they were better than the cold ground.

In a small town in Northern Canada, they'd found a docked cruise ship to hide out in. The water beneath it was complete ice, from the surface all the way to the bottom of the sea. For the first time in a while, they were able to have their own rooms away from each other. Whenever they were able to find a more stable place to rest, they spent a few days there.

After finally getting some well deserved rest, Kuza was left with some downtime to think. He took a pencil to paper, hoping to turn his emotions into art. When he was able to draw a monster to represent his anger, or a demonic woman to encompass his lust, he felt relieved. It's like if he get's it down on paper, it's no longer threatening his life. Chris sat beside him, reading a book he'd found in one of the rooms.

Kuza found himself stumped after awhile. So many attempts he'd taken started off fine, then went downhill. He couldn't exactly understand what was wrong with him. He'd never felt a void of inspiration before. Love. That word continued to burn in his head since Ghost said it, and now, he'd wondering if that's what's got him so out of sorts. Love was an emotion he never knew how to express, even in ink.

He sighed as he rested back against the headboard, "It's so quiet."

"You sound almost disappointed we aren't being forced to listen to Ghost and Vinny fucking." Chris replied jokingly.

Kuza laughed shortly, "No, it is nice to have a break from that. I was just thinking about why it's quiet. We're all alone right now." He set down his notebook on the side table. Turning on his hip to face his partner, he ran his hand up Chris' chest, "Why do we bother hiding when we're alone together?"

He closed his book, disregarding it on the nightstand. "I... I don't know. I just figured you were comfortable this way, but if you want me to, you know I'll give you whatever you want, Baby."

"Hm, I like seeing you. The real you. It reminds me that you trust me. It's a good feeling, having someone trust you." He admitted. Kuza let his cloak fall, his illusion skin fading into his real, scarred complexion.

Chris twirled his one silver lock of hair around his finger, "It really is." He set his hand along Kuza's chin, resting his thumb on his cheek, "I love your one eye that's half grey. It's so beautiful."

Kuza smiled joyfully. He'd put off binding for so long partly because he was afraid he'd feel trapped. The truth was, he felt freer than he ever had. Despite how shy Chris felt about his true self, he'd do anything to keep that smirk on his love's face. He let his cloak fall from his skin. As his hair faded to white, Kuza couldn't help himself from thinking how lucky he was.

He laid his head on Chris' chest, closing his eyes for a moment. The beat in his chest wasn't a typical tick, tick, tick. Inside, it had a pattern that was on repeat. "Your heartbeat isn't like a human's."

"Yeah, I figured that out some time after I came to Earth. It's because a human heart is one whole organ. Mine is more like two organs that are connected, kind of like lungs." He explained.

"Oh," He muttered, playing with the ends of Chris' hair, "Do you have any other weird things like that?"

"I have eight stomachs." He casually responded.

Kuza looked up at him, concerned, "Really?"

He chuckled, "No. I was just messing with you. I've only got the one, I promise. I did figure out the hard way though that my stomach acid is a lot more lethal than that of human's. One time I got the flue and," Chris started to laugh just thinking about it, "Oh, Ryan was so fucking pissed. I threw up and it burned a hole through through the floor of his apartment. When he got mad though, he never would yell or anything like that. He'd just start steaming until Ricky yelled for him."

"That's good to know." He softly smiled, "How'd you get sick, though? I didn't think you could."

"I can heal wounds but not infections." He replied.

"Hm, well, if you ever get sick I'll take care of you. I found I like taking care of people. As long as it's someone I actually care about though. I don't give a fuck about other people." He rambled on, "I give a lot of fucks about, you know."

"Is that your way of saying you love me?" Chris asked humourously.

That four letter word actually stunned him. He tried to make sound come out of his mouth but he was stuck. Chris gently brushed his hair out of his face, looking deep into his beautiful eyes with content. "A-Actually... Y-Yeah... Kinda."

"Wait," He said, shocked, "Really?"

Kuza sat up in his lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Yeah. I love you, Chris. I know we can have our share of fights, but I do love you."

"I love you, too, Mike." Chris snaked his arms around his hips and pulled him in even closer. "I know I was a bit of an ass when we first met, but I still thought you were beautiful from the second I saw you. In fact, I think that's part of the reason why I was angry. I never thought I'd ever find someone I could fall for as much as Ange, but you proved me wrong."

"I'm full of surprises." He mused. Kuza ran his hand down Chris' chest, then grabbed one of his hands from his waist. Intertwining their fingers, he said, "I don't want to be Angelo's replacement. I don't want you to love me because you're trying to fill his place in your heart. I just want to be a whole new chapter of your story, that you love completely separately from him. Please, don't harbor so much guilt about his death."

"It was my fault. I was too trusting, and I opened our home to someone I shouldn't have. I know that hunter probably died in this storm when he ran, but that oddly doesn't give me closure. I still can't stop myself from thinking Angelo would be alive if I hadn't-"

"Please," He suddenly burst out desperately. His hair fell over his face as he bowed his head, drips of blood trailing down his cheek. "Please, don't ever fault yourself for being too nice. You have no idea what I would give to be able to redo my life as someone who was even a tenth as generous as you are. Don't you ever turn that into a flaw."

Chris stared in amazement. He didn't realize his own guilt could strike such a nerve. Kuza had entrusted him with his past. It was something he'd kept hidden away fearfully, keeping it persevered solely in his nightmares. Chris took it as his duty to make sure he doesn't disgrace his love's trust.

"I'm sorry." He spoke so sweetly, it was intoxicating. Chris used the pad of his thumb to wipe the blood from his cheeks, "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm so sorry. Please, don't cry." He tilted his head up, giving him a loving kiss to calm him down.

Kuza grabbed his wrist with a shaky hand. He noticed the crimson liquid still moist on Chris' coal skin. Then, he brought his fingertips up to his cheeks. Alarm set in when he saw the blood pouring out of his eyes. It only made him want to cry more. "Wh-What's wrong with me?" He stammered.

"I'm not sure." Chris responded as he turned his skin back to a pale white. "Ash or Nikki might know. Come on."

He scooped his love up in his arms. Kuza tried his best to turn himself back to the way he normally presented himself but he couldn't. He didn't have the energy to. "Ch-Chris, I can't-"

"Shh, save your energy. I know you don't want anyone to see you like this, Baby, but I promise Ash won't judge you. Your health is much more important." He replied.

Kuza grasped his sweater weakly, holding onto the fabric like a scared, needy child. He rested his head on Chris' chest while he carried him through the abandoned ship. "How are you so calm about this?" He murmured.

"I've learned the hard way that panic does nothing but make a situation worse. Besides, I can tell you're upset. It's my job to be strong for you when you can't be. I promise, whenever you cry, I will always be the one to wipe your tears. Even if you start mysteriously crying blood." He said lightheartedly.

His partner managed a small laugh. Chris had this free feeling he carried that was infectious. It was hard not to relax when he spoke. There was something embedded in his voice that was spiritual. It made you forget all your pain, if even just for a minute. That was one of the many qualities he had that Kuza was so thankful for. The red eyed creature had spent his whole life being the strong one. Now, as his walls have finally crumbled, he has someone to hold up his weight.

He'd always feared the day he wouldn't be the powerhouse he was known as. Eventually, we all lose our strength. Kuza wasn't ignorant to that fact. He never thought there would be someone there to catch him, though. After years of carrying others in efforts to redeem himself, he was tired of fighting. It seemed Chris had come into his life at the perfect time.

They all had some distance between them. Could you blame them? They'd all been stuck in close quarters at nearly ever place they'd set up camp. It took a few minutes of walking to reach the suite the gypsies were calling home temporarily. Chris didn't think to knock. What was the worst they'd be doing? They had the door open anyways.

"Hey, have you guys seen-" His words stopped instantly when his eyes processed the sight in front of him. He couldn't wipe the shock off his face. In fact, he nearly dropped Kuza when he first saw it. His red eyed love looked up as well. Even being as tired as he was, he could manage a look of surprise.

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A/N: Predictions?

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