Chapter 36 | Into the Light

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To keep things from being confusing, the non-spirit versions will be in italics. That'll make sense later on.

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They really didn't have any other choices or options other than to go through the ominous glowing doorway. The amount of light pouring out of it was blinding. Something about it strangely helped them get back on their feet. Maybe it was giving them energy to keep going. It could have been that, or they could've simply found a second wind. Whatever the reason, they were thankful they could stand again.

"For all we know, we could be walking into our death." Nikki said.

Ashley shrugged, "So? Even if we die, the door to the afterlife is right there. Not like we'd have far to go."

"It's our last option." Kuza muttered. At this point, he was wondering if it'd be easier to die. There was no guarantee that they'd end up as lucky as Ryan and Ricky. Their souls could very well be weak enough that they'd dissipate into nothingness.

Chris placed his hand in his mate's to comfort him. "Ready?" He softly asked.

Kuza forced himself to raise his head, looking that light dead on. "Yeah."

They decided to go in first. The others were still hesitant, but they felt as long as they had each other, they'd somehow be fine. They didn't know what exactly they were expecting. Pain, maybe, or something horrific. The brightness may have hurt their eyes but that's all the discomfort they felt. As they walked through the doorway, they were met with a dark hallway on the other side.

The pair glanced back behind themselves, seeing they were alone. They knew their friends had followed them in, yet the didn't come through the other side. It was concerning to say the least.

"I guess she wants us going through this alone." Kuza muttered. He looked over to his partner, concerned when he didn't get a response. "Chris? Are you okay?"

His grip slowly fell from Kuza's hands. It was almost as if he was paralyzed. They weren't in some dark creepy kind of hallway. It was a house, it seemed. The moonlight peering in from outside was comforting. They hadn't been in building that wasn't falling apart in so long. On the wall, there were photos hung. That's what had Chris' eyes unmoved.

Kuza looked closer to see what was in the frames. He understood now. Angelo was in several of those photos. It had been a long time since Chris had seen his face, even on paper. That wasn't all, though. It was also what the pictures were of; Angelo and Chris, living their life happily. From pictures of the two as teenagers, to a wedding, it was the vision of their life had they ended up together.

"She said we had to learn to accept what could have been. Is this what she meant?" Kuza wondered out loud, "She wants us to see a world where the Ravagers never came?"

Chris raised his hand to a photo that must've been ten years old, ghosting his fingers over the frame. "No... That's not it. This- It's not right. Angelo and I met when we were a lot older. A photo like this could never exist."

They both became stunned in their place when they heard the front door open. Considering they didn't know what to expect, they decided to duck into the nearest room. That happened to be the living room, where Chris was met with a sight even more painful than a photo. Even Kuza felt a pain in his chest. He may not have known Angelo, but to see a dead man in the flesh was chilling.

"I don't think he can see us." Kuza said, "We're just specters to this world."

Chris honestly wanted to cry. He'd give anything to be able to touch Angelo again. It seemed the hole in his heart grew even bigger having an image of his lost love in front of him. Angelo's beauty was always so effortless. The way his long black hair fell over his blue eyes and pale skin, it made for a perfect picture. He looked like a raven if one were to turn into a human. Whomever had entered the door a moment ago, their footsteps drew closer.

It should've been expected that if this was a world where Chris and Angelo were free to love one another, this home belonged to them. Still, it surprised them when they saw another version of Chris walk through the door. This one seemed much healthier and happier. But, there was something else. Something that only they could sense.

"I'm human." Chris murmured in amazement, "I mean, that version of me... Is human."

"Then this definitely couldn't be an alternative future for our world. I think it's an alternative world entirely." He replied.

Angelo looked up from his notepad, beaming a smile. He disregarded everything in his hands to shoot up and hug his loving husband. His arms found their way around Chris' neck, their lips meeting passionately. They kissed each other as if they knew they'd get another chance. There was no doubt in them that they would get to kiss each other again and again. It was as if the threat of the end didn't exist.

"I told you not to wait up." Chris teased him.

He rolled his eyes playfully, "Oh, c'mon. You know there's no way I could fall asleep without you. How'd everything go?"

Chris chuckled as he collapsed into the couch, "You know those two. They love to complain. Ricky said he wants me to hire a third night guard before the new exhibit goes in."

"I can't blame him. They've really got their hands full, and Devin can only help so much." He replied, "Maybe you should ask Vinny about it?"

"Do you really think he's responsible enough for that?"

Angelo shrugged, "Give him the benefit of the doubt."

"Ricky's talked about this before; A multi-universe theory. The idea that there's an infinite amount of possibilities out there of how our world could've ended up." Chris said.

Kuza walked into the kitchen, of which was branched off the living room. He looked over some papers on the counter and saw plans for a museum exhibit. "I think, in this world, you're a museum curator." He replied, his eyes dancing over more photos on the fridge, "Holy shit."

"What?" Chris questioned hastily.

"Chris... I think... Ricky and Ghost are together in this universe. Look at this." He pointed towards one of the photos hung up by magnets. In it, it was very clear that it was set at a party, and Ghost was in Ricky's lap.

Chris was shocked by the display. Oddly enough, he found comfort in knowing that even in another world, they all still were friends. They all looked so happy too. It pained him, knowing this could've been their fate, but somehow wasn't. Yet, he couldn't stop himself from enjoying the fact that at least one version of them was happy.

"I think I've seen enough." He joked after having that photo burned into his mind.

Kuza noted a familiar light seeping out of a closed door. It looked like it should be the pantry or something similar, but for them, it could be an exit. "I believe that's our way out."

He sighed, taking one last glance back at the love he'd lost. Chris knew better than to dwell on the past. For his kind, it only brought even more agony. Their future and present was easily just as troublesome. If he wanted torture, he needed to look no further than his current situation. It was only going to make it worse to keep looking at the angel he'd lost.

Chris followed behind Kuza was they approached the glowing door. Just like the previous one they'd entered, it has an immense amount of magical power surrounding it. As Kuza grasped the handle, his mate took his free hand. He glanced back at Chris and offered him a sympathetic smile. As hard as it was to walk through a world where Angelo was alive, he had to move on. He was lucky enough to find a new love.

They allowed the light to engulf them until they came out on the other side. Like before, they'd ended up in a dark hallway. This one was much different. It wasn't that of a house. The smell of sex and cheap perfume flooded the place. Neon lights were lining the dimly lit hall. They didn't need light to know the floor under them was sticky with beer. It's a good thing they couldn't feel it, considering they were spirits in this world.

"Where the Hell are we?" Chris scoffed, ready to vomit from the smell of booze.

His partner crossed his arms, grumbling, "I'd know that smell anywhere. It's a strip club."

"You don't think that means... One of us is a stripper in this world?" He said.

Kuza sighed, "Well, only one way to find out. We've gotta find the exit anyways." He clenched his fists and started to walk into the main room. "I hope she doesn't make us go through a hundred of these alternate universes. Two's already made me tired."

Chris laughed lightheartedly, "Calm down. It's better than walking through snow for another two months. Are you scared to see yourself as a stripper?"

"Not me." He replied, "I was more scared of seeing that burned into my mind."

The club was closed. No one was left except for the workers. With the overhead lights on, you could easily see them scattered around, counting up their earnings for the night. Kuza's worst nightmare had come to pass. It seemed the previous world they were in wasn't the only one where Ghost and Ricky had ended up together. The scene he was forced to see was a lot more vulgar this time. It was worse, considering it was more than just a picture too.

Ricky glanced up at his partner, seeming pretty over the fact that he was playing games. The handcuffs on his wrists were displaying a kink that they never needed to see. It's even worse when it's your dead friend bound, and someone you look at as a sister teasing him. To those in this realm, it seemed normal.

Kuza was sat on the bar, shirtless and counting through a lot of money. A very small twink goth boy hopped up beside him. Though Matt hadn't come to exist in the ravished world, he obviously was very in place here. He crawled over to Kuza, sneaking in a kiss. The two fell backwards, having the shorter on top.

Ryan sighed on the other side of the counter, "Can you two go fuck somewhere else? I'm trying to close up."

"I'll lock up for you, when someone decides to free me." Ricky replied.

Ghost leaned in closer to his face, smirking, "Nu-uh, you need to be punished."

"I've seen enough." Kuza groaned.

Chris glanced towards the front, seeing the door dark. "Well, it's not the front entrance. Let's try the club's backdoor."

"As long as it gets me away from this." His skin was pale, almost as if the thought of the whole thing made him sick. He followed his mate through the maze of doorways backstage as they looked for a beacon. "I really hope we don't run into anymore universes where those two are together."

"I think they make a cute couple, but I'm so used to seeing Ricky with Ryan that it is hard to get used to." Chris replied.

Kuza managed to perk up some when he saw a bright light, "Hey, look! I think that's it!"

"I think you're right. You have to wonder what's on the other side this time."

"Anything's better than seeing Ghost put Ricky in bondage." He grumbled.

Chris couldn't help but laugh. As weird and disturbing as the sight may have been, it was good to see them alive and well. It was like living in a memory, in a way. Obviously they never were strippers before, but they still looked the same. Chris had a chance to see some of the people he missed, even if they were different now. Who knows if he'd have that option in the afterlife. They did see Ricky and Ryan's combine soul, but who's to say he'd find Angelo's? Or that Kuza would find anyone he'd lost? All they could do was hope for now.

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A/N: So, yeah, I'm taking you guys on a spiritual journey through all my old stories. It's not in order and I'm not going to point out which is which. I'd really like to see you guys guess though because I want to see if anyone can remember some of the older ones! I'm also using this as a tool to give you guys a little closure on stories that had cheap endings. Or in a way, doing a kind of "where are they now" thing.

Comment question: Which universe are you most looking forward to seeing?

2nd comment question: Any other writer's universes you'd want to see? (For example, how Chris and Ghost have a DDLG relationship in ghosts_kitten story.)

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