Chapter 37 | Nightmares

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Still shaken up from the display of kinks in a dirty strip club that they never wanted to see, they were thankful that the door led to what looked like a very clean house. It wasn't just immaculately clean, but it was also huge. Nothing unrealistically big. We're not talking a mansion. It was still something neither of them could ever dream of affording.

"Not fair." Kuza whined, "First you get to own a museum, and now a record label! Why the fuck do you get to be so successful? All I've gotten so far is to be a nasty stripper."

Chris walked over to him and looked up at the plaque on the wall. It had his name on it, next to a gold record. The details confirmed what Kuza had told him, though he found it hard to believe. He laughed softly, "Are you blind?"


He walked down a few paces, "Look." Chris gestured towards an award hung on the wall, "Looks like you've done pretty well for yourself here too."

Kuza stepped over to where he was. Beside all the accomplishments Chris had made in this world, there were a few plaques with his own name on them. They were graphic design awards. He was always good at art, but he never thought to make a career out of it. Apparently, the version of him in this world was a lot smarter than he was.

"So, if these are both in the same house, do you think we live together too?" He wondered aloud.

"We must," Chris replied, leaning his back against the wall, "Which makes me think that we might be together here too."

Kuza let himself fall into the space next to his mate. They both stared at the white wall in front of them, as if it was impossible it could ever happen; Impossible they could ever be so happy together. "Why do you sound so surprised?" He asked.

"I just always figured it was a fluke. You and I ended up together in our world because we had no other choice. I didn't think we'd ever end up together naturally." Chris spoke honestly.

It did hurt Kuza to hear that, but he couldn't deny it. If the end of the world had never come, if they weren't forced to mate to survive, they probably would've never crossed paths. Maybe we do have paths in life that we can't stray from. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, there are some people and places we'll always end up at.

Kuza raised his head when he heard someone coming down the hall. His eyes glossed over and his heart skipped a beat. He saw Devin running down the hallway with a smile on her face. A simple mint green dress hugged her perfect figure, and the color in her eyes shined as bright as the sun. It'd been years since he'd seen her so happy.

This Devin, she hadn't been hurt or burdened. She didn't carry the weight of the world on her shoulders or remorse in her heart. There were no scars on her skin and no wounds on her soul. Kuza felt a pain in his chest. All he could think about was what he could've done to have prevented his own Devin from becoming a shell of happiness. This girl that passed by his eyes, she seemed so damn happy. He'd give his own life if he could make his own Devin feel that way again.

She radiated beauty. Her smile could light up an entire town. Devin rushed towards the front door as it opened. In poured sunlight from the bright summer day. Chris could barely get inside before the small girl tackled him with a hug. He beamed the second he saw her. Wrapped his arms around her, her picked her up. She clung to his torso with her legs around his hips and arms around his neck.

"I missed you so much. You're not allowed to leave ever again." She pouted.

"Never ever again? Not even to get you sweets?" He teased her.

Devin giggled, "Okay, maybe sometimes."

Chris smiled even brighter as he looked deep into her silver eyes. "I missed you so, so, so very much, Baby." He set his ring finger under her chin and kissed her, "Were you a good girl for your uncle Kuza?"

"I guess we were wrong. We live together here, but we're not together." Chris said.

"Hm, I guess we should've known better. We all may have stayed friends throughout different universes, but you are I were always destined to be too different to love each other." Kuza replied bitterly. He crossed his arms and scoffed, "I can't believe you actually ended up with Devin in this universe."

"She's always a good girl." Kuza spoke as he walked up, a lean woman beside him. He ruffled her hair, "Wish I could say the same for this one."

"Daddy! Stop!" She whined and pushed him back.

His face drained of color, "Just so we're clear, even if that version of me is into the daddy thing, I am fucking not."

"I was a super good girl." Devin pecked Chris' cheek, "May I please have playtime?"

He sighed, "Maybe later. I'm tired from my flight."

She gave him super sweet puppy dog eyes, "Please, Daddy?"

Chris then became as mortified as his partner, "Yeah, same. Can we get out of here?"

He pushed himself off the wall. "Thought you'd never ask."

With each world they'd entered, they were finding it easier to locate the exit. Aside from the bright light the door would emit, it had a type of energy it gave off. They were slowly learning what it felt like to be close to the doorway out. After journeying upstairs, they found one of the bedrooms to be acting as their exit.

They hit a contrast so drastic it almost gave them whiplash. The previous house had clean, white walls and plush carpet. Now, they stepped into an old hole in the wall with black paint and Gothic furniture. It was surprisingly clean but it was clear this house had taken a lot of abuse. Kuza and Chris walked carefully, looking for some sign of life.

As they walked through the dark hallway, they stopped dead in their tracks. From one of the rooms, a body was suddenly thrown down to the ground in front of them. He was alive, but obviously not well. The black haired man choked and grasped his bruised throat. As he struggled to get up, they both could see who he was. Chris' fist tightened at his side. Even if this world wasn't theirs, it killed him to see Angelo in any sort of pain.

Kuza gently set his hand on his shoulder, "Chris..."

He took a second look. What he saw then, it sickened him. As Angelo got himself in a sitting position on the floor, he was smiling. That fucking psycho was grinning ear to ear. He wanted this? His body was littered with cuts, bruises, and burns. Some scars were so deep and thick, it made Chris want to puke. Who the fuck would do this to him? Even more so, why would such a gentle soul like his want this? If he thought he was sick before, the answer make him even more ill.

From the room Angelo had been tossed out of, a vicious figure walked out. Kuza smiled like the Devil himself as he saw his plaything on the ground. He grabbed him by his hair and pulled him to his feet. "Why the fuck are you smiling?" He growled, "Wipe that smirk off your face, you whore. If you'd like, I can cut a permanent smile into your face for you."

"I'm sorry, Master. I'm simply just happy to be receiving attention from you." He replied.

"Is that so?" He clamped his ringed fingers around Angelo's jaw tightly, "You're so pathetic. No wonder why Chris kept you as long as he did. He likes the sad ones." He laughed, "I mean, just look at what he did for Ricky. I still can't believe that idiot married one of his slaves." Kuza dropped him, making him fall to his knees. "Go take a shower. Then meet me in my bedroom afterwards." When he didn't hear any movement, he glanced over his shoulder, "Did I stutter?"

"No, Master. I'm sorry." Angelo scurried up to his feet. When Kuza couldn't see, he smiled again. His "Master" may have been one tough son of a bitch, but he was willing to let a slave lay in his bed. That was nearly unheard of, especially from someone as ruthless as him.

"I can't watch this." Chris muttered. He held his hand over his mouth, feeling his eyes sting.

Kuza was horrified by what he'd seen. His stomach was in knots and his throat burned. "Chris, I- I know that's not me, but... I'd never-"

"I know." He mumbled, "I should've known these weren't all going to be happy. If there's worlds better than ours, that means there's ones worse, too."

He adverted his eyes as to not let Chris see how upset he was. "Yeah. Way worse."

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A/N: I've got a new story up called "Night Train"! It's Chris x Ryan, a ship I haven't really done yet. It doesn't have a lot of comments right now, so I'd really appriciate it if you went and showed it some love.

If you didn't get this before, the stories in the last chapter were The Last Snow and Voodoo. This one featured The Rain as well as a cameo of ghosts_kitten story Daddy's Princess <3 I'm doing two universes a chapter.

So, comment question: Which two do you think you'll see next chapter? ;D

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