Chapter 40 | Bones

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The wind outside was whistling so loud, dogs were crying in the distance. It was dark out, looking like a storm was about to roll in. This world had completely gone to shit. Even the place that was supposed to be considered a safe haven looked like Hell. Ashley leaned over to pull open the garage door. In the process, giving Ryan a good look at her leather clad behind. He was probably one of the only men in the existence that could care less.

He placed a cigarette between his lips, flicking on his lighter. As he looked out to the road there was something off in his eyes. She noticed, asking, "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. I just got a feeling like someone walked over my grave." He replied, "Let's just make this fast. If the Whore of Babylon can't make Valdis talk, I'll have to do it."

Ryan pulled his sunglasses out of his leather jacket's inner pocket. He slipped them on, sighing to himself. It was the same shit on a different day. Ever since the suicide squad was reactivated, he'd been put in charge of making sure certain people's deaths occurred swiftly. Him and Ash were really the only ones good with subtly. Any of the others would prefer to kill everyone in the room.

She might not have been as skilled with a rifle as Nikki or Jeremy, but she'd picked up a few things from them. Ashley threw her leg over a beautiful Harley Davidson. Along the side were designs related to the Joker and Harley Quinn. Not to mention a few scratches and bullet holes. This thing had seen better days but it was as loyal as her.

Beside it, an equally as damaged bike rested. Ryan tossed his smoke to the ground and stomped it out. He climbed on the Harley beside him, starting the engine. The smell of the fuel filled the garage before the two took off.

"Even in this world, Ryan looks like someone's ripped his heart out." Chris murmured. He glanced over at the vampire beside him, "Something wrong?"

Deacon glanced over at him with glassy eyes. He was such a pacifist that his gentle nature radiated from him. "Yes. I can see into the next universe. It is one we shouldn't spend too much time in. They've upset the magical energy there and there's no telling how it could affect us."

"If it's as fucked up as this one, I'm not really looking to stick around anyways." Kuza responded as he walked towards him.

A strong light poured in through the side door of the garage. It was one of the stranger places for an exit, but they weren't going to complain. What they'd seen in this universe was a reminder of how terrible it could've been. In their own world, they may have lost a lot, but at least they still has their hearts. Nothing, however, could prepare them for what the next scene would do to those very hearts.

They walked out into a very small and dark cottage. Outside, the trees were so mature and luscious, it was hard to see very far through them. The place was very charming. You'd think it to be straight out of a Disney film. That was, until they registered what was here. Deacon stayed to the back wall to give the couple their distance. He feared their reactions greatly. Even more so, he was uneasy being in this universe.

Chris took a step forward, realizing there was a liquid beneath his feet. He knew that iron smell a little too well. It was blood, but he really wasn't expecting to find a body connected to the pool. His heart skipped a beat when he saw what laid on those old wooden floors. Seeing yourself, your own body, dead was a shock you could never recover from. He took a step back, his hands shaking.

Kuza was surprisingly mortified by the sight. He cared for Chris a great deal, sure, but he never expected to be this effected by seeing him dead. Maybe it was triggering something in his mind. As far as his brain is concerned, Chris being dead meant he would die soon too. He was counting himself extremely lucky that this was another world's Chris. This wasn't his love. His hands trembled as much as his mate's. He grabbed Chris' hand to comfort him.

Deacon's eyes flared with alarm when he heard someone coming. "We need to go." He urged them. Swiftly, he darted towards an open window on the other side of the room.

Though the other two were still shaken, they knew to listen to him. They wanted out of this horror scene themselves. Deacon leaped from the window, falling onto the ground below. Chris followed after him. Thankfully the house was on ground level and it wasn't much of a fall. Kuza took one final glance back at the dead body on the floor. He heard voices coming near the bedroom door, taking that as his sign to get out.

Just as his feet hit the ground, he heard a scream from the inside of the cottage. That voice he knew all too well. It was Devin's, presumably terrified by the discovery of Chris' dead body. It wasn't just his body that scared them. From the looks of it, he'd stabbed himself. The thought of suicide utterly disgusted Chris. Why would this alternate ever do such a thing?

"Why did you want to get out of there so badly?" Kuza asked as the trio began to walk, "I thought they couldn't see us."

"Normally, yes, but as I mentioned the magical in this world has been disturbed and distorted. Ryan, the Ryan of this world, is an incredibly powerful sorcerer. He has already opened his third and forth eye, meaning he can see me. You two are fine, because you're still alive. I, however, am dead, and beings with their forth eye opened can see me, even if I'm not apart of their universe.

I know this because we've already had an encounter together. He may be grumpy in your world, but here, he's a little more than easily annoyed. He was extremely angry with me for daring to enter a world that has already become so imbalanced." Deacon explained.

They were struggling to keep up with him as he hurried through a path in the forest. For an old man, he could move pretty damn fast. You wouldn't guess by the way nature looked that there was a problem here. Usually fucked up worlds had dead trees and red skies.

"What exactly happened here? That this version of me was pushed to suicide?" Chris questioned him, seeming angry about it.

"They bind their souls just as your kind does. It is not something that is exclusive to one species, though. Anyone can do it, but it doesn't kill them if they don't. It also doesn't kill one partner if the other dies. However, it will leave the living partner extremely weak, in great pain, and deeply depressed. You and Angelo were bound together. He was killed exactly one year ago today, and it seems you finally gave in to the agony.

His death led to many more than just your own. You see, in this world, species are very segregated and they rarely like to interact with one another. A royal demon and royal angel had an affair several years ago that resulted in Angelo's birth. He acted as the living treaty for the two species. If one ever wanted to wage war on the other, all they had to do was kill him. Ashley is the demon queen here, so I'm sure you could infer that it was the angels who killed Angelo.

Ricky and Ashley are half siblings. He had a right to a place in the hierarchy but he opted to lead a very peaceful life with Devin, away from the kingdom. The two were bound with three children. They didn't want to involve themselves in any of the kingdom's problems, but this was a personal matter. Ricky returned to the kingdom and with Ashley's permission, he lead thirty legions of demons against the angels.

The two species have been at war since. Thankfully, no one else that matters to you has died. Despite being half human, Ricky has been a force to be reckoned with. I'd bargain to say the demons will win this war because of him, but that doesn't change the fact that it's had drastic effects on this world."

He stopped in front of a house that was in the middle of nowhere. A giant tree had grown into the house, standing so tall it was hard to see the top. Kuza and Chris stopped to catch their breath. Their eyes followed up the structure. They gawked at it's brilliants, to which Deacon laughed lightheartedly.

"Devin is a dryad in this world. They're nature creatures that have their souls merged with trees. They say the tree's size is representative of the dryad's strength and quality of their soul. That is Devin's tree."

"Even if this world is war torn, I'm glad to see their Devin has a soul as beautiful as ours. Unlike whatever the fuck we just saw in that last universe." Kuza said.

"I believe the version of Devin that you are to encounter next is a little promiscuous, and well... How do I put this? She's very... Oh, what's the word?" Deacon thought out loud, trying to find a way to make it sound not terrible.

He sighed, "Just spit it out."

He smirked, "She's an excellent con artist."

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A/N: Deacon, along with the scene he was introduced in in Chapter 38 is from Crow. series. I realized I forgot to mention that. I'm sure I don't have to say this, either, but the stories mentioned in the last chapter and the beginning of this one are from the Sanity series. The story mentioned at the end was Mercy Street.

I won't be using any stories that came out after this one, considering that they aren't finished yet. That only leaves three stories before they finally get out of the multi-verse... Any guesses what they'll find in the final three universes? They are...

Freak Show

Silence Remains

Love Is A Broken Window/Bombs & Bullets

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