Chapter 41 | Las Vegas

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Vixen; That was the one word they could use to describe the woman in front of them. Their own Devin had some risky ways, but nothing like this version. She was... Beyond proper words. There was nothing proper about her, in fact. Deacon, being a saint in his own world, turned away from the display in front of him. He found it distasteful, sickening even. Kuza and Chris, however, were stuck with their jaws on the ground.

"Our Devin is so small. She's... A giant." Kuza said.

"Yes," Deacon's voice was muffled behind his hand. Watching the performer strip in front of a man that wasn't her own made his stomach turn. "In this world, you are all freak show performers. Devin is the world's tallest living woman."

"This isn't a freak show. It's more of a private show." Chris commented as he observed her climbing onto Nikki.

"As I said before, she is rather promiscuous. She keeps herself restrained to only a few men, though, and there is only one man that has her heart." He gestured towards the hotel room door.

It opened, welcoming in a man even taller than Devin. For a human, Chris was massive. He had a lustful hunger burning deep into his eyes. It was underlining with spite and jealousy. He grabbed Devin by the back of her bra, pulling her off of Nikki and into his arms. Like a predator looking down on prey, he growled.

"You weren't really thinking of starting without me, were you?" He sneered. His lips met hers hungrily while his hand slipped into her underwear.

Devin tilted her head back, giving him access to her neck. "Oh, fuck, Baby." She moaned.

Kuza screwed his eyes shut out of frustration. It may not have been his Chris, but it still pissed him off to see Chris treating Devin like a piece of property. He crossed his arms over his chest, scoffed, "Have we been in one world yet where we weren't all half dead or fucking each other?"

"The first one wasn't that bad." Chris optimistically replied, "C'mon, let's get out of here."

Deacon swallowed hard, "Yes, let's."

The three slipped out through the half open door. They were led out into a hallway full of doors. It was a hotel, of course. The carpet below their feet was striped, making the place seem a little unconventional. Due to the fact that a freak show performed nightly, this hotel had adapted to more of a circus theme over the years. With all these doors, it was hard to know where to find an exit.

Deacon could sense the general direction but even he didn't know an exact location. Nevertheless, they followed him as he walked through the mostly quiet building. A few moans were heard behind closed doors but that was about it. For a city that doesn't sleep, it was rather calm. Their walk lead them towards the theater. At the moment, almost all lights were off. Only a few were left on for the performers practicing.

If you could define this much fooling around as practice, that is. Ryan sat back on a crate of props as he watched his little acrobat stretching out. Sure, Ash looked pretty good up on those silks too, but nothing like Ricky. He was so graceful and beautiful. There was still that look in his eyes like he'd been hurt pretty badly in his past, but he had a love that healed his wounds in the present. Some things never change, even when you're in a different reality.

He cascaded down the hanging silk until he was close enough to the ground that Ryan could grab him. Offering Ricky a hand, he pulled him into his arms. They shared a sweet kiss, smiling like two people that weren't living on the verge of death.

"What'd you want to do tonight?" Ricky asked innocently.

"I think you know exactly what I want to do." He purred. "If Mike doesn't get his ass here soon I'm skipping practice."

"Oh, give him a break. It is his and Ange's anniversary."

Kuza actually felt his throat get thick. The only other universe they'd been in where he and Angelo were involved, it wasn't a pretty sight. He couldn't understand it. In their world, he'd never even met Angelo. The only reason he knew what he looked like was because Chris showed him his memories of him. Other than that, Kuza had no interaction with him. Yet, he'd dating him in other worlds? He didn't want to believe that even if it was true. It was just too weird.

"I don't understand it." Chris murmured, "If we were all meant to meet each other, no matter what, why wouldn't we all end up together? I mean, why would I be married to Angelo in so many realities, but with Devin or Ricky in others?"

"The heart wants what the heart wants. No matter what reality you're in, you love them all. The only thing that changes is the way you love them." Deacon said, "This world, it intrigued me the most. At some point you all went your separate ways, but eventually, you came back together. It was as if you just couldn't bear to be apart. Oh, and I should mention, you were with Angelo at some point here. Things just didn't work out."

"Why?! Why would I rather be with some whore than my sweet angel if I were given the choice?"

"Chris." Kuza sneered. Even if this wasn't his Devin, he still wouldn't stand for anyone calling her a whore. He understood Chris was upset and that's the only reason he gave him a little forgiveness.

"Sometimes, a river changes courses. It just happens." Deacon sneered. He wasn't one to lose his patients much and still kept his temper under control. "Be grateful you have your life at least. You don't anymore in my world. I must admit, it seems every version of you has made a habit of being a martyr in their own ways."

He began to walk past them, in the direction of the exit. There was something so calming about him. Even when he would snap a little, he did it with poise. He was a creature truly worth of his sainthood and immortality. Chris knew his little outburst was childish. He took a deep breath and moved on.

"It's nice to see Ricky and Ryan happy together." He muttered as he trailed behind their ghostly tour guild. "To see them alive, and not in danger."

"Yeah, it is. They're still kind of alive in our world. Well, they're- I don't fucking know what that was that we saw earlier but it was them." Kuza responded.

"I've been too preoccupied with this multi-universe shit to think about it much. You wouldn't happen to know, would you? We saw a spirit that had one body, but it had both Ricky and Ryan's voices, and features from both of them."

Deacon stopped in front of the bright light bursting through the theater's fire exit. He thought a moment, replying, "I haven't had much time to study your kind. I've traveled through hundreds of realities and I've only seen them in your universe. I do believe what you saw is the result of your species' death. Currently, each of you are preoccupying your bodies with half a soul. When you die, they finally merge into one soul. It's the only way they can survive."

"If that were true, there would be a lost more spirits like Ricky and Ryan." Kuza stated.

"There may not be many of us with bound souls, but there's even fewer that have laced souls. I'm guessing you have to be laced in life to merge in death." Chris said.

"Then... What happens if we die without being laced?" He wondered fearfully.

Chris sighed, "I don't know. I don't want to think about it, though I think you and I are probably thinking the same thing. Nothing happens. We just cease to exist."

"I wouldn't quiet say that." Deacon replied, "There is one rule that never disappears, no matter what exists in your reality. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only altered. That remains true even for souls. I mentioned to you that you're married to a demon in my world. His name is Cromwell, but everyone calls him Croc because he looks like Killer Croc.

Anyways, he consumed his brother's soul. The soul didn't just vanish. It was converted into energy that his body could use. Sure, his brother's existence may be gone, but his soul is still alive. Nothing ever truly disappears. It only changes. Who knows what happens to you when you die. Maybe your soul becomes a star in the sky, or the petal of a flower."

"Deysa believed that, that we become stars. He believed that all the stars in the sky were dead lost ones. I guess it's not the worst thing that could happen to you." Kuza said.

Chris smiled softly at him, "No, not at all."

He grabbed his partner's hand gently. Throughout this whole experience, he'd made Kuza feel a little unloved. His constant talk about missing Angelo had left him feeling like nothing but a mistake. Chris didn't want that. He loved Angelo, but he also had a different love for Kuza. They may not have been the same, but that's okay. Like Deacon had alluded to earlier, there's different types of love.

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A/N: I'd like to do one more story arc in this before it reaches the conclusion.

Comment ideas of things you'd like to see happen! Even if they're crazy ideas, I'd love to hear them.

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