The Key to King's Landing

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"You are worried," Leopold Tyrell stands next to his wife on the balcony of their shared chambers at Highgarden, Leyla Florent's eyes are trained on her daughter, a girl of 8 years who was already rather tall for her age, and was reaching up to smell a light pink rose.

"I am not," she denies, switching her gaze up to the blonde man "I am..." she struggles for a word "Concerned," that sends a laugh rumbling down her husband's throat.

"Come here," his arms open for a hug, which Leyla gladly accepts. Although not a marriage of love initially, the Lord had a certain kindness about him which Leyla found solace in after her years at court.

"We must strengthen our ties with the crown," he argues, rubbing her bare back, the blue dress she'd chosen that morning dipping just above her lower back.

"She is just a girl!" Leyla pulls back and looks back at the gardens "My girl..." they'd had this conversation before, and Leopold knew that his wife did not need reasoning with, in fact, it was her who broached the idea of sending their oldest child to Kings Landing, she just needed comfort, someone who understood her conflicted opinions.

"I know," he rubs her left arm, now looking to where Alerie was excitedly talking to her Septa "She will be well looked after, the Queen herself will be her guardian whilst she is there,"

"It is not Ali -" she stops herself, biting her tongue and gulping "The Queen, that I am worried about, it is her father,"

"Ser Otto is -"

"A cunt,"

If Leopold is shocked, he hides it "That is one word for your uncle,"

"I believe it shall be the only one used in this conversation," Leyla pulls away from the Lord, putting both her hands on the stone of her balcony and letting it stabilise her "Kings Landing is corrupt - It always has been - it shall change her,"

"Perhaps we should send another with her, a companion, as you were to the Queen in her youth,"

"No," Leyla shakes her head "It is too late for that if we want Alerie settled before Summer comes,"

Neither say anything for a while, both lost in their own minds. They needed a stronger connection to the crown, and both knew that Alerie was the key.

"Both The Princess and The Queen were your friends once, they must hold some love for our daughter already," Leyla snorts, looking lost in thought.

"Yes well, only one has the decency to reply to my letters,".

Despite her mother's conflict, Alerie was put in a horse-drawn carriage with her Septa and a maid the very next day. The journey to Kings Landing took around a month, with the occasional stop at Inns. Alerie missed her parents already but was excited to go to King's Landing to meet the Targeryen's, she knew the Princess had two sons, the oldest her age.

As they entered the gates of the capital, Alerie stuck her head out the window, despite the protests from her Septa. The streets were busy, with lively markets and young children running along the paths. At first glance, it was beautiful, but as Alerie kept looking, she noticed the men entering a particular house, young children being awarded gold and women cowering at the glares by their husbands. Before Alerie could go back into her carriage and ask her Septa about what she saw, her eyes were drawn upwards by the sound of a large roar.

Up in the sky, Alerie could see a large creature patrolling the skies, its scales yellow in colour. She wants to call for her Septa to look outside with her, but her mouth is dropped in shock. The dragon circles around once more, almost as if it's targeting the carriage. Alerie didn't need to see the rider to know who it was, her mother had told her about Syrax and her rider.

Princess Rheanyra Targaryen.

As Leyla travels towards the Dragonpit, she finds herself clutching tightly to her seat, the path to where she knew Alicent and Rhaenyra would be is rocky, and when the carriage finally stops, she lets out a sigh of relief.

She doesn't have time to take any further breaths though, knowing the urgency of her request.

Her orange dress grazes the sand as she steps off the carriage, she starts the short walk to the one ahead of her, but Alicent steps out, her hair swept back, wearing a pale blue dress.

"Leyla! What are you doing here!"

"Alicent," she sighs "Your father has requested...well, more like ordered, your presence immediately,"

"But Rhaenyra is still on Syrax, I cannot just leave-"

"He was rather persistent," Leyla could see the confliction on the young girl's face and looked up where she saw Syrax glide past "I shall stay and wait for The Princess,"

"I suppose I must go?" Alicent looks nervously towards the sky

"I shall explain to Rhaenyra that you did not want to leave so abruptly,"

"Thank you,"

"Take my carriage,"

As Alicent starts to walk away, she turns back "Be careful, Rhaenyra has a certain...defiant attitude after her time on dragon back," Anyone else would miss the fond tone she uses.

"I shall," Leyla watches as Alicent enters the small contraption with grace, then speeding off into the distance.

Unsure of when the Princess would return from her flight, Leyla takes refuge inside her carriage. Syrax lets out a large growl and Leyla smiles, at least he was having fun. She wondered what had Otto Hightower in such a fuss.

She finds out later that night that her aunt had died. 

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