Chapter II: Planning.

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As the sun rose above the castle, Logan and Patton were having a quiet conversation about Prince Thomas's coronation, "We should start by sending letters to the kingdom just over the seas, I heard the king has a tight relationship with their ruler.", Patton smiled, "That sounds like a good start, Logan!", Logan slightly flinched at his excitement for this, I mean it's not every day a coronation happens. . .But, this is still hard on Prince Thomas as he was never expected this to happen. Logan fixed his glasses and started to write the invitations to the kingdoms that the king had a close tie to, which was around more than a few, Patton kept looking out the wind at Prince Thomas and Virgil doing their annual training, "Hmm. . .You seemed troubled. Is there something concerning you?", Patton turned to Logan with an unknown expression, "Well, it's just I'm worried about Thomas. . .That and I'm confused to why Roman isn't with them.", Logan rose and looked out the window, proving that Roman was nowhere to be seen with the Prince or Virgil, it was highly unlike him to miss an opportunity to duel. . .Logan resumed to the letters/invites, "I'm sure he's alright. Even though it is rather unusual for him to be late.", Patton nods as his response as he rushes off to get Logan more ink for his quill. . .

Roman knew what he was going to do was treason, but he just had a feeling that whatever Prince Thomas saw would be in here. . .Roman pulled himself over the wall of the castle and landed perfectly in the Forbidden Forest. . . He looked around and walked forward with his sword in front of him. . .

The Forest was large, for as long as Roman could remember Thomas's Father had forbidden Thomas, Virgil, Logan, Patton and himself to never go into the forest as there are many creatures that on one fully understood, but Roman knew that the figure must have run in here as it is the only way out of the Royal Garden. . .

As Roman was about to give up, he heard a soft sob in the distance, his instincts told him to run but his heart told him to help this unknown cry. Roman ran through the woods until he came to a clearing. . .A small little girl was curled up into a ball, crying. . .Roman slowly walked over to her, "Mommy!!", the girl backed away and ran into the arms of young women, "It's alright. . .", Roman cleared his throat, "I'm terribly sorry for frightening your daughter, but do you need any help.", the women whispered into her daughter's ear and the girl ran off, leaving Roman and the woman along, "There is nothing you can for us. . .", Roman wasn't going to give up that easily, "But I must!", the women fell silent, a small smile appeared, "I'm not sure if I'm mistaken. . .The Prince is about to be crowned the new king. . .", Roman nodded slowly. The woman heard her daughter by her side and she had a huge amount of flowers, "Thank you, Honey.", the girl ran off again, "You see. . .I would appreciate it, if you would give these out to everyone in the Kingdom, to show mine and my daughter's gratitude for the Prince standing up to the throne.", Roman smiled, "Why that should be no trouble at all!!", she smiled, "Once you've given them out, I'll give a reward for your kindness!", Roman was about to refuse but, he saw the kindness in her eyes and so he agreed to return. . .

Prince Thomas was being suited for his outfit as the coronation would be by the end of the month, his father was sitting nearby as the Tailor and Designer were finishing up, "Just a few more minutes your Highness.", Thomas stayed silent as they did their work.

Once they had wrapped up, his father was smiling, "You look fantastic my son. . .", Thomas studied himself in the mirror, "I'm scared father. . .What if I'm really not fit for this role. . .", he smiled at me as if I was a delusion kid, "I would not ask anyone else to be king.", I looked up at him and I smiled, "Follow me. . .", he used his cane to walk as I helped him. . .

He walked past the jewels that sparkled in my eyes, he sat down on a chair and pointed behind me, "That is your crown. . .", I turned around was stunned, it was made of gold, had red gems and white pearls, there was a jewel that was grey, "That crown holds a special power. . .Although many before you have worn it, they could never access its true power. . .", Thomas looked at his father in stunned silence but he was smiling as if he wasn't going into the light, "I think you are the one that could possess this power that no one can understand. . .", Prince Thomas smiled, smiled as he had just received something special. . . His father took his hands into his own, "I know you will make me proud. . .", Thomas smiled as tears of joy sprung to his eyes, "Let's get you back to bed. . .", Thomas helped his father stand and helped him back to his room. . .

Virgil brought in Roman and Patton's bags, "Here in your rucksacks, Roman and Padre are the invites. All of them are inside and Logan has sent the other invites overseas to distant kingdoms.", Patton smiled, "Thank you, Virgil.", Roman gave Virgil one of his most dashing smiles, "Why, thank you! Let us go, Patton!", they climbed on to their horses and rode down into the town. . . I waved as they left. . .I went to the Garden to relax for a while. . .As I entered the Garden, a cold atmosphere fell upon the Garden. Virgil could sense a dark presence within the Garden. . .Virgil walked slowly around the Garden as he took out his boot knife, he suddenly stops. He looked at the place where the rose used to be, but. . .It was now limping. . .It looked like something drained its color. . . I knelt by the rose, "What happened here. . .?", he looked around before he reached out to the rose. Virgil's hands started to glow a rich indigo color, the color surrounded the Black Rose, the rose regained its strength, but the rose was now white. . . Virgil let the magic fade, he plucked the rose out of the ground, he examined it and was careful to not cut himself with the thorns, "I better get this to Logan. . .", I ran out of the garden with the rose. . .

Roman and Patton rode slowly back to the castle, "Roman, I believe those Roses were an amazing touch to the invites.", Roman smiled, "Well, who doesn't like a rose every now and then?", Patton nods with a smile, "I hope Thomas is excited for his coronation. . .I mean!", Roman sighed, "It's a huge responsibility, Patton to become the king, I don't know how he feels. . .Must be mixed emotions about everything.", Patton nods as he got in the stables, "Let's go see Virgil and Logan, let's hope the other letters have been sent.", Patton nods as we left our horses and made our way inside the castle. . .

Logan gathered Roman, Virgil, Patton around his research table and placed the rose on the table, "Virgil, you were correct. There is something off about this rose.", Patton seemed confused while Roman leaned against the wall, "Is there any trace of black magi or. . .?", Logan took his glasses off and gave them a quick wipe, "Not yet, but I'd rather keep this small project on hold until the coronation.", we all decided to continue this small project as soon as the party was over. . .

Roman walked into the forest clearing and he saw the little girl, "Hey, little girl!", she turned to Roman and ran over, "Hello, mister!", I knelt down to her and noticed a flower crown made with the Black Roses, "Mommy said that she will have your reward as soon as she can.", Roman smiled at her, "Why, thank you!", the little girl suddenly held up the crown, "So, I made this for you!", Roman knelt down and let her put it on me, "Thank you!", she smiled at Roman before she ran off. . .I walked back towards the castle feeling a sense of pride that I helped them. . .

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