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thursday 28th of january 2016

From the moment Peter arrived at school the next day J.D knew something was off. First, she told him off for coming that day, as he should've been at home, resting. He had insisted that he was completely fine, and waved her off carelessly. She noticed that he still wore the bandaid on his neck, and how he couldn't walk in a straight line.

Grabbing his arm, she had looked him in the eye and told him to go home. He just sighed and shook his head, staggering off. She wouldn't see him until lunch that day.

At lunch, he sat by himself at the corner table, and she knew he wouldn't want her company, but she wanted to know why. He stared at his plate with wide eyes, and she couldn't help but watch from a distance. She needed an excuse to go over there, and when she saw Flash get up and walk over, she stood up and jogged after.

"Did your pathetic group of friends dump you, Parker?" Flash taunted, reaching down to ruffle Peter's hair. The boy clenched his fists. "C'mon Puny Pete, don't give me the silent treatment."

Then, Flash decided that he wanted more of a reaction, so he shoved Peter off of the seat. Peter fell to the ground, his lunch falling on top of him. Flash laughed and kicked Peter in the stomach, causing him to curl up in pain, a grimace on his face. J.D's jaw hardened and she grabbed Flash's arm. He looked down at her, and she glowered at him. "What did I tell you the other day? If you touch Parker, you'd have me to deal with."

Flash chuckled at her in a teasing fashion. "You're all talk, Purnell. You're too much of a pussy to do anything."

"Oh really?" With that, she punched him square in the face, and his head snapped back. A satisfying crunch echoed through the cafeteria and lingered in the air. Gasps were heard as the room went silent, and Flash slowly brought his head up, his nose bleeding and the area around his eyes already going purple.

Everyone stared at her in shock, but she felt incredible. Flash's lip curled and he clenched his fist. "You bitch."

"Teaches you to listen, doesn't it?" She challenged with a raised eyebrow. He pulled his hand back to hit her, but she just stared at it. "Do it. I dare you."

It was clear Flash was caught in a predicament. He would either hit her and feel either satisfied or guilty. He would also be known the guy who was a huge dick and hit a pretty girl. With a sigh, Flash dropped his fist, and J.D tilted her head. "Now what did we learn from this?"

Flash growled and angrily raised and swung his fist, but was shocked when she easily caught it. She took a step forward so that she was close enough to feel his quick breath.

Staring straight into Flash's eyes, she smirked, watching carefully as the subtle fear appeared on his face. She leaned forward a little more. "Mess with him, you mess with me."

Then, she backed away and let go of his fist, which hung in the air for a second before it dropped to his side. J.D kept his stare for a moment before she turned a little and held her hand out towards Peter. He grabbed it and she pulled him up. He swayed a little, feeling sick, and she pulled his arm over she shoulder so she could steady him.

"Hey, Flash?" She looked over at the bully, who was walking away. His shoulders tensed and he turned to look at her. "Better get some ice for that."

He scowled and turned around, and a cleared throat behind J.D made her look back. She turned around, Peter moving with her. The cafeteria was still deadly quiet, watching the interaction. J.D quickly plastered an innocent smile on her face when the met the snake-like eyes of the deputy principal, Mrs Linn. "Purnell, Parker, I want you in the Principal's office. Where's Thompson?"

"Probably looking for his pride." J.D said easily, and heard a few snickers from the pupils. "Parker's actually feeling a little sick, I think it's best if he goes home."

"Then we can drop him off at the Nurse's office when we visit the principal." Mrs Linn retorted, and J.D rolled her eyes. "Miss Watson, please go and find Mr. Thompson and bring him to me."

"Yes Mrs Linn." The short ginger got to her feet, sending a quick glance at Peter and J.D before scurrying off. J.D wasn't too keen on the drama student, she was a bit too wimpy for her liking.

The deputy principal waved her finger at J.D, indicating them to follow her. J.D let out a small grumble, before helping Peter out of the cafeteria. She could feel everyone's eyes on her, but she wasn't really that bothered. She knew she'd be talked about, probably hated by a few more people, but for once, she didn't really care.

Peter let out a wheeze from beside her, and J.D looked at him in concern. "Pete, you're going home."

"I'm fine." He mumbled, and J.D caught him before he fell to the ground again.

"And I'm Captain America." She shot back, and through his pain and sickness, he still managed to send her a glare. "You need to rest, buddy."

"Did you just buddy me?" He asked breathlessly and J.D couldn't help the grin escape as she led him towards the office.

"What, do you not want to be my friend anymore?" She asked, and Peter went to reply, but instead let out a whine, leaning his head on top of J.D's. "Oh, take a concrete pill and harden up, Parker."

"Shut up." He muttered and closed his eyes as she led him to the front of school. "I'm sick and dying."

"I thought you were fine?" She chuckled and he sighed dramatically. "Hey, it's Valentine's day next month, maybe I'll get you a straw so you can suck it up."

"Stooopp." He wailed as they neared the admin building. Mrs Linn was still in front of them as they passed the Nurse's office, and J.D brought Peter inside, sitting him on the bed. He went to lie down, his droopy eyes opening slightly. A dopey grin fell on his face as he looked up at her. "Thanks Angel."

"Don't call me that, loser." She smacked the side of his head and he groaned. "Sleep lots, don't die."

"Thanks doc." He muttered and let his head fall back onto the pillow. J.D smiled slightly and backed out of the room, walking back down the hall towards the principal's office.

She opened the door and saw Flash already in there, as he had arrived a few seconds before. Mrs Linn was staring her down as she walked inside and took a seat next to the bully.

"Good afternoon, Miss Purnell." The principal, Mr. Darby greeted her as she sat down.

"Afternoon, sir." She replied with a polite smile. She liked the principal, he was pretty chill.

"Now, Mrs. Linn has informed me that you punched Mr. Thompson about five minutes ago. Is this true?" The greying man asked her. J.D nodded. "And why was that?"

"Because he pushed Peter Parker off his seat in the cafeteria after verbally abusing him. And if I remember correctly, he thought it would be a good idea to kick him in the stomach." She responded easily. "I told him in gym class a couple of days ago that if he hurt Peter or touched him in any way he would have to deal with me. He hurt him, and I'm a woman of my word, so I followed through and dealt with him. It's not that complicated if I'm honest, sir."

"Alright, Flash, what's your argument?" Mr. Darby turned to the jock, who shifted uncomfortably, an ice pack pressed to his nose.

"I-I, w-well I-" He stuttered, speechless for once. J.D raised an eyebrow at him, watching as he squirmed. "Uhm--"

"So you agree that Miss Purnell is correct?" Mr. Darby asked him and Flash cleared his throat before sighing.

"Y-Yes, sir." He muttered and Mr. Darby let out a breath and leaned back in his chair.

"Alright! We're getting somewhere." He said and laced his hands together. "Now, if I let this slide with a week's detention for you both, will you promise to never do this again? I mean, if you're going to, then you can do it off school grounds."

"Yes sir." They both said quickly and Mr. Darby dismissed them from his office.

The pair stepped outside and Flash sighed, before turning to her. "This isn't going to stop me from picking on Parker."

"Then I guess I'll just have to punch you again." J.D shrugged and turned away, strutting down the hall. Flash rolled his eyes and turned into the Nurse's office, where he saw Peter fast asleep on the bed.

A snarl fell on his face as he placed the now lukewarm ice pack in the fridge and pulled out another one. He grimaced when he placed it on his nose and glanced back at the dozing boy. He scoffed at him. "I meant it when I called her a pussy. You're one too, Parker."

For Flash knew that the pair had a thing for each other, just neither of them knew it yet.

wednesday 3rd of february 2016

It had been a week since Peter was bitten by the spider. He had guessed that it was irradiated by the particle accelerator and had bitten him when he was at the back of the group with J.D and Cindy Moon. How did he know this? Because he had begun to notice changes, weird changes that all traced back to the bite. First of all, he had gained muscles over the course of the week, and his once squishy stomach was rock hard. His hearing and sight had become a million times better, and one strange thing was that his hands and feet were covered in small hairs that made him uncomfortable to look at.

He wasn't sure what was going on with him, but he didn't want to tell anyone just yet. It was his secret, and he wanted to know what was going on before he did anything with it.

He had also tried to stay out of the way in gym class like he usually would. They were playing dodgeball again that day, and J.D was on his team. He watched almost in admiration at the way she swiftly moved away from the balls thrown at her, and caught many as well.

J.D turned around for a second to check up on the team, and Peter ran forward when he saw a ball flying through the air, directed at her head. Just as she was turning around he reached his arm out and caught it in one hand.

"Flash! You're out!" Mr. King called, but almost the entire class was watching Peter in shock. He had caught a ball. With one hand. Peter Parker caught a ball with one hand.

"Holy shit." J.D muttered, her eyes trailing to her friend, who was just as shocked. "Thanks, Parker."

"Uhh, no problem." He replied, his eyebrows furrowed. He barely even thought about it. It was like an instinct to grab it. It was like his senses had been dialled to eleven and he couldn't help it. He handed the ball to her and when he attempted to scurry to the back again, J.D grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Hey, tough guy." She smiled, not paying any attention to the fact that his arm was significantly bigger than the last time she grabbed it, which was less than a week ago. "Why don't you come and help me out at the front?"

Peter's lip fell in between his teeth and he looked down at her nervously. He also had a growth spurt over the past week, and was now at least a foot taller than the girl. "Um, sure."

"Great." She smiled and nodded over at the teacher, who blew the whistle again. The game began quickly and balls were flying everywhere. Peter was far more overwhelmed than he ever was at the back of the court. He was doing pretty well though. Him and J.D were working together in tandem, and he felt like he was on fire for once. J.D let out a chuckle when he caught the ball and threw it in midair. "When did you become so good at dodgeball, Parker?"

"I've got no idea!" He lied as he caught another, getting another student out. He had gotten so good at dodgeball after he was bitten by that damn spider.

oh shit flash knows stuff

ok i know i made him a little less monstrous and have a little more humanity it was an accident

we all know that flash is just an angsty teen that also has no chill

also do you guys like jd?? i do

i kind of made her bitchier than i intended but she's pretty cool

she just doesn't have feelings lmao

k bye

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