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J.D instantly dove for Spider-Man, sending force fields at the webs he shot at Wanda. He yelled in frustration as she made him fly back with a large force of energy. He flew into the air and tried jumping back down, only to be knocked around by flying bits of equipment that Wanda was sending his way. 

She heard a yell from Bucky, and she turned her head to see him struggling against Black Panther. She thrust her hands forward and trapped the masked man's hands in a bubble, before forcing him back. Bucky sent her a thankful look, and she nodded, before letting out a gasp when a piece of webbing hit her foot, attaching her to the ground. 

Thinking quickly, J.D pulled her dagger out and bent down, sawing at the webbing quickly. She gasped when the dagger when yanked from her hand. She heard Spider-Man hit the ground and jog over, so she became invisible. Looking up, she heard him scoff. "Dude, you're already hit, why are you invisible--"

He was cut off when she spun around and kicked him over with her free leg. He yelped and instantly sprayed more webbing towards her, which she dodged effortlessly. She grinned when Spider-Man was hurled back by Wanda's red power and her leg was freed. 

Spider-Man groaned and swung away, but not before Steve cut the webbing with his shield, sending the teen down once again. 

"I'll take Vision, you get to the jet." J.D heard Steve say after a few minutes. She continued throwing force fields at War Machine, who was trying to attack Clint. 

"No, you get to the jet." Sam yelled. "The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to admit it." Clint muttered as J.D jumped down next to him. "If we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it."

J.D chewed the inside of her lip at the thought. No, she didn't want to go to prison, but if she had no choice, it was her own fault. She agreed to coming here, she fought for a cause, and if there were consequences, she was going to pay for them. 

"This isn't the real fight, Steve." Sam called over the comms. 

"All right, what's the plan?" Steve asked, sounding hesitant to leave them behind. 

"We need a diversion." Sam informed them. "Something big."

"I got something kinda big." Scott said, and J.D furrowed her eyebrows. He was Ant-Man, wasn't he? How does Ant-Man have a big diversion? "But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half...don't come back for me."

J.D rolled her eyes at his over-dramatic speech. Steve was obviously concerned for his teammate. "Are you sure about this, Scott?"

"I do it all the time." Scott assured him. "I mean, once. In a lab. Then I passed out." J.D smiled when she heard him hyping himself up. "I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss!"

Nothing happened for a moment, but suddenly Scott grew larger than the planes and grunted, grabbing onto War Machine's foot. J.D gaped. "Holy shit!"

Scott laughed proudly, and also a bit frightened, as he was hoping he wouldn't faint and embarrass himself. 

"I guess that's the signal." Steve uttered through the comms. 

"Way to go, Tic Tac!" Sam exclaimed, and J.D chuckled as he kicked Iron Man in the chest enthusiastically. 

"You need to go, Cap." She stated through the comms, and straightened when she saw Spider-Man dive for War Machine, who was thrown back. She noticed that Spider-Man was a second late, so she threw forward a force field that Rhodes rebounded off, before being held back by Spider-Man's webbing. She sent a force field towards the webbed hero as well, as he was losing his balance. 

Yes, they were on separate sides, but she didn't want anyone getting hurt. 

War Machine took off into the air again, with Spider-Man trailing behind on his web. They flew towards Scott, who was fending off Black Panther. Scott yelled in pain when he was hit several times by War Machine's weapons, and Spider-Man leapt onto his suit, attaching himself and kicking the older man in the head. 

"Stay here, J.D. I'm not letting you get hurt." Clint muttered, and when J.D went to protest, he was already running off. She sighed and looked over to see Wanda running over to Hangar five after Steve and Bucky. The Scarlet Witch was trying to hit War Machine with various objects as he aimed to stop the two soldiers. 

J.D sighed and jumped down from the airport car, running over to aid her friend. 

"Something just flew in me!" She heard Scott exclaim, and she gasped when she saw the same yellow beam from earlier shoot across the runway and into the watchtower. Said tower began falling to the left, where Steve and Bucky were running. She moved faster, and shot her hands out, releasing force fields that held the tower steady so it wouldn't move. Steve glanced back and saw her bright red face, and her trembling hands. 

A scarlet light supported J.D's blue one and Wanda stepped beside her, her hands outstretched also. 

What the girls weren't expecting was for War Machine to fly up behind them and shoot a frequency into their ears, causing them both to flinch and cover themselves. Wanda screamed while J.D cried out, and the teen's blurry vision helplessly watched as Steve and Bucky ran underneath the falling tower. The structure crashed to the ground, and they had no way of telling if they made it or not until the Quinjet left. 

"Hey guys, you ever seen that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?" After War Machine flew away, J.D heard Spider-Man yell out through her ringing ears.  She pulled herself and Wanda up before running over by herself to aid Scott, Clint and Sam. "You know that part when they're on the snow planet, with the walking thingies?!" 

She had never heard anyone else use the term 'walking thingies' before, besides Peter.

"My favourite part wath the bit where they took down thothe walking thingies! It woth tho cool!"

Shaking the thought from her mind, she pulled herself onto one of the discarded vehicles and held her force field at the ready. She watched as Spider-Man swung around Scott's legs, trapping them. Tony and Rhodes then flew up and punched him, sending the man back into a plane. 

"Ha! Yes!" Spider-Man cheered. "That was awesome!"

J.D gasped as the teen grunted when Scott's hand hit him, sending him flying into some boxes. Before she went to check up on him, J.D thrust her hands out and sent a force field to catch Scott. He grumbled and pressed the button on his glove, transitioning to normal size, and she jumped down, running over. "Scott, you okay?"

The older man groaned in pain, opening his mask and revealing his cringing face. "Does anyone have any orange slices?"

J.D sighed in relief and ran a hand through her hair. "You're an idiot, buddy."

Scott sent her an exhausted grin. "You gotta be known for something."

J.D chuckled and placed her hands on her hips, before remembering that Spider-Man had fallen.  She turned on her heel a ran off in the direction she saw him drop and quickly became invisible when she heard Iron Man land in front of the red and blue hero. Her hand fell over her mouth when she saw the teen unmoving on the ground. She could have stopped it. 

"Kid, you all right?" Tony asked him, and Spider-Man gasped in shock, instantly moving his hands to try and fend him off. "Whoa! Same side. Guess who. Hi. It's me."

"Oh, hey man." He breathed out in relief. J.D moved closer, and noticed that half of Spider-Man's face was on show. She squinted, before her jaw dropped in surprise. "That was scary."

No way. 

"Yeah." Tony responded. "You're done, alright?"

Is that--

"What? I'm good, I'm fine."

Oh my fucking god.

"You did a good job. Stay down."

All this time. It was him?

"No, it's good. I gotta get him back."

It could just be a trick of the light, right?

"You're going home or I'll call Aunt May."

Holy mother of baby Jesus in the manger. 

Peter Parker was Spider-Man. 

J.D suddenly felt lightheaded. She rested on the boxes, not noticing Iron Man walking in her direction. 

"You're done!" Tony yelled and flew off, unaware of how he knocked J.D in the head, causing her to hit the side of the wooden box she was leaning against and knocking her unconscious. 

Peter's muffled talking was nothing in her ears, and when she fell to the ground, he took no notice, as her powers were still working. 

Everything happened around her as soon as she was knocked out. 

Rhodes fell from the sky from a blast that was meant for Sam. He hit the ground and he too, was unconscious. Steve and Bucky got away, flying to Siberia without anyone on their tail that anyone knew of. 

Eventually police came. They arrested Sam, Clint and Wanda, but no one knew where J.D was. Wanda screamed for her sister, and Clint and Sam ran around in search for her. It was Sam who came across a small pool of blood, and he kneeled down, feeling around for her head. When he found it, he pressed his lips together and ripped a piece of his uniform material off, wrapping it around the source of the blood. Though she was invisible, he would try his hardest to save her. He picked her up and rested her on the top of an abandoned airport cart. What he did next he knew was the right thing. 

He left her there. 

He left her as he and his friends were carried away in choppers in handcuffs. He left her lying on the car as Stark and his team left for New York with an injured teammate. 

He left her lying there because she was only a teenager, and teenagers don't need to go to prison for being innocent. 



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