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thursday 23rd of june 2016

J.D couldn't feel her body when she woke. She could only make out her pounding head, and she refused to open her eyes, she already felt the spinning room.

"Good morning, Miss Purnell." She heard Krüger's voice ringing in her ears. "How are you feeling?"

"Fuck you." She forced out, her voice hoarse and quiet.

"She's fine." Krüger muttered to someone and she heard footsteps. "подготовить ее для экспериментов."

"да сэр." She heard someone reply, and Krüger grabbed her arm forcefully.

"Let go of me." J.D rasped, trying to move, but she was paralysed, she couldn't feel anything besides her fingers and face.

"возьми ее." Krüger muttered to who J.D assumed was his assistant and suddenly, two arms were wrapped around J.D and she began spluttering, spitting out saliva and blood.

"What have you done to me?" J.D croaked, her bowed head causing her tangled, dirty hair to fall into her bloodshot eyes. "Why can't I feel my legs?"

"Because you were shot in specific places, rendering your lower half useless until your abilities heal you." Krüger replied easily and J.D wasn't even a quarter through process what he had just said when he continued. "You won't be able to escape, unless you walk on your hands."

The assistant chuckled and J.D felt tears well up in her eyes, both from pain and shock. "You're a monster."

Krüger held up a finger. "Ah, but an intelligent one. One that will give you more great power. After I perfect the healing serum, I plan to inject Pietro's modified blood sample into you to grant you super speed."

J.D felt sick. What the fuck was he playing at? How was that even meant to work? "I hate you."

The assistant forcefully pressed against her back and she yelped, the unshed tears falling down her dirty cheeks.

"Do you know why you were chosen for our experiments?" The scientist asked, and J.D let out a pained groan in response. "Would you like to know why?"

"Stop talking." She wheezed, and gasped out when the assistant placed her on an operating table.

"We chose you because of your father." Krüger continued, and J.D began violently coughing.

"What?" She croaked, and he looked down at her with a sickly smile.

"Did you ever wonder about Albert's endless business trips to Eastern Europe?" He challenged, leaning down even more. "Why he was always keeping his work a secret? He put your name forward for testing. He was the one that said you'd be strong enough to handle the power if we ever found a suitable source. He was right. I'm surprised you're still alive with all of the chemicals flowing through your veins. Both you and Wanda Maximoff. I heard Pietro died though, shame."

J.D tried to reach out and hurt him, but he only laughed and pushed her away. "My father w--would never do that. He was a good man."

"He was, I agree." Krüger nodded. "He was incredibly intelligent, he came up with the formula we're still using to this day."

J.D couldn't bear to hear it anymore. She was in this situation because of her father.

What was next? What more did she need to go wrong in her life?


Peter travelled through the streets in search for any sign of Bladerunner. His costume clung to his body as he swung through the city. He couldn't do anything when she was shot in front of his eyes, but now he could. He had the strength and the power to do good.

"Spider-Man! Wait!" He heard someone yell, and turned, ready to tell the civilian that he was busy, but he froze when he saw none other than Mason Purnell running towards him. The lanky, unfit teenager panted, doubling over to catch his breath.

"Mas-" Peter's mouth shut quickly before he could give himself away. "How can I help you, young citizen?"

"Dude," Mason managed to send him a blank look. "You sound like a prepubescent teenager, so cut the 'young citizen' crap."

Peter chuckled and folded his arms over his chest. "What do you need?"

"I want to help you find the Bladerunner." Mason straightened up and puffed out his chest, trying to make it look like he wasn't dying on the inside. "You heard that she's missing, right?"

Peter nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I'm looking for her now. Why do you want to help?"

"Because she's saved me twice, and she was taken while helping me and my friends." Mason spoke carefully, and Peter tensed a little. "I want to find her."

"How do you expect to get her back? You don't have powers." Peter pressed on. Though he may have sounded rude, he didn't want to put his best friend in harms way.

"Well, the police are looking for her too, but when they went to the site yesterday there wasn't any blood." Mason continued, though he sounded a little on edge. "My Uncle told me."

"So you're saying we should go and find the police first?" Peter queried, before an idea popped into his head. "I know someone else who can help us."


Tony Stark wasn't expecting a call from Peter Parker at eleven at night. He was feeding his caffeine addiction when his phone rang, the helpless sound of the boy hero leaking through the speakers.

He didn't mind much, he didn't have anything to do nowadays, what with his team scattered across the globe and the sleepless nights he had been forced to endure due to his itching anxiety and paranoia.

Natasha, Vision and himself had become machines. They all went about their days, barely speaking to each other, there was nothing to talk about anyway.

Rhodes was barely recovering. He was still in excruciating pain, and when he wasn't working on building up strength in his legs, he was confined to a wheelchair.

It was the Parker boy who lit a small spark in the older man's chest. The teen gave Tony a reason to do something, it gave him a distraction.

Peter was so innocent, so pure. Tony had never really gotten along great with kids, but he felt a paternal need to protect the adolescent, especially with the loss of his uncle a few months ago.

When Tony heard the knock at his office door, he placed his tablet down. "Come in."

Peter opened the door, clad in his costume with another boy trailing behind him.

This must be Mason.

Tony made sure his tech was turned off, making sure the kids couldn't see he was looking at J.D's file to check if Mason was her brother. He was.

"Hey, Mr. Stark." Peter waved, and Tony nodded at both of them.

"Underoos, lumberjack." He acknowledged them, and Mason furrowed his eyebrows, before looking down at his plaid shirt and making a 'ohh' sound. "How may I help you?"

"We need to find someone." Peter began, his voice slightly muffled through the fabric. "The Bladerunner?"

"Oh, her?" Memories of when the invisible girl broke into his home flashed into Tony's mind. "What happened? Is she okay?"

"You know her?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows, and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Of course I do, she broke into my house not long ago." He said casually and Peter tilted his head, confused.

"Why didn't you say so?" He queried curiously, almost hurt.

"She didn't want anyone else to know she was here." The older man said, almost carelessly. Peter went to speak again, and Tony groaned. "Damn it, take that mask off! I can barely understand you!"

"I don't want to give away my identity." Peter grumbled and Tony scoffed.

"He doesn't mind." He pointed at Mason. "Do you mind?"

"I don't mind." Mason quickly interjected, before turning to Peter. "I won't tell anyone, I promise."

Peter's eyes widened when he realised what was happening. He looked between Tony and Mason several times and his breathing began to shake. "B-But--"

"I don't want to pressure you, but if I don't understand what you're saying I'm kicking you out." Tony leaned back in his chair and Peter twiddled his fingers anxiously.

He trusted Mason, why was he so scared?

Because no one knew his identity.

After a moment of deciding, with a defeated sigh, Peter reached to his face and tugged at his mask, pulling it off swiftly.

Mason was silent for a moment before he groaned, hanging his head. "Fucking hell. Pete?"

Tony chuckled softly as Peter turned slightly red. "Sorry I didn't tell you before, I.."

"Don't worry about it, it's strangely comforting, actually." Mason shrugged, and then sighed. "Honestly, everything makes sense now. There's a lot more to be worried about than what you get into in your spare time."

Peter gave him a small smile and nudged him. "Thanks, man."

"That was probably the chillest response to finding out your friend was a superhero." Tony glanced at Mason, who reddened slightly and smiled awkwardly.

"I've had bigger surprises than this in the last few days, believe me." Mason muttered, and Peter sent him a questioning glance, which he ignored. "But we're here for Bladerunner."

"What can I do?" Tony asked them and Peter ran a hand through his messy brown locks.

"Can you track her down? Use your suit to help us get her back?" The young hero queried and Tony scoffed, turning to his computer and tapping into the keyboard.

"You two both realise I'm Tony Stark, right? I can do a lot more than that."



the song that represents the entire book is called 'invisible touch' by genesis (please listen to it oh my god i can't even put into words how accurate it portrays j.d and pete's relationship)

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j.d's song is 'who do you love' by marianas trench and i feel it symbolises her indecisiveness towards literally everything and how her mental health is slowly plummeting as more bad things happen to her

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peter's song is 'ready' by kodaline. this may possibly change but he's been through lots of shit in the story and it basically shows that he's learning to be prepared for some stuff coming his way

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mason's song is 'vitamin c' by clean cut kid. i feel that it represents how much he cares about others and how much he strives to bring them joy before he makes himself happy. seeing his sister broken hurts him and he wants to help, but she isn't letting him (poor child)

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