Chapter 5

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Here is Chapter 5!

 Everything was dark and Ella could feel the cold, harsh ground beneath her sore body. The coarse sack that was a replacement for a dress rubbed against her skin and she couldn’t sleep that night. She absentmindedly ran her fingers through her hair while she thought of her home, where ever it was out there. She thought of Tintin. How they would take evening walks in the garden behind her small house. How her mother would paint pictures and she could just sit and watch her mother paint every paint stroke if she could. The way her father always knew what to say when she was upset.

Ella was startled out of her thoughts when someone flung the door open. She quickly stood up despite her aching muscles screaming in protest.

A deep voice came from somewhere in the dark, “Sleeping well?”

Ella angrily whispered, “It’s you.”

She could hear his heavy footsteps pacing, “Oh dear, you’re not happy to see me.”

She chuckled, “No. I never have been, sorry to disappoint.”

His ominous laughter filled the room, “Feisty, I like it. I see why Tintin likes you.”

She shook the bars, “Don’t you dare touch him.”

He leaned close to her ear and whispered softly with his warm sticky breath, “Every day you rot in this cell, is another stab to his foolish heart.”

A single tear fell down her face as he left the room, closing the door without making a sound.

Ella quickly sat up and began sobbing. She couldn’t take anymore dreams as the ones she has been having; especially the ones that had actually happened. All she could do was hold herself and sob. Something moved right beside her and she gasped not knowing what it was.

“Snowy.” Ella sighed as the sweet terrier licked her hand and she whispered,” You scared me boy.”

She cuddled Snowy and after a while, decided to make a cup of tea. Ella grabbed her robe and went to the kitchen. Tintin had insisted for her to sleep in his bedroom while he slept on the couch in the living room. Ella silently walked through the living room and stole a glance at Tintin. He was sprawled across the couch softly snoring. Ella smiled. She felt better seeing him safe and sleeping soundly. She went into the kitchen and began heating the water. As the water for the tea was brewing she went over to the windows to peek outside down at the street. The ground was a white blanket of snow and there wasn’t any visible footprints anywhere, which made Ella, sigh and finally relax. She pressed her forehead against the cold glass, clearing her thoughts. Suddenly, the tea kettle burst out in a loud whistle. She immediately ran to the tea kettle and took it off the stove. She held her breath and slowly walked into the living room. Tintin was still asleep although he had moved some. Ella sighed with relief and made her cup of tea.

 “Ellie, it’s time to wake up.” Ella slowly woke as Tintin lightly knocked on the bedroom door.

“Huh? Oh I’m awake,” she sluggishly responded.

Ella could smell food cooking and she quickly put on her robe and peeked into the kitchen. Tintin had made breakfast for them both. He turned around and caught a glimpse of her hair all ruffled up from sleeping and he couldn’t help himself and laughed.

Ella’s faced turned red and she slammed the bedroom door, “Ha. Ha. Yeah, very funny.”

Tintin rushed to the door still chuckling, “No, no I’m sorry.”

“Uh huh, sure.” She said with a smile.

He smiled, “Just come out before your food gets cold alright?”


A few minutes later Ella came out in a light pink dress and her light brown hair down in natural soft curls. As Ella sat down at the table she glanced at Tintin; he was staring at her.


He shook his head realizing he was staring and muttered, “Sorry.”

He kept wondering why did I do that?

Ella was also puzzled, “It’s alright.”

Snowy shook his head; it was as though he could truly understand what the two were so puzzled about.

They were almost to the gates of Marlinspike hall and Ella had held  in her breath the whole way back, in fear of the three men finding them again. Tintin had kept an eye out for anything suspicious, but he hadn’t seen anything.   As they approached Marlinspike snowy began to sniff the ground and push away the snow. Tintin walked over to snowy and brushed away the rest of the snow with his foot. Ella couldn’t see what he saw but he furiously turned away and  went towards the gates but stopped and took deep breaths to calm his nerves. Ella walked to the spot Tintin had uncovered; on the sidewalk was a dark red puddle, blood. Then she realized; it was her blood. They were at the same place the man cut her just the other night; Ella hadn’t realized how much blood she had lost.

Tintin, she thought.

Ella went over to him and she gently took his hand in hers.

"Tintin?" she quietly whispered.

He heavily sighed and rubbed his face, "I'm sorry. I-I can't even bear the thought of how much they hurt you."

She silently nodded and wrapped her arms around him; hugging him in a tight embrace.

Tintin was so tense and ridged, until she hugged him and he melted.

He could hear her softly breathing and her head was resting against his shoulder. Tintin wished to stop time. To have her always safely in his arms, away from all the danger.  

"Tintin!" someone exclaimed.

Tintin and Ella quickly separated and then they saw Thompson and Thomson briskly walking towards them. One of them waved and never realized the ice on the pavement.

Ella gasped and went towards him trying to help him up and ended up falling also. Ella began to giggle at her clumsiness and then laughed so hard she snorted which made Tintin and everyone else laugh with her.

Once everyone had fought down the laughter they could finally introduce themselves.

Thompson smiled, " Hello, I'm Thompson, with a P as in psychology."

Ella smiled and shook his hand, " I'm Ella."

Thomson shook her hand also, "I'm Thomson, without a P as in ,Venezuela ."

Ella smiled at them both, " It's very nice to meet you."

As they were all walking into Marlinspike Ella sheepishly whispered, "Tintin, how will I ever tell the two apart?"

He chuckled, " Well, Thomson's moustache is pointy at the ends, while Thompson's is straight."

She nodded and was determined not to get the two mixed up.      

Nestor opened the door for them and led everyone into the living room where Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus were waiting.

Tintin noticed Ella's bags, " Do you want me take those to your room?"

She looked down, "Oh no, I'll take them, be back in a jiffy."

After she had left the room Thompson had the strangest expression on his face.

"So.. Tintin" he had an mischievous grin, "When's the wedding?"

The Captain almost spit out his drink that he was about to swallow, and then had goofiest grin on his face.

  Tintin slightly shook his head, "I beg your pardon?"

Thompson smirked, "We'll we just assumed,"

Thomson added, " That you both are an couple, especially after seeing you both embracing."

Tintin tried to stop it,  but he couldn't himself from blushing, " I- We, " he paused.

"She is quite ravishing, " Thomson put in.

" Well yes but-"

Ella walked in and instantly felt as though she had interrupted something. Tintin was blushing and wouldn't really look at her and the others had the strangest expressions.

"Um- Hello everyone." she said awkwardly.

Captain Haddock chuckled, " Hello Ella, now let's all sit down and get everything over with."

The interview hadn't taken long with Thompson and Thomson, and as they were leaving they sent their congratulations.

Thomson came over to Ella and winked, " Congratulations."

She didn't know what to say in return.

"Please do send an invitation Tintin," Thompson quickly said to him with a smirk and a tip of the hat.

"No, you don't understand," but he already closed the door.

Ella shook her head in confusion, "Tintin what did Thomson mean by, Congratulations? "    

Captain Haddock laughed and Tintin glared at him.

 She slightly smiled, "what is it?"

Captain Haddock grinned and patted Tintin on the back, "We were just teasing him, that's all."

She didn't really ask anything more about  it but she still, she wondered, What could have possibly made Tintin blush so much?


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