Chapter Six

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Matt And Ryan walked through the student parking lot and towards their car with Katie slowly following behind them

Ryan glanced back at the girl following them and then at his big brother. "Mya is definitely not going to like this." Ryan told him.

"Relax baby bro, Katie is just helping me study for street law. Ryan raised his eyebrows. They both knew what Matt's definition of 'studying' is. "We really are just studying. Trust me, it's not like I want to hangout with her."

"Ditto." Katie said from behind them. Matt blushes slightly, he didn't think she could hear them.

When they reached the car Ryan sat in the back and Katie sat shotgun, with Matt driving. The car ride was even more awkward than it was silent.

Katie followed them up to their apartment and sat herself down at the table.

Matt walked over to the fridge and was about to pull out two pre measured glasses of blood but he stopped himself and looked back at Katie. She was doing something on her phone so Matt quickly transferred the blood from clear glasses to black plastic cups.

"Ry." Matt passed a cup to him.

Ryan chugged it down and snacked on Jaffa Cakes she slid into a chair next to Katie at the table and smirked evilly. "So Katie, what are your intentions with my brother?"

Katie blushed a little and laughed. "Room!" Matt yelled before Katie could answer.

"Alright alright." Ryan shot his hands in the air. "You two obviously want some privacy, so I'll just go to the park or something." Ryan smirked and headed to the door.

Matt grabbed the back of his hoodie and pulled him away from the door. "Go to your room and do homework or something." Matt told his little brother.

"I finished all of the homework in study." Ryan whined. "I mean really, it was way too easy."
"Then go read a book." Matt told him.

"There is literally not a book in this whole house that I haven't read." Ryan told him and crossed his arms. "I mean come on, I know I'm still grounded but you let me go out yesterday."

"No I did not." Matt said quickly and glanced over at Katie.

Ryan just rolled his eyes and let out a loud huff. "Then what do you want me to do while you two 'study'?" Ryan air  quotationed.

"I don't care, go to your room and watch porn or something." Matt pushed the kid towds the hallway and Ryan kept walking.

"Alright but I'm using your computer!" Ryan laughed and slammed his bedroom door shut.
Matt turned to Kaite who was trying really hard not to burst out laughing.

Matt just rolled his eyes and sat down next to her. "Let's get this over with so you can leave." 

"I actually agree with you for once." She said mockingly. Katie pulled out her notebook and flipped to a page filled with highlighted words and definitions. "Let's start with vocab." She said and held the notebook up towards her so Matt couldn't see. "Who is the person who brings a case against against another in a court of law?"

Matt groned and shrugged. "I dunno."

"Gusse." Katie told him but Matt just shrugged again. "Uh, it's the Plaintiff." Katie told him. "What type of case is it if the penalty is one year of jail or more."

"I don't even know what you mean." Matt told her honestly.
  "Is the case criminal or civil?"

"I donno, civil?" He guessed.

"No, its criminal because the penalty is greater than a year." Katie told him.

"Look, I'm never going to get any of this. I wasn't raised here, I don't know how the American legal system works. It's like asking me to take U.S. History."

Kaite sighed and understood why he was having a hard time with the subject. "Even though the law systems aren't identical, they are actually quite similar."

"Well I still don't understand anything about it." He admitted.

"Okay, well how about this, when quorterback Darryl Henley was sentenced to a 41 year prison sentance for trafficking cocaine and attempting to murder the judge and a witness, was that a criminal or civil case?" Katie thought if she used a football example Matt might get it.

Matt stared at her for a second and then started laughing. "What's a quarterback?" He asked.
Kaite started bursting out laughing. "Right, you guys play football with your feet."

"I'm pretty sure that's how you play it." For a second Matt forgot that he hated Katie and he gave her a genuine smile.

Katie smiled back and her stomach fluttered. She was so paranoid with Matt's horrible attitude she forgot just how cute he was. Matt noticed the same when she pushed her long brown hair behind her ear and let out a small giggle.

They both stopped laughing and stared into each other's eyes. Both of their hearts started racing and their hands slid across the table and towards each other. Their fingers crossed and their heads leaned in slightly.

There was a long pause, neither of them knowing what they wanted to do next.
"Maybe we should try flashcards." Katie muttered and removed her hand.
"Ya ya ya." Matt said quickly. "Lets try that."

  About three hours later, Matt was surprisingly nailing the questions. Studying together was turning out to be more fun than they originally thought. When they put their fude aside, the two worked quite nicely together.

"Rules and regulations made and enforced by gov't that regulates the conduct of people within society?"

"A Law."

"A person accused of committing a crime."

"The defendant."

"Another name for laws."


"Allows the courts to declare a law unconstitutional.

"Judicial review."

"The study of law and legal philosophy."


"Your going to ace this text." Kaite said as she flipped the last flashcard.

"I hope." Matt smiled, proud of himself for actually knowing the information. "I could have done it without your annoying self."

"Hahaha, you just better get a good grade." She laughed.

"Maybe we should study together again?" Matt asked, unsure of how Katie would react.

"Ya, definitely." She smiled. She grabbed Her phone and held it out. "But your number in." She told him.

Matt smiled and typed his number in and then handed the phone back to Katie. She smiled and texted him 'hi' so he would have her number too.

Katie hated that everytime she looked into his chocolate eyes her stomach turned. Matt infuriated her, he was such an asswhole all the time, so why does she feel like this? Just the way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine and his touch was electric. Why does she want to run her hand up his shirt and find out what his lips taste like?

Matt noticed that Katies was watching him from her side vision, and sheepishly looking away when he looked at her. She doesn't wear short skirts or tight revealing tops. She didn't have any boobs to show off, though the way that her black t-shirt was tucked into her plaid skirt that came just above her knees made her look as adorable. The way she bit her lips when she read was one of the sexiest things he's ever seen. He wanted to wrap his arms around her waist and kissed down her neck.

Their eyes made contact and both were thinking the same exact thing. Shivers ran down Katie's spine as he leaned close to her and placed a hand on her cheek.

Though before their lips could touch, there was a loud bang followed by a scream from Ryan's bedroom.

"Ryan!" Matt yelled and ran into his room before Katie could process what he was doing. "Are you okay?" He ran over to his little brother who was laying on the floor.

"Ya, im fine." Ryan grounded and sat up.

"What the hell where you doing in here?" Matt picked Ryan off the floor and Katie walked into the room.

"Backfulls off the bed." Ryan muttered. Even for a vampire, Ryan had really good agility.

"Idjit." Matt sighed. "Stop doing flips in the house you twat!"

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" Ryan yelled.

  "I dont give a shit, just don't hurt yourself or Mya will hurt me!" Matt yelled back.

"Fine!" Ryan stormed out of his room and into Matt's.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked as Ryan opened Matt's bedroom window.

"What the fuck does it look like?"Ryan hopped out the window and started climbing down the fire escape.

"Ryan!" Matt climbed out the window and chased Ryan.

"Shit!" Katie muttered to herself. She ran out of the apartment and out side. She turned the corner and Ryan literally ran into her. Ryan was too stunned to do anything so he just let Katie grab him. Matt came running behind him and grabbed the boy himself.

"What the hell!" Matt shook Ryan.  Ryan's eyes lit red, but his back was turned to Katie so she didn't see. "Ryan? You okay mate?"

Ryan closed his eyes tight and then opened them to reveal his normal brown ones. Ryan blushed and then nodded his head. "Ya, I'm fine. I don't know what came over me." He said slowly.

Ryan was acting just like Matt did when he was younger and sneaking blood. Only Ryan wouldn't do that. He was a good kid who always follows the rules and never does anything out of line.

Matt wrapped his arm around his little brother and started walking inside. Then he stopped and turned back to Katie who looked more confused than ever. "You should probably go, I need to deal with my little brother." He told Katie.

"Ya, I get it. Tonight was surprisingly fun though, I can's wait until we hang or do something." Katie said hopefully.

"I don't know Katie, my life is just really complicated right now. I don't really have a lot of time to just hang, you know?" Its not that Matt dint want to hangout with her all of a sudden, it was just that he really needed to figure out what was going on with Ryan. And family comes first.

"Oh, ya. Totally." She said, trying to hide the hurt in her voice. "I'll see you around Matt." She didn't know why her chest hurt so badly. She should be overjoyed that she won't have to spend anymore time with that asswhole. Everything he did annoyed her. From the way that held his pencil, to how he played with his fingers when he was thinking, to they way his hand ran through his hair giving it an extremely sexy/messy look. Just the way he said her name in his englidh accent was unbearable. But the most annoying thing was how much he cared about his family, it was just so repulsing.

  Matt walked Rayn back up to their apartment and kept one hand on his shoulder whole whole time. "Your not drinking human blood right?" Matt asked.

"What? Of course not." Ryan told him.]

"Really? Because your behavior is out of control,  just like mind was when I decided to go on a little blood fest." Matt told him as they entered the apartment.

"I'm not, I promise okay?" Ryan begged.

"Ya okay. Because you know if you were, you would have to tell me and Mya so we could help you lean yourself off of it."

"Ya I know, I know." Rayn mumbled, starting to get a little annoyed.

"Do you know how painful it is to go through that kind of withdrawal?" Matt asked more seriously.

"Yes, I did it when I was nine." Ryan rolled his eyes and started storming away to his room. Matt's patients was growing extremely thin by Ryan's attitude so he grabbed the boy, spun him around and slapped him across the face. " Ow! What the hell!" Ryan yelled and grabbed his cheek."

"Stop being such a little brat." Matt grabbed his arm and shook him.

  "Stop trying to act like dad!" Ryan yelled and pulled Matt's hand off him.

Matt was stunned for a second, not knowing what to say. "I'm not trying to act like dad." He said slowly.

"Yes you are! Mya too! You guys aren't my parents so stop trying to be them! Did it ever occur to you that maybe I didn't want to leave home? That maybe I missed mom and dad and want to go back with them?" The hurt in Ryan's voice was growing and tears began to fill his eyes. Matt was completely lost for words, so Ryan just stormed off his bedroom.

Matt stood in the living room, stunned and not knowing what to do. Thinking back. Neither Matter nor Ryan was asked if they wanted to leave. Mya just decided it for them. He didn't think Ryan could have actually wanted to go back. Their father was abusive bitch, and their mom was a control freak who didn't care the slightest for them.

Matt sighed and walked to Ryan's bedroom, he opened the door a crack and saw Ryan curled up on his bed. "Hey." Matt said softly. "Can I come in?"

Ryan just muttered something but didn't really answer. Matt took it was a yes and went to go sit by him. "I'm sorry I flipped out." Matt apologized and hubbed Ryan's back. "And I'm sorry for slapping you." Ryan just kept his head buried in his pillow and didn't say a thing. "But," Matt sighed, "I could tell something is seriously up with you, you've been acting so strange lately. Are you sure your okay?"

"I'm fine." Ryan snapped.

Matt just took a deep breath and told himself not to snap back. "I'm just worried about you kiddo."

"Don't be."

The kid was fourteen, he was probably just going through a very moody stage of puberty. Or at least that's what Matt told himself in order to calm down. "Fine." Matt was getting annoyed and decided to leave before he made matters worse with Ryan.

He got off the bed and headed for the door. "Wait." Ryan muttered. Matt turned back and smiled when he saw Ryan was looking back at him with his little innocent eyes.

Matt just nodded and walked back over to the bed. He sat next to Ryan and let the boy cuddle up next to him. Ryan feel asleep rather quickly and Matt was left with a dilemma of what to do. On one hand he could  tell his older sister and see what she thinks is going on with him, or he could just let it go and trust that Ryan is really okay.

Though he couldn't think clearly when his mind kept wanting to think about Katie. The way her nose scrunched up when she got mad at him. Or the little smirk she got when she made Matt mad. Even just the feeling Matt got when their hands touched, or how his heart pounded when her gray eyes met his brown ones. He's never felt this way about anyone before and he didn't know what to do about it. Katie wasn't exactly his type, though he might have been falling for her. Actually falling, and not just wanting to hook up. The thought terrified his, though he couldn't deny his felling."

Though there was no way she could ever feel the same way about him, could she?
No matter what the answer was Matt reached into his pocket and picked up his phone. He tapped on her name and started typing.

Matt: Hey, what's up?|
No,  too basic
Matt:  Sorry we had to cut tonight short ;)|
No, too forward
Matt: Hey! I had fun tonight! <3|
Ya, like that's not forward
Matt: Sorry I was kinda a dick tonight but the truth is I really like you and we should hangout sometime|
What the bloody hell is wrong with me?

Matt stared at his blank text once again, he's never been this nervous to text a girl, so what was so different about Katie? He knew the answer, he just didn't want to admit it.
He got back to typing when a different text from a different girl came in.

Lexi: Hey cutie, I'm real horny. Wanna have some fun? ;) :) <3 $$$$

Matt smiled and bit his bottom lip. He exited the messages with Katie and started typing to Lexie.

Matt: Don't worry Baby, I'll make you cum.

It took a second but a pic came through of Lexi in a black lace bra and matching underwear. Matt licked his lips as he felt himself get a little hard. He looked over to his little brother who was fast asleep on his Matt's chest.

Matt tried to carefully move Ryan but his arm wrapped around him tightly. Matt sighed and tried to move him again. Matt was able to get out of the room without Ryan waking up and he went back to his and ripped his shirt off. There were scares running from his hip bone to his collarbone, and his ribs were barely sticking out, but they were. Matt undid his jeans and slipped them off, revealing his tight black boxers. Matt took a pic of himself and made sure to not include his scars but instead the corner of his bare torso and the bulge sticking out of his boxers.
He heard their apartment door open and he assumed Mya was home. "Shit!" He muttered to himself and quickly sent the pic.

He put his clothes back on as fast as he could, but then he heard his phone buzzes. He got even harder just thinking about the sexy pic Lexi could have sent him.
He picked up his phone and started at it wide eyed when he saw who it was from.

Katie: Wtf?

Matt's heart dropped as he literally dropped his phone. He sent the picture to Katie. He couldn't believe the mess that he had just gotten himself into.

He had no clue how to respond, but before he could he heard his sister knocking on his door. "Hey Matthew I'm home." She said and then opened the door.

"Hey." He said, still in shock.

"You okay? You look a little scared." Mya asked slowly.

"I'm fine, everything is fine." He told her.

Matt's phone started buzzing on the floor and he had no intention of picking it up.

"Your phone is ringing." Mya told him as she walked over to it.

"Ya, I know." Matt said awkwardly.

"Okay." Mya nodded and turned around to walk away but quickly turned back around and grabbed the phone off the ground before Matt could stop her.

  The vibrating stopped and the screen said "Missed call from Katie" and under that another picture from Lexi.
Mya looked up at Matt and he cringed. She handed him back his phone and puckered her lips together. "You know Matt, when you take pictures of yourself they never go away-"

"Please stop!" Matt bedded.

Mya just laughed and walked out of the room. "Use a condom." She told him and Matt's face lit red with embarrassment. Mya just laughed and closed the door.

Matt looked back down at his phone and it started ringing again. He tried to ignore it but his finger swiped the wrong way and he ended up answering. He heard Katie's voice call his name threw the phone.


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