Chapter 1: Birthday Presents

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Maddie POV:

I wake up and get dressed, quickly. Why so quick? Because today is September 28th, my birthday. I'm super excited for this birthday because I'm supposed to finally get a bookworm device or as most of us call them these days, a bookworm. A few things you need to know about me:

1. I'm a HUGE fangirl. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, you name it. The problem is is all those books are really old so there really aren't many fangirls in most of my fandoms out there. Just as long as the book is one of the older ones, and not like the new, crappy ones that everyone's so excited about like John the Amazing or Jessica Saves the Day.

2. I have an identical twin brothers, Matthew who is a HUGE fanboy and basically a gender-bent me.

3. My name is Madeline Riordan, but you will call me Maddie.

4. I'm the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Rick Troll Riordan, which is probably why I'm so obsessed with the books he wrote.

5. I've been waiting for the moment I got a bookworm since I first heard about them, at the age of three.

Well now that that's out of the way, you're probably wondering what I look like, right? Well I have curly, blonde hair, beautiful grey eyes and a small patch of freckles dancing across each cheek. I'm basically a living Goldilocks. Now back to my birthday. So I was about to get a bookworm and I was super excited. So I put on my favorite outfit, a red shirt–the words 'Books Rule' then there's a cartoon book and a cartoon ruler–a nice, comfy pair of black jeans, and my red converse. Then I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and put on my black and red baseball cap. In case you couldn't tell, my two favorite colors are red and black, which are tied for first, but blue comes in a close second.

I walked out, into the hallway and over to Matthew's room and knocked on his bedroom door, "Come on, Matt." I whined. "It's our birthday and you still can't be bothered to get out of bed?" I heard footsteps and the door opened. "What do you want, Maddie?" I looked at him, he was still in his pajamas, which were blue and black flannel. I rolled my eyes, but answered him, "It's our birthday, you idiot." A look of realization crossed his face as his sleepy brain processed what I had just said and he quickly shut the door in my face and j could hear him running around inside his bedroom, trying to get ready as quickly as possible. Lucky for me, we take our showers at night, so I didn't have to wait too long for him to get ready.

As soon as he opened the door, I grabbed his wrist and dragged him down to the kitchen, practically running through the house. Finally we see our parents, sitting on the couch in the living room with two neatly wrapped gifts sitting next to them. Then our parents spoke, "Matthew, Madeline, we have a few gifts for both of you, but we thought you would like these ones the most." They each picked up one of the packages and I was handed one and my brother was given the other. Us being the extra excited people we were, Matt and I tore through the wrapping paper and we're both left holding a small device, no bigger than a flip phone, (man those were from like ... a century ago) with a red button on it and the words 'Bookworm Device' carved carefully into the hard plastic. Both of us started jumping up and down, excitedly and ran up to our parents for a group hug, in synch.

After that we left for our friends' houses and brought our presents with us. I ran up to Jack's front door, as Matt ran up to Jamie's front door. We both knocked on the door we were assigned to and asked if our friends were home. Immediately we both dragged our friends over to our usual meeting place, which is this nice tree that we climb and sit on their s one branch that's pretty big. Oh you guys probably wanna know how I knew what Matt was doing, right? I'm so used to it, I guess I forgot to mention that we're telepathic ... well sorta. We can like see what the other is doing, but we can't like read each other's thoughts or anything or talk to each other without speaking like in the Maze Runner series, with Thomas and Teresa. So, I constantly know where my brother is. It can access be useful, like if one of us were kidnapped or something, we could easily find our twin. So, now I think you know everything about me.

So we were all sitting in the tree, talking, when. Jack finally asked why we had brought them here so early. I rolled my eyes, "It's our birthday, you idiot." I gestured to Matt and I, as I repeated the words I had told my brother only about an hour prior. Matt punched my arm, "Really? You just had to repeat that, word for word?" "Yes, I did." I said, though I was looking at Jamie. Her eyes were a beautiful, chocolatey brown, almost like Nico's from my ancestor's books. Her hair was a brown so dark, you would think it was black until you got a close look at it. Her skin, a light brown, not quite white, but not quite black either, but somewhere just in the middle. Today Jamie was wearing her usual jeans and a t-shirt. But today, I noticed her shirt wasn't just one plain color, but a combination of red, black, and blue, and the colors made a beautiful swirl and I couldn't help but think she wore that shirt for my birthday. My eyes wandered up a little farther and our eyes met.

When I finally looked away, I saw that Matt and Jack had also been staring into each other's eyes. Finally, Jack asked, "So why'd you bring us here again?" Matt looked at him and said, "Well, we thought you guys would wanna try out our new bookworms with us." Then he held up his birthday present and I held up mine.

A/N okay so when I was writing this I was originally gonna put Maddie and Jack together and Matt and Jamie, but what can I say? I have a problem for gay ships so we'll probably need a MaddieXJamie ship name and a MattgewXJack ship name. Comment if you have any ideas.

Also I consider myself equal to you so, if I hurt one of my characters, I'll be helping you hunt me down.

Thanks for reading and I love you all.

This is Gina, signing off.

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