Chapter 3- life changing results

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Koda was outside of her house, relaxing in the final day that her "family" would be gone. Sadly that means Dustin would be leaving her. The sunlight was shining on her face giving the girl a peaceful look with her eyes closed, a small snarl crossed her lips as a shadow blocked said sunlight.

When she opened her eyes she saw Baxter standing over her. "My little cub, snarling like a real bear." He joked as he sat down beside her, he sat close enough to where their bodies were pressed against each other. "Why you look so glum?"

"They come back tomorrow.." She grumbled unhappily as she snuggled against his side, her eyes closing back as his arm went around her. "Ah, yeah." He said with a sigh, rubbing her arm. Baxter knew that would mean he couldn't just show up like he's been doing as Micheal, Koda's stepfather, hated him..but then again Baxter was almost sure that Micheal hated everyone.

"You could always run away, come live with me." He offered her with a cheeky smile. He leaned his head against hers, but did it to where his forehead was against her temple and he could see her face.

Koda laughed softly. "You know I don't get along with Wren, she hates me." That made him shake his head. "Like I care what Wren thinks, plus I don't think she hates you." Koda turned to look at him, foreheads resting together since the boy hasn't moved from the way he was sitting. "Oh yeah? Then what is it?" She questioned.

"She's jealous." Bax answered simply, his hand going up to brush along her jaw. "Jealous of me? That's ridiculous." Koda scoffed with some amusement in her voice. "It's not, if I was a girl and knew you I'd be jealous." He said with a smile crossing his face. "You're just being silly."

"Yeah, no, I'm not. Let me list reasons to be jealous of you." Baxter said as his hand moved to cup her chin. "You are funny. You are smart. You are one hell of a surfer. You can cook and can draw so amazing. You're so sassy, I adore it. You have a beautiful soul and so so beautiful." He listed making the girl blush darkly. " know what Wren can have it all. I'd give up modeling and hell even  surfing to not deal with Micheal and my mom." Koda said as she hid her face against his chest.

Baxter wrapped her up in his arms tightly, kissing the top of her head. "I know you would. I would give it up too if I could take you far away from here." Koda smiled softly at the idea. "Just us?" She asked as she turned her head to look at him. "Yeah just us."

Koda turned in his arms to be facing him, hugging him tightly. "What would I do without you?" She whispered as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. "Probably a lot of felonies." Bax said in a plain tone making Koda laugh as she lightly hit his shoulder. 

"Am I interrupting something?" Dustin asked making Koda jump, form how she was balancing on her toes to hug Baxter she fell backwards. "Dammit Dustin!" The girl hissed. The man chuckling at that. "Sorry Ko, but next time I suggest a private room and not the front yard." He teased as he walked into the house.

Baxter couldn't help but start to laugh at the flustered look on her face. "Y-you should see your face." He said as he laughed, gesturing towrads his face. Koda looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Oh yeah?" She questioned with a arched eyebrow. "Yeah."

With his response Koda leapt into attention, knocking him backwards onto the ground, the girl rolling to the side slightly as the two started a wrestling match.

It ended with Baxter over her, her hands pinned above her head. "You really shouldn't fight guys twice your size." He said with a smirk on his face. Koda huffing a small laugh. "Why because I'll win?" She questioned. He laughed fully at that. "Win? You didn't win Little Bear." He teased.

Koda looked at him with a smile. "Who said it was over?" She asked as she leaned up towards him, his eyes flickering towrads her lips. That made his hold loosen on her, so she used that chance to use her body weight and flip them around. "See, pinned ya."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say princess." Baxter said with a small chuckle, looking up at her with adoring eyes. Koda was so oblivious to how her best friend felt towards her. He pulled her closer to him. "You still need to not pick fights...well not with me, just Griff." That made Koda smile, the girl having a complicated past with the boy.

Koda's phone beeped making her sigh as she shifted to get it from her skirt pocket, having to lean almost completely onto Baxter, not that he minded at all. "And that was Ari, he wants help setting up for the barbecue." She said softly as she put her phone away.

"Can you survive without me?" Koda asked as she looked back at Baxter. The pink haired boy thinking for a moment. "No, probably not." With a roll of her eyes and a smile on her face, Koda gently brushed her hand along his cheek. "You can manage a hour or two." She told him, going to stand up. Before she got to far up Baxter grabbed her wrist,pulling her down onto his lap. He gave her a hug before letting her go. "Alright you can leave now, out of my sight."

Koda laughed fully at that as she stood, ruffling his hair as she looked down at him. "My dramatic boy," She said with a light smile, not realizing how she effected him so simply with the word my before the rest of the sentence.  Baxter walked her walk away with a smile before signing and standing up, heading home himself.

Koda arrived to the Gibson household to see Wren already there. "If Wren's here what do you need my help for?" She asked jokingly  as she walked in, the blondes looking over at her. "Because you're awesome." Ari said with a smile, thinking that was a good answer and with a moment of thought Koda nods her head. "That I am."

After Koda has been there for roughly thirty minutes. Honey and Summer walked into the Gibson house. "You have to see my deck collection." Honey told her as they walked in, Koda walking into the kitchen with a tray, smiling once she saw the two but her smile faded seeing Ari and Wren. Koda pulled out her phone

'When are you coming over Bax?'

'Miss me already Cub? You left me there remember; )'

'Yeah but I have to deal with this'

She snapped a picture of Ari and Wren making out in the kitchen and sent it to the boy.

'Yeah I didn't need to see that'

'Like I do? Please be my prince and save me'

'I'll have Wren come home to help me, with what I don't know but I'll figure something out princess'

'That's why you are my favorite  <3'

'I better be : )'

"Honestly, the amount of gold people dump in our rubbish is truly astounding." They walked into the kitchen where Ari and Wren were making out, seeing the distressed Koda but she felt better having others there. Honey sighed. "They do this all the time." She whispered. Wren and Ari turning towrads where the voice came from. "It's kind of gross." Honey added in a normal tone.
"Sorry, Honey." Wren apologized with a smile on her face, Koda knew deep down that wasn't true, she didn't trust the Radic girl. "Just keep walking." Honey said as she she started, pulling on Summer's hand which she was holding. "Wait. One second," Summer told her.

Summer let go of Honey's hand and moved towrads the two, Honey moving to Koda's side. "Um, I did want to say my bad for crashing your final." She told the girl. "Oh. Please, don't worry about it. Yeah, comp surfing's all about dealing with the unexpected. Like when someone steals your wax before a final." Wren said  with a smile, looking up towards Ari. Ari looked over with his lopsided grin. "Right, yeah. That's actually how we met. We were at a comp and um..she accidently nicked my wax." Ari said in a voice like it was romantic.

Honey laughed a bit as Koda rolled her eyes at the way the two spoke about the moment. "If that's supposed to be romantic I met Ari when he clipped me off my surfboard, claiming not to see me there. Bax bombed my photoshoot." Koda listed how she met her friends but only Honey heard her, the younger girl glad that Koda was against Wren like she was.

Wren looked towrads Summer, leaning towards her a bit. "Yeah, "accidently". Boys, right?"
"Right." Summer agreed with the slightest laugh, trying to be polite. "He's just the best. You know?" Wren said happily. "Hey. You're pretty great yourself." He shot back making Wren laugh. "Right, let's go." Honey said, pulling Summer away. Shortly after that Wren left to change at home, Koda muttering a thankfulness. 

Marlon was checking his phone for any news as he approached the Gibsons house. "Hey, mate, you hungry?." Ari greeted, hugging his friend as Poppy walked up  eyes on her phone. The Gibsons had invited the friends over for a BBQ as they all waited for new from the Nationals. "He's always hungry." Koda teased him as she walked outside, the girl wearing a flowing black skirt and a red cropped shirt. "Yeah yeah, go to the girls Nemo." Marlon told her in a teasing way.

Koda saw Poppy so she lovingly flipped off Marlon before walking over to the other girl. Poppy was frantically refreshing the page. "Have you guys heard anything? It's, like, just name the State team already!" She asked in a slightly panicked voice. She walked towards Honey, Summer and Bodhi. Koda following beside her. The two older girls chuckling at her. "Try to relax my friend," Koda said placing a hand on Poppy's shoulder catching her attention. "Huh?" That caught Poppy off guard. "I can tell you're getting nervous, so try to relax." Poppy took a deep breath to relax making Koda smile at her.

Baxter and Wren were walking into the backyard. "Oi, stop pushing me." Baxter said in a board voice towards his sister, pushing his sister away. "You're pushing me." The blonde girl countered, lightly hitting his arm. Baxter gave a small laugh at that. Koda looked over when she heard them, a smile crossing her face. "I'll be back." Koda told them. The girls giving her a nod.

"Wait, I know that guy." Summer said as she looked over at him. "Wren's brother Baxter." Bodhi said as she followed Summer's eyes. A look of recognition crossed Summer's face as Koda reached Bax, the boy picking her up in a side hug, dragging her along towrads the table. "That's who's into our Koda?" The question made Poppy smile. "Yep, they are meant for each other." She said so surly. Even Honey nodded along with that.

"He's a pyro, so you guys should get along." Bodhi said as she looked back at Summer. Summer looked momentarily confused by that. "Excuse me?"
"Apparently after Nationals last year at Carvers Bay, Baxter burnt down the Boardriders Clubhouse." Bodhi informed as Baxter looked towards them, smiling at them as he still had Koda around the side. "Yeah and he got kicked off the Queensland team and they moved down here." Poppy added as she finally put her phone away. "Pretty rough for Wren." Bodhi said looking at Summer who was looking across at Baxter. "Well, he's super helpful and just looking at Koda with him!" Summer smiled, excited for the potentialness of Koda falling in love.

"Also, Wren's a litterer." Honey said catching the three older girls attention. The girls looking way more Intrested then it was so the younger girl felt more apart of their group. "Last November, Tuesday afternoon, outside Farouk's fish n chips, she threw a sauce container at the bin, it missed, went into the gutter. She didn't even do anything. She just left it there. That was all I needed to know." She finished. The older girls looking shocked at that information, Honey smiling some as she talked. Summer laughed softly. "Honey, you're the real reason I came back. " She fist bumped the younger girl before hugging her.

It was getting later, the food having been cooked, Baxter got another plate with his own. He got a cheeseburger and cut it into quarters with some grapes. He walked towrads Koda, sitting down next to her. "Here." He sat the plate on her lap. "Oh thank you but I'm not hungry," She said with a bashful smile.

Bax looked at her sadly, reaching over to brush her hair back behind her ear. "As much as I love and respect you, I wasn't asking. You have to eat at least one quarter until I'll actually leave you alone." Koda looked at him for a moment with pink duster cheeks before picking up the piece of food to eat, his soft blue eyes watching her.

Night has fallen by now, a fire going in the pit. "Wait, wait, wait! This is my favorite bit." Abbie, Ari's mom, said as she was playing a video of Ari and Summer as young kids dancing. The people watching laughing. "Summer, is that actually you and Ari?" Poppy asked with a laugh, her tone lightly teasing. "This is back when you took directions." Margot laughed. "Um not really! I was the choreographer." Summer replied, her voice laughing. Ari and Wren walked back and he saw what was playing. "Aw, mum!" He groaned.
"Look at your little shorts." Abbie teased him, pointing at the screen. "No!"

"Who knew you had moves, Ari?" Summer told him teasingly. Ari and Summer talking and laughing as Wren looked over at them suspiciously. 

Poppy, Ari and Summer walked over to where Poppy, Bodhi, Koda, Marlon and Baxter where hanging out. Wren walking over to join them. "So Kods when do we get to learn about your leg?" Summer asked her, the suspense slowly killing the girl. Koda chuckled softly. "I guess now."

Koda stood up, grabbing the edge of her skirt, working it up to her upper thigh. Baxter gave her a soft whistle, Wren lightly hitting him. Koda looked towards Baxter with narrowed eyes, trying not to laugh. But she moved it the rest of the way to show the stitched shark bite.

Baxter reached over with a shocked face, everyone looking either shocked or confused even Wren, his fingers lightly brushed the area making her flinch. "Sorry love." He said quickly as he looked up at her. "It's okay, still a bit sore." She said with a soft smile.

"When did that happen?" Ari asked in a slightly demanding tone, worried for his friend. "About a month ago I think. It's okay, I'm okay. I just need to keep it covered because it might ruin my modeling career." She repeated what her parents said with a roll of her eyes. 

Poppy wrapped her arms around her. "I'm so glad you're okay." She told her. Marlon walking over and hugging Koda as well. Marlon and Poppy were two of her best friends.

After the shock of the shark bite everyone started venturing off to get food, drinks ect. Koda staying off to the side the anxiety starting to get to her as well. That's when phones started to chime, everyone looking. "Guys, is this it?" Ari asked nervous but hopefully.  "Yes!" Wren gassed excitedly. "Yes, yes, yes! Wait, Ari?" She turned to her boyfriend who gave her a grin. "I'm in!" He rushed her, picking her up in a hug. "Ari, we did it!" She said happily.

Koda reloaded her phone to see the message come across her screen, clicking on it to read the full thing. A frown formed on her face, after all that work and pressuring her mom to let her do this, she was just a sub. Koda had something to prove to her family but she wouldn't get that chance as things seemed to be going the wrong way.

Bodhi was looking at her phone, moving away from the group. Summer looking towards Ari and Wren at what bit sadly. "And I'm team captain." Wren announced, Poppy looking towards her, smiling fading. "Oh, Wren, congrats!" Ari told her happily. Bodhi placed her hands on her forehead, Poppy noticing and hurrying towards her. Poppy instantly moved to hug her but Bodhi looked up with a smile, both of the girls laying some. "No, I'm just so happy." Bodhi told her. Poppy leaned up to hug her. "I'm so proud of you."
"You too. I'm sorry you didn't get team captain." Poppy shrugged her shoulders some at Bodhi's words. "Ah, all good, Wren's a superstar." Poppy's phone beeped. She pulled it out and looked at it. "Griff says he's in too. With Ahmed."
"Griff's texting you?" Bodhi questioned.

"Bax, are you in?" Wren asked her brother making Poppy look back, not answering Bodhi's question. "Yeah. 'Fraid so." He replied. Baxter looking towrads Koda, seeing her putting her head in her hands.

He crossed the distance and knelt down in front of her to where she couldn't hide her face from him. "What's the matter?" He asked her gently, brushing her hair away. "I didn't make the cut, I'm a sub though." She said in a disappointed voice.  Baxter stood up, pulling her up into a hug, his hand running up and down her back.

"You deserved to be on this team more then anyone." He said as he pulled back to look at her. "But you'll still show your sick skills. I got you." He promised, keeping his arm around her, he walked her towards the table.

Poppy glanced back towrads her phone. "Oh,no..." She then glanced up towards Bodhi before standing. She ran towards the front of the house.  "Is she okay? What's going on?" Abbie questioned

Poppy caught up with Marlon who was walking away, hands in his pockets. "Marlon, wait up!!" She called, getting him to stop. "It's okay. I'm just gonna get an early night." He said, voice sorta flat. "I'm so sorry." Poppy said with a frown. Marlon shrugging his shoulders. "It'll be okay. Go celebrate. You deserve it. You're gonna carry this team. See ya." He gave her a quick smile before turning and walking away.

"Can't belive it!" Wren laughed. "I'm so proud of you, Wren." Bodhi said as she gave her a hug. Summer watching them all from a distance. "I'm proud of you." Wren countered.

Ari's parents hugged him. "Bet that's a relief, hey, mate?" His dad asked him.
"Sick. You deserve it. Really." Bodhi said, breaking the hug and just taking her hands. "Thanks. So  do you, Bodhi. Thank you." Summer looked at Baxter and Koda, the girl leaning against the taller boy for support. Koda needed him mire then she would care to admit and Summer knew that would scare the hell out of her friend.

Margot walked over to Summer. "You okay?" She asked since Summer seemed distant and zoned out. Summer turned towrads her. "Yeah. I'm in." She whispered as if she didn't believe it. "What?" A look of confusion crossed Margot's face. "I'm in." Summer announced louder, finally looking towrads the rest. "They gave me a wildcard spot. I'm on the team." Everyone looked confused and no one said anything yet. Baxter moved towrads the table, still holding Koda close. "They put the heat crasher in. That's sick." He said as he grabbed some chips, a smile on his face. "Well, this is either great or terrible." Poppy whispered as Bodhi sent  Summer a smile. Margot pulling her daughter in for a hug.

Summer had walked off to use the bathroom, when she walked out Wren was waiting for her. "Hey! Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked. Summer looking at her, walking over. "Sure."
"Uh, look, um...I have no idea why the selectors rewarded what happened, but it so confirmed everything Ari told me about you." Wren said as she looked at Summer. Summer smiled a bit and scoffed slightly. "What's that?"
"Well, that you're an entitled brat who'll do anything for the slightest bit of attention." Wren threw back without any hesitation. Summer now looking confused. "Well...whatever you've heard, we're on the same team now. So you might want to play nice." Summer told her, the slight under tone showing it was a warning. "Yeah, and this team is about taking my career to the next level. So I'm not going to let you ruin it. Come on, Summer. We both know you don't deserve this. And, well, I think, pretty soon everyone else is gonna work that out too, right?" Summer stared at Wren in disbelief. Wren sniggered slightly looking at her a moment before walking away.

Koda was walking out to head home, Baxter trailing behind her. "You better show up to practice tomorrow." He told her, the girl pausing to look at him. "Why?"

He placed his hands on her shoulders when he reached her. "To show your still a part of this team. Listen Koda I may not be the most reliable guy but I would never do anything to let you down, I believe in you." He brushed his thumb across her cheek. "Go rest and I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed her forehead before walking away back into the back yard. Koda blushing softly as she watched him leave.

Baxter had changed her life that was for sure, hopefully it would remain for the better.

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