Chapter 4- training day

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Summer was heading out to the beach, surfboard in hand. She was meeting up with Bodhi, Koda and Poppy. The three girls looking towards Summer as she ran over. "I see it but I don't believe it." Bodhi said in a happy squeal.
"Summer Torres is officially frothing!" Poppy said in a teasing voice, smiling at her.

"Come on, I'm not here to throw shrimp on the barbie." Summer said in a horrible Australian accent before heading towards the water. "Let's go ladies.". Poppy and Bodhi sharing a confused look before smiling and following after her. Koda was laughing at Summer's attempt at the accent but followed after the girls into the water, the four girls surfing for hours before having to go back.

Manu though he wasn't team couch was giving the Shorehaven surfers a ride to the Anchor Cove sports centre, showing how much he cared for the younger kids. "Okay, okay! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Get up, get up, get up!" He told them as he pulled up beside the building, letting them out. Marlon, Poppy, Summer, Bodhi, Koda and Ari all getting out and grabbing their bags to prepare for the physical training this would require. "Ears wide open, yeah? And no backchat. Its hard enough teasing you guys as it is."

Koda looked a bit reluctant about going inside but she would have Poppy and Marlon with her, Baxter as well. She sighed softly as she shifted the bag up onto her arm as she started walking towrads the building ahead of the rest of the team, her team not The Victorian team.

Ari pushed the door closed. "Cheers, Manu." He said, Manu pulled the van up as he started to leave. The small group all waving at the man who would always been their couch no matter what was said. "Poor Manu." Bodhi said as they watched the van pull away, turning to glance at where Koda was walking away. "I know. It's so unfair. There's no way the new couch'll be better." Poppy said confidently.

Wren came down the stairs of the sports centre. "In here, team!" Wren said happily with a smile on her face, waving them over. Bodhi waving when she saw her, smiling widely. Ari smiling as well, seeing his girlfriend. Bodhi and Ari starting to walk towrads Wren.

Koda was closest to Wren, the blonde girl trying to show good blood, went to hug her. Simply raising a finger to point Koda got the girl to stop. "Don't even try." The tired girl grumbled  before she moved past the now frowning girl.  Wren really didn't like the girl but she was a friend of Ari's as well also her brother so she would play nice on occasion, but Koda didn't buy  it.

"Go on. Run to her." Summer said in a plain voice, making Ari stop walking, looking over at her a bit confused. "Is there a problem?" Ari asked looking at Summer but Poppy was the one who answered. "Wren called her an entitled brat. To her face." Poppy said with a hint of a smile before walking up the stairs, leaving the two of them alone. "Thanks, Poppy." Summer muttered under her breath, staring after the retreating girl.

Ari stepped closer to Summer. "Seriously?" He asked, looking down at her. "Right after the announcements. It was intense." Summer admitted with a small flick of her fingers, Ari was trying to think, giving her a bit of a smile. "Well, I'm sure she didn't mean it." He was doing his best to defend his girlfriend,

Summer look at at him, crossing her arms with a large grin on her face. "Please. Give me your interpretation." She has to squint against the sunlight behind Ari. "She was probably just surprised. None of us made the State Team after our first year of surfing." Summer pushed her hair back behind her ear with a small laugh in her voice. "So, what, she's intimidated by my crazy natural talent?"

Ari smiled and rolled his eyes as he started walking again. "So American." Summer smiled as she started to follow him. "Just tell her to drop the jealous girlfriend act. It's basic, even for Shorehaven." Ari shook his head at that with a slight smile remaining on his face.

Koda stopped at the door. "What's wrong, mate?" Ari asked as him and Summer reached her. The girl looking towards her friends. "I would just rather not be here is all." Koda was always honest with Ari, the two knew each other to well to lie. With a gentle touch to her shoulder, Ari gave her a smile. "You have us though, plus you are one of the best surfers I know. Show them the mistake they made." He told her, squeezing her shoulder in a reassuring manner before pushing the door open.

The three walked into the gym where everyone was already working out, the room fairly colorful. A scowl crossing Koda's face as she looked at the almost neon colors that painted the room but that was the least of her concerns.

They left their backpacks off to the side, Wren looking over and smiling. "Hey!" She said happily as she walked towards Ari, Koda and Summer "I'm so glad you're here." She hugged Summer, a confused look crossing the girl's face but Ari smiled, thinking this would mean the two would get along. "Really?" Summer questioned as they broke apart. "Well, yeah." Wren said as she leaned over and kissed Ari before looking back at Summer. "We're teammates now."

The new couch, a woman, was kicking the shield that Griff was holding, hitting it hard into his stomach, the boy doubling over with a groan as he fell to the ground. Koda looked over to see Griff bent, a small smirk crossing her face but it faded seeing who the woman was. "Damn!" Ahmed said with a laugh. A impressed look crossing Summer's face. "Oh hell." Koda grumbled under her breath. "Okay, is everybody here? Great. I'm Elo Radic, your new coach." The woman said as she looked over the group. Wren looked towrads Summer. "And my sister." She said with a smile. "Great." Summer whispered with a distressed look on her face.

Summer's distress didn't even match Koda's, being stuck with not only her ex but the two Radic siblings that hated her, the one who liked her nowhere in sight. She quickly went off to the side before Elo could even approach her.

Everyone was doing a separate work out, Elo in the middle of them, turning to look at each person. "Well, congratulations on making the Victorian State Team. It's no small feat. It's just a shame that you guys haven't brought home a National Title in, what is it, twenty years? Well, lucky for you, I couched Team Queensland to the winning podium three years running. The reality is, surfing is an individual sport. And it's my job to work out what drives you, to bring out your very best in the water." She said as she looked at them.

Koda was using the jump ropes, rolling her eyes at Elo's words. Not everyone in the room made the team, her soft eyes flickering towards Marlon. Someone who knew how she felt to be included but separated from it all. Yes they trained together but once it came to comps they would he pushed to the sidelines.

Baxter had finally arrived, slipping in. Bright yellow sunglasses on his face and bright orange shoes on his feet. Koda sent him a glare of disapproval at his lateness, only due to the fact she was there before him. "You are bold." She mouthed to him as she looked over his apparel. The pink haired boy sending the girl a grin and a quick wink.

Griff was working on lifting weights. "Hey, Coach, what's Sousa and Fenton doing here? They didn't make the cut." The boy asked. Marlon turned and gave him a look, Koda was used to Griff and the comments he would make so she was used to tuning out the voice of her ex boyfriend. Elo looking towards the taller boy. "Marlon and Koda are our subs. Back-ups in case of injury. Or if I decide that you're out of your depth."

"Come on, guys! Let's go!" Elo said as she continued looking at the others to see how they were doing. She turned and saw Baxter, a disappointed look on her face. "Ah, sorry, sis. Did I miss your big inspirational speech?" He asked as he took off the sunglasses, followed by his black sleeveless jacket. The slight smile that crossed Koda's face at his sassy attitude made him smile a bit more.

"Burpees. Now." Elo demanded. Baxter looked at her with a rather blank face but he looked towrads Koda and winked at her, a smile finally crossing his face. Summer smiled a bit and nodded towards Koda and Baxter her eyes going to Poppy who seemed just as thrilled as their American friend.

"All of you. Until I say stop." Elo added. Summer turned towards the woman. "What happens to surfing is an individual sport?" She asked being one of the only ones who hasn't started on the burpees. "It's called accountability, Torres. Burpees now." Summer took a step back and started on them.

Baxter and Ari were racing up the ropes, everyone cheering them on. Baxter beating the boy up there."Today is all about physical fitness and identifying your strengths and weaknesses."

Baxter had the gloves on for Koda to punch, the two working well together in a comfortable silence before she broke it. "You were late, I had to endure your sisters alone." She commented with a tsk. "Aw I'm sorry Little Bear, how about ice cream later to fix it?" He offered with a grin. Koda punched the glove hard making him pull back. "Ice creams sounds great." She smiled towards him before turning away.

Marlon was jumping up onto the box then back down, a repetitive movement. Next to him Poppy was bouncing the medicine ball, Griff leaning back beside her drinking some water as he watched her.

Griff splashed a bit of water at Poppy. "Oi!" The girl said as she looked at him, that caught Marlon's attention, Koda snarling as she saw that, Baxter giving her a curious look but he wouldn't stop whatever would happen. "What? You looked hot." Griff said with a half smile, half smirk resting on his face. He splashed her again, Poppy turning to him and acted like she was going to throw that ball at him. "Oi!" Marlon said unhappily.

Marlon stepped down off the box catching Griff's and Poppy's attention. "What's your problem, man?" Marlon demanded. "Shit." Koda grumbled before making her way quickly towards them. Her eyes narrowed as she reached them.

Griff stood up straighter from where he was leaning. "You want some too, Sousa?" He asked the shorter boy. "What about you Ko, you want some sweetheart?" That pushed Marlon over the edge as he bowed up to him. "Yeah, try it, see what happens."

Poppy forced herself in between the two, pushing them away from each other and Marlon into Koda. The girl stumbling back. "Oh, my God, can you bozos just chill? We are literally on the same team right now." Poppy said as she glanced between them. "Yeah, we're on the team. They're subs." Griff said with a slight wink.

"And you are a bastard, I swear Griff you are lucky I care about having at least a sub spot on this team or I would kick your ass." Koda snarled as she pointed at him. Baxter was walking as he lifted weights, his bet would be on Koda no question about it.

Marlon was giving him a look that could kill, knuckles cracking. "Hey! You throw one punch, and you're out." Elo said as she walked over to the boys and girl. "Wouldn't be the first time, would it, Marlon? I do my homework. Back to work." Poppy pushed the two boys back towards what they were doing. "Nice try. Nice try. That was cute. I guess he holds a grudge." Griff said to Ahmed. Both going back to what they were doing.

Koda ignored going back to work and went to Baxter instead, the boy sitting down the weights as she approached him. He barely had time to say anything before she wrapped her arms around him. "I hate Griff." She grumbled in such a grumpy manner.

Baxter's arms looped around her, once Elo's back was facing the two, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I know you do Cub. Just ignore him, you deserve better. Hell you have better, you have me." He whispered softly to her, drawing a laugh from her lips.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" She asked her best friend, Baxter smiled a bit at that though he wished she loved him in the way he loved her. "Not nearly enough, so you are going to have to tell me again." He spoke softly to her, such a tender tone. "Baxter Radic, I love you." She smiled up at him as Elo called for the team to gather. Koda started walking, Baxter lingering behind. "I love you too Koda bear." He said with a soft sigh.

The team were now gathered around a in ground trampoline and a mat, Elo walking over towrads them. "Right, so ten years ago, aerial surfing was underground. And now it's pretty much expected on the men's tour. And by the time you guys turn pro, air revs and full rotations, they're gonna be expected for the girls too. Right? Let's see what you've got." Elo told them.

Wren would be going first, walking towrads the trampoline with a deep breath. Wren stepped onto the mat, bouncing a few times to get the height she needed. Bodhi clapped for the blonde. "Come on, Wren!" She said encouragingly. Poppy and Summer sharing a look. Summer turning to look at Koda to, seeing her dislike clear in her eyes. But seeing how relaxed Koda seemed in her current state.

Koda was sitting with Baxter who sat on the ground, the girl leaning into him. His arms looped around her waist as they relaxed into each other.

Once Wren got high enough, she jumped out, trying to turn in the way that was expected but instead she landed on her back after a moment of a awkward looking turn, legs flailing slightly.

"Bit of an anti-climax." Poppy said to Summer, making the girl laugh. Elo was looking towards Wren with arms crossed. "You're not even trying. I expect a lot more from my team captain." She told her sister disappointed.

Wren walked closer to the older woman. "I don't need airs to win heats." She said in a sure and slightly cocky tone. "Guess our fearless captain can't do everything." Summer said, voice raised a bit to make sure that Wren could hear her.

"Go on, America. Show us your stuff." Marlon urged Summer, leaning on the bar near Ari. "Go Summy!" Koda cheered happily. Without hesitation Summer jumped onto the trampoline. Once she jumped she turned to her side,  legs staying bent near her unlike Wren. "Yes, Summer! Good technique. That's more like it." Elo said with a clap.

The group started clapping as well, Bodhi and Poppy having enthusiastic smiles, Marlon looked stunned but he was smiling as well and Ari just looked shocked but hrs still clapped for her.

"I wanna see timing and control." Elo turned to the rest as Summer got off the mat to let the next person go, Baxter going next, Koda groaning a bit at having him leaving her. Summer walked confidently to Wren. "Not bad for an entitled brat." Summer said referring to her and Wren's conversation from the night before.

"Oh, so you can flip upside down? My eight year old cousin can do that." Wren said sharply, clear dislike in her voice. "You must really hate her too, then." Summer said sassily, walking past Wren leaving her stunned.

Koda stood up as it was her turn, the girl pulling the move off almost flawlessly as she's been working on airs for a while now.

Once she landed Baxter offered her and hand to help her up, the girl gladly accepting it. "So how about that ice cream?" He asked with a smile. "Sounds perfect."

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