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2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.


It all started at age 4.

Naruto had been ignored by her parents and was finally feeling the full blow of it. It hurt to be ignored in favor of the younger sibling. Naruto found out that they were training her younger sister.

They were training her so that they could control Naruto.

It hurt.

Naruto thought about just leaving from the world, no one would miss her (Well maybe her fox friend.) and she did have no friends, no one wanted to be friends with the girl with whisker marks.

They called her a monster.

Maybe she was one, after all, she did kill before. It was an accident to say the least, that drunk bastard was.....weird. Saying weird things that scared her. Her fox fox had told her to run, run while she still could.

But he still got her, Kurama, (Fox friend..) said he couldn't help because of the blasted seal that Naruto's father created.

So she did the only thing she could do, she killed him.

Naruto felt so bad afterwards, she felt guiltier and worse then before ,she felt less then a human being.

She wanted to die.

But right when she was about to do it, some kid with white hair stopped her, saying that she could still live. She killed the man out of self defense.

"It's fine, you did it out of self defense." The white haired kid argued.

Naruto shook her head, "N-no, I'm just a monster...No one needs m-me.." The last part was whispered softly.

"Look, I'll be your friend. You can live for me." The kid sighed, hand running through his hair.

Naruto felt a sudden rage hit her, "I don't want your stupid sympathy! You can take you and your pity a-and.....and.. LEAVE!" Naruto ran away, ignoring how the kid watched her.


The next time they met was in the academy, Naruto had been forced to sit right next to him. Naruto still hated him for saying that to her. Even if she knew he was just trying to comfort her.

She didn't want anyone's pity. She didn't want anyone to feel sorry for her, they didn't know her.

But she did find out that his name was Hatake Kakashi.

Kurama had said that Kakashi would be important in the future, and Naruto trusted Kurama, she believed that Kakashi would indeed be important for future reasons.

And so, soon enough, the two broken children, one pained emotionally and one pained physically and emotionally.

Became friends, well the best of friends really. Nether had expected it to happen, they were like opposites, but hey, they do say that opposites attract.


The rain poured down, thunder crashed onto the ground as squeaks of mud could be heard. Foot steps that were as light as a feather could be silently heard.

Kakashi heard his door bell ring, he ignored it. He continued to sharpen his weapons.

The banging became harder, Kakashi finally had enough of it as he stood up, opening the door.

"What?" A body fell into Kakashi's arms, on reflex he caught the body. "What the..."

Kakashi then noticed the blonde hair, he noticed the half lidded eye's. Kakashi remanded clam, panicking would make things worse then they already were.

Kakashi already knew about the beatings his best friend got, and he was worried that one day they would go to far. Like today.

And so, Kakashi set his blonde haired friend on the couch.

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