Alternate Chapter 20

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Yuma woke up the next morning, though it was closer to afternoon than morning. Thankfully, it was on a weekend, so there was no rush to get out of bed; he didn't feel like getting up anyway. He was far too comfortable laying in his hammock with Astral laying in his arms. He looked around to see if there was any sign of Shing, but she was obviously not here. There wasn't any sign that she came over or sneaked in, and that was a little disappointing. But if she wanted her space, Yuma had to respect that.

Eventually, after he no longer felt like laying in bed, he started to sit up. However, a weight pinned him down. He looked down and noticed Astral asleep as he laid on top of him. Despite the disappointment that Shing didn't come, he couldn't help but giggle. 

Look who's asleep now, he mentally teased even though Astral wouldn't hear it. Slowly, Yuma lifted Astral off of himself and slipped off the hammock without making any noise.

Unfortunately, he wasn't as sneaky as he thought he was. As soon as Astral felt Yuma slip out, he opened his eyes and sat up on the hammock. "Yuma?" he murmured, rubbing his eyes."

"Didn't know you could sleep, sleepyhead," Yuma teased. "And you always scold me when I sleep in, and you slept as much as I did!"

At this, Astral blushed in slight embarrassment. "Never mind that, Yuma," he stammered. He cleared his throat and regained his composure. "Are you planning on going anywhere today?"

"Yeah. I'm going to go look for Shing. I think she went into the forest."

"Very well. I will go with you, of course."

Yuma nodded and got dressed, kicking Astral out of the room while he did so, of course. As soon as he was changed and ready, he ate a hurried breakfast before sprinting out the door, much to Akari's and Haru's disapproval. He ignored them and started racing toward the woods, where he saw Shing run off to the day before.

As soon as they entered the woods, they heard loud chirping. "What was that?" Yuma whispered, keeping an ear out for the chirping, which sounded again.

"I do not know," Astral replied, "but it does not sound natural."

"Maybe it'll lead us to Shing!" Yuma exclaimed, and before Astral could protest, he took off running in the direction of the chirping.

Within nearly an hour, they were well into the woods, now picking their way through the thick branches and foliage. They eventually happened upon a spring in a bumpy little clearing.

"Looks like she's not here," Yuma sighed. He was feeling unexpectedly disappointed again; he was finding himself missing Shing's company and felt a strange longing to see her again.

Astral could sense that longing, and it made his heart hurt. Was he starting to develop feelings for the girl? Not now, he told himself. Now is not a time to get jealous. "It's been a while; you should rest," he said instead.

Yuma smiled at Astral. "Yeah, you're right." He looked around and sat on one of the little bumps in the clearing, this one covered in fallen leaves and hidden in the grass. 

As soon as he did, though, he felt a sharp pain on his rear end. He yelped in more shock than pain and shot straight up off the bump.

"What the heck!?" Yuma shrieked, turning back to the bump, which turned out not to be a bump. It seemed to be some kind of blanket, which was hiding someone or something.

Shing suddenly poked her head out of the blanket; it was obvious she wasn't clothed by the way she hid her body. "That'll teach you to sit on me!" she exclaimed.

"I didn't see you!" Yuma argued pitifully.

"Don't sit on me!" She hid right back in the blanket, curled up.

Yuma's heart pounded with adrenaline, but it took a few calming breaths before it slowed back to normal. Once he was calm, he crouched right in front of Shing and pulled back the blanket enough to expose her head only. "Hey, it's you!"

But Shing hissed, as though she didn't know who was pulling the blanket back. She immediately yanked it and hid herself again. 

"Are you okay?" Yuma asked. He sat right where he was to keep her company but also to be there for when she felt like coming out of hiding.

Shing didn't answer for a while, but she finally realized it was Yuma speaking to her. She bit her lip slightly, afraid to show her face, but she knew that eventually she had to face him again. It was either show up willingly or be tracked down by him endlessly. So, she poked her head out and laid it on his lap.

"Are you sure you and the others aren't upset with me?" she asked shyly, not daring to meet his gaze.

Yuma shook his head. "No. From what Astral told me and from how everyone else was talking about you, they were done being mad a while ago. They're actually grateful that you brought me back, you know. Especially Astral."

"It was really Yuri's idea..."

"No, it wasn't," Astral butted in, sitting beside Yuma and leaning against him. "He didn't even remember."

"Well, he had something to do with it."

"Something, but you still had the idea and did the deed."

But Shing pulled her head back in the blanket. A sudden thought took the forefront of her mind, and it made her blush intensely. I'll never be able to make him mine...

Yuma shook her to get her attention. "Can you at least come with us? I don't want to go home knowing my friend is sleeping in the woods."

She was silent for a moment, but when she finally spoke, her question was out of the blue. She blurted it without thinking. "You won't come with me, will you?"

"Back? Back where?"

"Back home with me as my third king..."

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