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Those words echoed in Blitzø's head as he was lying in bed, staring emotionlessly at the ceiling. His company known as the Immediate Murder Professionals had been disbanded by Lucifer the King of Hell because the DHORKS had evidential footage of his existence, everything Blitzø had worked for was now destroyed. Not only that, he was abandoned by the ones he thought cared about him. He became broken & isolated himself in the bedroom of his apartment, he had nothing but the roof over his head. For the past few hours he had been getting calls & door knocks from the news station & interviewers which he ignored, no doubt I.M.P's disbandment is on the news by now & he'll be a laughing stock of his enemies. Just then his cellphone rang & he picked it up

"Hello?" Blitzø said blankly

"Oi Blitzø? This is Mammon." Mammon said

"What do you want, Mammon?" Blitzø asked

"Just hear me out, I just wanna talk to you." Mammon said "But first, come to my office in Loo Loo Land, I believe we have some things to discuss."

"...I'm on my way." Blitzø said as he got out of bed

Blitzø drove to the Greed Ring & arrived at Loo Loo Land, as he was walking through the amusement park, he spotted two of his old friends Wally Wackford & Horvitz(the Sleazy Carnie Imp) talking to each other. When they noticed him, Wally had a neutral expression on his face while Horvitz had a slight scowl.

"Fancy seeing you here, I say, I say." Wally said

"Mammon called me over & wanted to see me..." Blitzø said

"Is that so? You seem pretty down, what happened?" Horvitz asked

"..." Blitzø stood in silence

"Let me guess, you don't wanna talk about it?" Horvitz rolled his eyes "Who am I kidding, of course you don't. Then again you always know how to shut people out including your friends."

"That's enough, I say, I say, that's enough Horvitz." Wally said "Come on, I'll take you to Mammon."

"You know, it doesn't hurt to open up every once in a while" Horvitz called out as Blitzø & Wally left

While Blitzø & Wally were on their way to Mammon's office

"You're lucky Mammon's not planning to sue you after that stunt you pulled the last time you were here." Wally said "Blitzø, is it true that you slept with Stolas?"

"...You're still thinking about last night?" Blitzø said

"I was just curious, I mean, first a Pop Star & then you swept a Demon Prince off his feet. I say, I say, how do you even do it?" Wally said

"...I don't know." Blitzø sighed as they arrived at the door to Mammon's office

"Well, we're here, good luck, cause you're gonna need it" Wally said as he left

Blitzø entered the office & saw Mammon

"Ah Blitzø, glad to see ya, mate." Mammon smiled as Blitzø took a seat "How've ya been?"

"..." Blitzø sat in silent

"Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, you're probably wondering why I called you here." Mammon said "Well, since a little birdie told me that your company was disbanded, I decided to give you another chance to work here again. In other words, I'm rehiring you."

"..." Blitzø stared blankly at him

"I know this is the last place you want to work after losing your company, but trust me mate, it's better than being jobless, am I right?" Mammon said "While I'm at it, I'm gonna set you up in one of the apartments of the apartment complex that I own, what do you say?"

Blitzø thought about it for a moment, then he nodded

"Excellent." Mammon smiled as he gave it to Blitzø a piece of paper & an apartment key "Here's the apartment's location & key, go back home & pack up, you can start work tomorrow morning."

"...Okay." Blitzø said as he left the office

"Just as I thought, he's broken, he barely even spoke during our talk. Can't say I blame him, after all he did lose everything. I just hope he doesn't do anything to hurt himself." Mammon thought as he sighed "Hang in there, Blitzø, I know things started out very shitty from the beginning, but sooner or later they'll get better."

After Blitzø stepped out of Mammon's office

"Well well well, look who's here." A voice said

Blitzø stopped & he didn't make eye contact with the owner of the voice, he recognized the voice from the last time he was in Loo Loo Land & it was none other than Robo Fizz.

"I overheard your conversation with the boss, even though you were quiet the whole time." Robo Fizz smirked "I always thought that company of yours would end up in failure, I thought you would come crawling back to work here again, but I'm surprised that Mammon decided to call you. Now that Mammon has rehired you, it looks like you're back to where you started, huh?"

Blitzø didn't say anything as he knew he was right

"You know, I should wreak vengeance on you for destroying that other robot Fizzarolli...if I was him. Lucky for you, I decided not to since I'm not my robot clone, so I don't really give a shit about him. Besides, I wouldn't waste my time with you." Robo Fizz said "Welp, gotta run, I think I hear the kiddies calling my name. I'm looking forward to working with you again tomorrow, Blitzo, hehehehehehehehe."

After the encounter with Robo Fizz, Blitzø went back home & packed his stuff. Before he started packing, the gathered up the pictures of him with Moxxie, Millie, Loona, & Stolas, & set them on fire at the front lawn. After he finished packing, he had to make one last stop, that last stop is the company building. When he arrived there, he saw the IMP's initials were removed from the parking space, then he saw the billboard which had IMP's sign before it was removed. He went to what used to be the door to his former company which also had the initials removed, then he entered & looked around, he had a lot of memories while IMP was active. He entered his former office & saw his desk, he ran his hand across it as he remembered how he used to sit here & manage the company. He noticed a coffee mug on it & picked it up, he looked at it as it had the initials "Boss Bitch" on it. He stared at it as he clutched mug in his hand & threw it at a wall which shattered it to pieces, then sat down at the desk & sighed

"Blitzø." A voice said

He looked up & saw his former clients & target Ms. Mayberry, Loopty Goopty, & Lyle Lipton.

"Hey Blitzø, we were just coming by to check on you, are you alright?" Mayberry said

"..." Blitzø sat in silence

"So, I guess this is it, no more IMP?" Lyle said

Blitzø nodded

"It's a real shame for you to lose your company like this." Loopty said "How are you holding up?"

"...Not well." Blitzø said "Robo Fizz was right, this company was a failure."

"No, it was not, it was a big success." Mayberry said "You helped me & others get our revenge & you reunited Loopty with Lipton. You helped others when they lost their lives & they didn't have a chance to get revenge & you gave them that chance of getting revenge for them."

"I violated the laws between Hell & Earth for money, face it I'm no hero." Blitzø said "Now that I lost IMP, I'm nothing."

"That's not true, Blitzø, to you it may seem like you are nothing, but you are worth anything." Loopty said

"Excuse me, but what happened to that wolf & those two Imps who worked for you?" Lyle asked

"...They left me?" Blitzø said

"Left you? What do you mean they left you?" Lyle said

"They abandoned me." Blitzø said

"They abandoned you? What for?" Loopty said incredulously

"I don't wanna talk about it." Blitzø said

"Oh, then that means you're not on good terms with them?" Lyle asked

"No, they stopped caring about me." Blitzø said "I don't blame them for turning their backs on me because of the way I acted towards them since they started working at the company, but that's not the only reason."

"It's okay, Blitzø, you still have people who care about you like me, Lyle, & Loopty." Mayberry said

"She's right, you can live with me & Lyle & start working for us." Loopty offered

"Thanks, but Mammon hired me to work for him at Loo Loo Land." Blitzø said

"Mammon, the Ruler of Greed?" Lyle said

"Yeah, he also set me up at his apartment complex." Blitzø said

"There, you see, things are already improving." Lyle smiled

"Well, I have to go, I better get out of here before the building manager finds me here & has me arrested for trespassing." Blitzø said as he got up & head towards the door "I'll see you guys later."

"Blitzø, please stay strong, don't do anything that will throw away your life." Mayberry pleaded

"Don't worry Mayberry, I'm broken, but I'm not suicidal." Blitzø said as he left

When Blitzø arrived at the apartment complex, he went to the apartment number that was written on the paper Mammon gave him. He got to the apartment & when he entered, he saw 3 homecoming baskets along with 3 notes. He picked up the notes & read them

Here's something to help you get started by settling down, see you tomorrow. Sincerely Mammon

Congratulations on getting your old job back, be sure to do your best at work. Yours truly, Wally Wackford

Congratulations on getting rehired by the big man, try not to fuck things up this time. From Horvitz

"...Thank you." Blitzø said.

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