Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Maui's POV

Time Skip... A Few Days Later...

   I thought I was going to be super stressed being back on this island again, but for the most part, it's been really good. I think I'll have Mo and I stay here permanently. She's really making the place feel like home. Mo has also adjusted really well to living in my realm. She's happy here. I'm happy that she's safe and sound here, away from her father who's a monster. I thought I was a monster, but never in a million years would I rape a woman. Speaking of monsters, I'm slowly beginning to decrease the thoughts in my mind of being a monster. In other words, Mo is helping me see myself in a much better light and I'm truly thankful for it. 

   "Hey Mo, do you have a minute?" She looks from the book that she's reading. "I have more than a minute. What's up Maui?" I go over to her and wrap an arm around her. "I wanted to thank you Mo." She looks at me in confusion. "What for?" I stare down at her lovingly. "For everything from persuading me to restore the heart to being mine. Because of you, the mortals are no longer afraid of me. They finally see me a hero. Te Fiti also has forgiven me which is a huge deal considering that I stole her heart. I look in the the mirror and no longer see myself as much of a monster. Sure I have my moments where my demons plague my mind, but compared to a few months ago, I'm a much better man and it's all because of you." 

    Mo looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Maui, it's not all because of me. You made a lot of wise decisions. I may have guided you on the right path, but at the end of the day, it was all you. I'm so proud of you Maui." I find myself with tears in my eyes too. I love Moana so much, but she's also turning me a bit soft, not that I mind of course. It's just an adjustment is all. "I love you Moana." She puts a hand on my cheek and strokes it. The gentle touch makes me smile and I close my eyes to relish it. A couple of tears slip out and Mo wipes them away. "I love you too Maui. By the way, you're too handsome to cry." I flex my muscles playfully. "I know it's a lot, the hair, the bod, when you're staring a demigod." She then playfully punches me. "I love you but please don't sing that song. It's so egotistical." 

    I gasp. "I came up with that song on the top of my head the day we met. That song was dedicated just for you princess." She rolls her eyes. "How could a song talking about how great you are be dedicated to me?" I chuckle. "You need to learn how to find the deeper meaning of a song princess." She puffs out her chest and mocks my voice. "And you need to learn how to find a proper song to dedicate to your girlfriend, one that doesn't revolve around vanity." I pout. "I don't sound like that much of a goober." Mo smirks and raises an eyebrow at me. "Are you sure about that?" She got me. Mo has actually managed to stump me for once. The heat immediately rushes to my cheeks. "To be honest, I'm not quite sure. I would hate to think that I sound like a moron most of the time." Mo jumps into my arms, giving me a loving hug. "Aw Maui, you're not a goober, just an adorable pain in the butt." 

    I playfully roll my eyes. "The same thing can be said about you princess." She huffs but nods in agreement. "Say the day is still young, want to go for a swim?" Mo lights up instantly. "I'd love to go for a swim! Just let me change really quick." I nod and look away while she changes. I almost peak at her body a couple of times but I tell myself to keep it in my pants. She's not even seventeen yet. I'm waiting until we're married before we get naked and do the deed. Even then, I'm only going to do it if she's ready. I would never pressure Mo into doing anything she's not ready to do, especially after her evil father raping her. She needs to be treated with love and care. "I'm ready!", she shouts eagerly, grabbing a hold of my hand and dragging me down to the ocean where we spend the rest of the day swimming and goofing around in. I'll even admit that I shape shifted into a few new sea animals to impress Moana. Mission accomplished by the way. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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