Chapter 3

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Morning arose as quickly as it went in Northend, though not much got sleep. They tossed and turned, the anticipation along with worry building up the whole night, for the woman who had pulled the sword. 

It was still a shock, and people wondered whether it would ever fade away. The sword in the stone being pulled out, by a woman! But for some reason, people felt the shock, but didn't at the same time. Everyone had an uneasy feeling, but none as worse as Elora's.

She lay on the bed in her room in the palace. She was curled up, her thoughts flying a million miles a second. In the night she was murmuring, not even catching a second of sleep. She refused to use the blankets, feeling that she would taint them. Her eyes had dark circles under  them, as she groaned. She got up, unable to spend another second in the bed.

Right on time a knock occurred on the door. Elora rubbed her eyes as she yawned.

'Um.. ' Came the unsure voice of one of the guards. Elora realized he was calling her, but didn't know her name. She quickly got out of bed and brushed her dress. She glanced in the mirror present in the room. Her bushy hair was messy, due to the lack of sleep. Her dress covered her from the cold. She threw on her scarf, the red fitting with the blue. Her hand hesitated over the sword. Excalibur. It gave her chills when she held it. It felt right.. but wrong at the same time. 

'Ma'am. The Duke has ordered for you to join her at the breakfast table' Said the guard. Elora sighed and grabbed the sword. She opened the door revealing the guard. She bowed, the guard bowing back. She tried to maintain a nonchalant expression, but the fear gripping her heart was so cold she was almost sweating.

She followed the guard down the stairs, fumbling with the sword hilt at times. They walked silently. Elora had the feeling the guard wanted to say something but couldn't. Before she could ask they stopped. In front of them was the table Elora had spotted the previous day, but filled with food. Beautiful bread was present along with cheese and meat. Elora's eyes glazed hungrily over all the foods. She froze in her spot, realizing she was making her way to the chair on the other end to dine. She glanced at the far end, where Thaddeus Harrington sat, not even glancing her direction. He wore his royal robes. The red dress bearing an imprint of a line flowing from his shoulder to the hip diagonally. He did not wear his crown, like he usually did. His cape was draped over the chair, the red seeming invisible in the chair's red.

'Elora Williams? Isn't it?' Thaddeus finally said, looking up from his plated, the knife absent-mindedly cutting the bread.

Elora cleared her throat and swallowed her fear. She made her way to her chair, grabbing the fork and knife. The bread and cheese was already served along with meat. The queasy feeling in her stomach tightened, and Elora knew it wasn't because of hunger.

'Tell me, how did you pull out the sword? Was this orchestrated?' Thaddeus questioned eyeing her thoroughly. His eyes seemed to be like a wolf's, sharp as a knife edge.

'No! Elora protested, immediately going into a defensive state. Coming to think of it.. it was kind of planned. But she hadn't planned anything beyond pulling the sword. That was all.

'Well- ' For a moment something flashed through the duke's eyes. Pure hatred. Elora was surprised it was concealed. The duke had every right to do what he wanted with her, so why did he seem to be forcing himself not to?

'If what you are saying is true' Said the duke, eyes on Elora who tried to remain a nonchalant expression. Thaddeus signaled for the main guard who walked over and saluted him.

'Cancel the ceremony. The sword has been pulled out' 

'But sir!' Insisted the guard. 'There is still time before the ceremony. You can banish her or keep her prisoner here! It would solve all our problems!' 

Elora didn't know whether to agree or disagree. Agree to banish her for she had made a terrible mistake. But keeping her prisoner.. she would prefer not to go to prison.

But do I deserve it though?

Thaddeus waved him off, though he seemed very reluctant too. Again that glimmer flashed in his eyes, this time a wicked dark black. As though in that moment, he would march up to her and order a public execution on her, and would laugh as it occurred.

Elora shuddered. She pushed away her plate. If it was possible, the queasiness in her stomach tightened as she began to feel like throwing up.

'It's an order, Madran. Do it' Ordered Thaddeus. Madran looked like he would protest even more, but was met with silence. After a moment he saluted him and left. Elora winced at the thought of what the people would once the announcement was said.

'You must excuse Madran. You see, he was a general in Rovindelle, and was indebt to my father after he saved them from the Isles Of The Night. My father recruited him, and he has been an honorable general ever since. I grew up with him, and he took a certain liking to me. Entertaining me with stories of sorts of how I would do all the things I wanted when I became king' There was a glint in the duke's eyes, but this time it was a happy blue. Elora had never heard this side of him. And she was beginning to grow fond of it.

Shouts began emitting from the exterior areas, and Elora abruptly stood up. Even though she knew the reason. The duke let out a groan as he pressed his hand to his temple.

'These people prefer not to obey me at all. I wonder what makes them want me to be king so much'

Some more voice were heard as Elora pictured Captain Madran calming them down. She also imagined him voicing his thoughts about the fact that he too did not want Elora to be crowned. For God's sake Elora herself did not want to be crowned!

'Maybe because you don't listen to them' Said Elora. The Duke gave a start after she spoke. She herself only then realized that it was the first word she had said to him.

'What is the point of listening when what is suggested is pure nonsense' Said the duke, a hint of satisfaction in his voice for the fact that he was no longer keeping up a one-sided conversation.

'You only listen to known people's suggestions. For example The innkeeper Mr. Lantor. And Good Ms. Felmine. All of them are quite known. But what about of the locality. The under-privileged, considered below the common folk. Suggestions of theirs could be put in. And even if you did consider their suggestion it would do a great deal' Elora knew she was indirectly talking of herself. 

Thaddeus listened to her thoughtfully, not even blinking an eye. Not like the others always just waving their hand when she suggested something.

'I will put that into mind. Or perhaps you will' He said. Elora frowned at the last part. 

'I don't want this. I pulled it by accident. You shan't just deny me when you very well know I don't deserve the throne' She protested.

Thaddeus sighed. 'You pulled out the sword, you are the ruler of England' He said.

Elora gave an exasperated sigh as she stood up, her chair in due course being thrown back. She stormed away, leaving a nonchalant Thaddeus and an uneaten buffet.


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