Chapter 4

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It was now your third day at school. However, you were amazed to see a bunch of people in a circle around someone. You looked through the circle of people and saw something that was honestly pretty terrifying.

Aiko had dyed her hair bright pink, and she was wearing matching color contacts!! That was so against the rules you knew she'd get suspended for at least the rest of the school year!

"Nishishi~! Don't worry (L/N)-chan, Aiko won't get in trouble! How do you think I'm not suspended for my purple hair and that one blonde the other day for her hair?" Kokichi spoke from behind you, startling you.

"Oma-senpai, you scared me! And what do you mean she won't get in trouble?!" You demanded.

"Weeeeeeell, the school was forced to drop the dye rule after a certain American entered because even though he says it's his natural hair they said there was no way to prove it, but since he apparently has some special thing about him they wanted him to attend so bad they removed the rule, saving us all!" Kokichi laughed.

"What do you mean special thing...?" You asked.

"Hmm, dunno! Rumor has it Hope's Peak gave him a talent but he's trying to go undercover!" Kokichi smirked.

"But why?" You gasped, why would someone deny having a talent?

"That was my reaction too! Did you know I have a talent too, by the way?! I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader, and all my classmates know! Like the cutie Saihara-chan~! He's the Ultimate Detective, by the way!" Kokichi boasted.

You felt a bit jealous about how he addressed this Saihara-chan, but said nothing about it. "W-wait, you have a talent?!"

"Yeah, I just told you! Pay attention!" Kokichi pouted.

You chuckled at his childishness, and the bell rang. On your way to class you spotted Shaun, and you thought about how Kokichi said he had a talent but was hiding it. Did he really, though? Is that why he chose such a quiet school? But wouldn't he know there's other Ultimates...? It just didn't seem to add up.

Shaun noticed you staring at him weirdly, causing him to push a couple people to get away from you. Talk about seriously skittish... and pretty rude, those poor people! But you couldn't do anything about it, and took a seat. During class your thoughts were focused on Kokichi, and if what he said was true.

You then felt a note in your pocket, and took it out in confusion. It read, 'By the way, Shaun having a talent was a lie! I dunno why they're not punishing us for dyed hair! Orrrrrr, maybe I'm lying about lying? Who knows~?'

Just reading it made your head hurt...

"(L/N)-san...?" a small voice interrupted your thoughts. You were surprised to see the class's biggest nerd, Haiko Tanaka, standing in front of you. You then got reminded of how there was also Mrs. Tanaka... what a common name.

"What is it, Tanaka-kun?" You asked.

"Um... I-I guess I haven't been studying psychology hard enough and I c-can't seem to find the answer in my books so, I wanted to see if you knew the answer..." Haiko began to explain.

"Eh? I'm sure you're way smarter than me!" You exclaimed.

"Maybe not... but anyways, will you at least hear me out?" Haiko asked.

"Sure," You shrugged, not having anything else to do.

"It's a-about... your friend, Shirogane Aiko. W-well... around h-her I f-fee-"

"Sounds like a crushy cruuuush~!" Kokichi sang, standing in the doorway and startling both of you.

"Oma-senpai?!" You gasped.

"A c-crush?!" Haiko was clearly flustered.

"Mmm, guess I hit the bull's-eye! Awwwe, it's like one of those love triangles you only find in a sad fanfiction on Wattpad that's not even part of the main story! Y'know, since Aiko has a crush on Shaun!" Kokichi laughed.

Haiko just walked away, now clearly crushed and possibly heartbroken.

"Way to break a man's heart! That was mean!" You growled a bit.

"Sorry, wasn't mean. That was just the cold, hard truth!" Kokichi shrugged.

You sighed, having no words for him. "Hold on, what time is it...?"

"It's barely even 3 PM, relax! Did you zone out so much in class it just flew by? Were you thinking of meeeee~?" Kokichi teased.

"Shut up," You playfully punched his arm, and Kokichi pretended to be hurt for a second before giggling.

"Well, I'm gonna cause mayhem! By the way, tomorrow I have to know if you wanna join my super secret organization~! And I don't take no kindly..." Kokichi's entire demeanor had changed with the last sentence to be sinister, and it honestly gave you the chills. What the hell...?

Word count: 805

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