Chapter One

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In the city of Camden, Delaware standing at the entrance of New Horizon Nursing Home, is me, Natalie Kate, the dramatic one. I laugh a little. Of course the weird Jesus lover of High School announces where she is at in her head. I need to stop talking with Amber, she's killing me slowly. Or corrupting me into insanity. Maybe I will be in a mental facility next. Maybe that will help...

Anyway, back to the present. I am standing in front of the nursing home in Camden, Delaware where my Grandfather lives. His Nurse called, saying he wanted to speak with me, and he has been praying about my job situation. I love my Grandfather.

Walking into the white and blue building, I noticed my Grandfather sitting in the living room, sitting in the back right corner. Frowning, I walked up to the front desk to sign in.

Thinking too much into why my Grandfather wanted to see me? He normally doesn't do this? Well, when my parents died, he asked me to come to his office, which is in the family's local store, Kate's Groceries, Music, & Salvation. I was thirteen back then, I just lost my parents in a car accident.

A few months before that, my Grandmother, Claire Kate my Grandfather's wife, died of brain cancer. After all of that, and my Grandfather is still a great role model Christian. I don't get it, through all that and he still is rejoicing and joyful.

I sigh, now walking through the living room to my Grandfather. Passing crazy Benny, who was on a strict diet, due to his diabetes and of old age, he sometimes can't have sugar, or needs sugar. Benny, who is sixty-nine, likes to play jokes on the nurses. One time, when my Grandfather first got to the nursing home, he pulled a joke on a nurse, who was on an internship, that he woke up and forgot who he was. It took a lot of nurses to help her out, after that.

I laugh at the thought and Benny, who is now flirting with Betty, a plump woman with white/gray hair and light blue eyes, next to her, Benny attempted to wink in a flirting way, his brown short wavy hair and his light green eyes, making him look younger than what he is (it actually took me about two years to get his age, but when I found out, a nurse told me), sometimes I see him, he's so skinny and weak, I pray for him in those times.

He became a Christian, when I was a freshman in collage, it was actually Betty who convicted him. Betty had been going to church for all her life, her relationship with God has had up's and down's. I remember all the times she had said the right thing to me for the situation that I was in, her wisdom is unmatched.

I finally made it to where my Grandfather sat, I am silently glad it was only Betty and Benny in the room with a thirty-five year old nurse, Lily, at the front desk as it would have been a longer walk, saying hi to everyone and talking, or just observing.

I sat across from my Grandfather, James Kate, he's seventy-one with gray hair and warm brown eyes. I never want to let him go, I beg and pray to God everyday not to take him away.

My Grandfather cleared his throat, unconsciously making me sit up in my chair ready for what he needs and wants to say. "It's good to see you, Natalie." His voice was hoarse at first, causing me to frown.

I know he smoked for a few years, but he isn't sick. He should be fine, he will be fine.

"It's good you too, Gramps. Why did you call me here? You know I have to work at the store today. And, that I was busy all last night, because of Amber's party." I reply, feeling slightly annoyed, but I would never say that out loud. Especially, to Grandpa James.

He frowned, staring at me intensely. "Have I not told the story of legend?" I frowned, confused on what legend he's talking about. "What Legend?"

Grandpa's face split into a grin, before he started coughing really hard. I stood up and kept him up right, as the nurse, Lily, called for more nurses, then rushed over.

In less than five minutes I was alone in the living room with Betty and Benny. Betty looked over at me with a pity expression. "I'm sorry sweetie. He's getting older and-" She started.

"No! He will not die, he can't die. He is the only family I have left. I asked God not to take him. I forbid God from taking him." Both Betty and Benny frowned at my words.

"Nat, you can't forbid God. James is getting to old to-" Benny tried. "I will not hear of this. I'm leaving."I walked towards the door.

"Natalie!" I turned, Sarah, a forty year old woman, called out. She walked to me, as I was at the edge of the carpet that separated the living room, and main desk area. "Here," she handed me a book. "It's from your Grandfather, he said, he wanted to tell you that story." I looked at the cover, it was a black leather bound book with yellowing pages.

I don't get what it meant, or what he was trying to tell me, but I thanked her and left. I walked into the chilly late morning winter weather, to my small car sitting in the parking lot.

It's the beginning of December, of course it would be cold. As I walked to my car, I thought of Amber's party last night, an early Christmas party, because she will be visiting her Mom in Florida during Christmas, her flight leaves tonight. And, another holiday with Gramps in the nursing room. Or worse, alone. I shudder at the thought, and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to keep warm.

Speeding up, I stood in front of the driver door of my car, got in, and practically flew away in the safe and warm vehicle.

Once I arrived at the familiar store that belongs to my family, was when I noticed I had clenched the black leather book in my right hand the whole twenty-five minute car ride. Letting go of it real fast, the book fell into my lap.

Thinking hard, I made a decision and shoved it inside my purse for later. Breathing heavy, I didn't dare look at it again, I didn't need to, or could, think of what happened back at the nursing home.

Grandpa acted just like he did when I got a new boyfriend. Or, went to some parties with Amber. Or, stayed at Amber's house and I would be left alone with her older brother sometimes. I don't see what the problem is in the situation. Yes, there was alcohol at the party, and... well, there was couples who were kissing... okay making out, but that's it.

I have known Amber for years, she's a sister to me. She was there for me through everything. And, my Grandfather doesn't like her because she isn't a Christian. So, she knows God and that I'm a Christian. What's the harm in having friends like that? Sure, she goes to parties, but I know she's a good person, and she's made mistakes, but she regrets them.

Sometimes I feel like there are too many rules for Christians, can't we live a little? I felt my phone buzz, I looked at the clock in my car, and it says '11:45 AM'.

My eyes widen, I was fifteen minutes late to work. I grabbed my keys, purse, and ran to the door, throwing it open and sprinting to the back room.

Once I made it to the back room, I saw Kayla, a nineteen brown haired girl with beautiful hazel eyes, that change so uniquely. "There you are. I was worried you died or something!" She exclaimed in relief, throwing her phone from where it was tucked between her head and shoulder to one of the peach colored couches in the room.

I never really talked to Kayla, she was a family friend, apparently. I never knew why, but didn't question it. "Sorry. I was visiting Gramps." I replied, throwing off my shirt.

She smiled warmly in a motherly way, that I can never know how she can do it, and walked back to the store without another word.

My eyebrows furrowed, what was that about? I grabbed my work t-shirt from my bag and it fell on the floor, causing everything to fly everywhere.

I sighed, frustrated. I knelt down and starting picking things up, until I saw the black leather bound book sitting open face down. Growing curious, I picked it up and turned to the first page. 'The Child of Legend' was hand written in black bold cursive letters, in the middle of the page.

And, that was only the beginning of the story. My story, or really The Child of Legend's story, it was her story all along.

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