40.I miss you

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Dedicated to Rainy_days140

What ever happened to us?

We were so in love

Now, I can't even stand being with you

And even though I can't bring myself to say it,

I actually miss you a whole lot,

I really do.

My life had been turned upside down following the events of the past week. I had never thought the day will come when the story which had lifted me up will also be used against me.

I had never thought my past will come back to haunt me. Who would have thought that those three disgusting men will have the effrontery to come back demanding for my son?

I had had the people be on my side for years but now, they had all turned against me, clamouring for a DNA test to be done which I refused bluntly.

"Madam," I heard Mary call as she tapped me vigorously.

I was startled, "Yes? Yes? What is it?" I asked, eyeing her.

"Sorry ma. I've been in your room calling your name since but you didn't respond. That's why I had to tap you like that," Mary explained.

I heaved a tiring sigh, "It's fine, I was just thinking about some things," I told her.

She gave a knowing smile, "It's fine ma. Don't worry, everything will be just fine."

I gave a faint smile, "Thanks dear."

"I actually brought in your food since you've not come down to eat since morning," She said, pointing at a tray of covered food that lay resting on my bedside table.

"Oh my goodness, Mary, thank you but I'm not hungry," I told her.

"Ma, you should eat something. You've been denying yourself food for quite sometime which isn't healthy for you," Mary said.

"So in other words, you're not taking the food back."

She shook her head slowly with a smile.

"Okay, mum, I'd eat it," I said sarcastically.

She giggled, "I'll be in the kitchen," She said.

I gave her the nod and she walked out of the room while I eyed the food on the table.

I stretched my hand and opened the ceramic plate to discover it was fried potatoes and eggs she had made. I spontaneously covered up the plate, I certainly wasn't in the mood to cut and crunch food.

I ignored the food and picked up my phone to continue with the game I had been playing long before my mind wandered off to pressing issues.

Mr Muffin had advised me to stay off social media for me to get my sanity and avoid seeing trolls posts that could lead me into depression and so, I had deactivated all my social media accounts.

Truth be told, I missed scrolling through my news feed, laughing at crack up comedies, reading memes and checking out Kylie Jenner's new outfit but still being truthful, social media was in no way good for me right now as everyone only had one question on their lips: who the father of my child is.

Rita wasn't even there when I needed her the most. She had gone to spend two weeks at her parents place in Jos. At least, I didn't have to wonder if she was somewhere contracting STDs.

My phone started ringing and the caller ID showed it was Rita who was calling.

Gosh! How did she know I was just thinking about her? If it were before, I'd have thought she's a witch but I knew better now that sometimes, she was psychic and sometimes, it was a coincidence. In this case, it was definitely a coincidence.

Besides, Rita interacted with a lot of people so she knew the different behavioural patterns of people, that's why she could make a quick guess about what someone was thinking about.

"What is it?" I spoke harshly, as I received the call.

"Madam, calm down," Rita said from the other end.

"Calm down what? After abandoning me here, you're now telling me to calm down," I accused.

She laughed, "My father's not too well and he's been asking me to come home so it's not because of what's going on that I left," She explained.

"Really?" I asked, still not buying that.

"Yes. How's Cameron?" She asked.

"He's fine. He should be home anytime from now," I responded.

"How are things holding up? I hope you're fine," She inquired.

I sighed, "I'm trying to be fine."

"Have you had something to eat today?" She asked.

"No, but I'll eat soon," I responded.

"You shouldn't starve yourself. All these will soon pass away," She assured.

"I know, I'm just worried," I told her.

"It's normal to be worried," She said.

"But, Rita, in your own opinion, should I give in to everyone's demands and just get a DNA test done?" I asked.

"You want my honest opinion?" She asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well, honestly, I know those men don't deserve to be Cameron's dad but your fans, everyone out there, including me, really want to know who his father is. You don't necessarily have to make Cameron stay with his dad when this is done and over with but you started a story, Cassie, and you have to complete it," She said.

"Meaning I should just throw my hands and surrender to their wishes just like that?" I asked.

"Whatever, Cassie. You asked for my honest opinion and I gave it to you, it's still your decision to make in the end. But Cassie, if you don't give in without these tantrums, it'll be easier and there'll be no need for the court to take it up which will make the process tougher for you and Cameron," She said.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead in deep thoughts. She was absolutely right and I couldn't deny that fact. I'd never admit that I was wrong though so I decided to just change the topic.

"How's your dad?" I asked.

"He'll be fine. At least, that's what the doctor said," She replied.

"You need any money?" I asked.

"No, you've done more than enough," She said.

"You can always tell me if you need anything," I said to her.

She gave a nervous chuckle, "Of course. But I don't need anything for now. Ummm...Cassie, I've gotta go," She said.

"Alright. Take care of your dad and say me hello to everyone," I said.

"Alright then, bye," She said and hung up.

Maybe I should just give in and get this done and over with. In all sincerity, I wished there was a way none of the three men were even related to my son but that was impossible.

And Rita was right. If I don't do their wishes willingly, I'd be forced to by the court.

"Ma," Mary said as she entered into the bedroom.

"Yes?" I responded, slightly looking up.

"A parcel came in for you," She said, handing over to me a big brown envelope.

"What's in it?" I asked, sizing the envelope with my eyes and wondering what was in it and who could have sent it.

"I don't know ma, I didn't check. The postman is outside, you're to sign that you've received it," She said.

"Ohh, okay then," I said.

I yawned and climbed out of the bed then sprayed my mouth with my mouth spray and left the bedroom, with the envelope in my hand and with Mary tagging along.

Mary eventually stopped in the living room and moved into the kitchen. The Lord only knew what she spent her time doing there.

I opened the door and saw a postman standing right in front of the door looking bored and tired.

"Good day. Are you Miss Cassandra Peters?" He asked.

"Yes," I responded.

He brought out his record book and told me to sign in the spot affirming that I had received the letter which I did and handed him back his pen.

He smiled and packed his things and headed down the stairs to leave the apartment.

I carefully tore open the envelope and peaked into it, revealing what looked like a three-paged document.

I pulled it out from the envelope and saw the letter was addressed to me from the Surulere magistrate court and the contents of the letter was so unexpected and frightening.

I staggered and held on to the handrail of the staircase for support as the envelope and the letter fell from my hands without warning.

"Cas, are you okay?" I heard what was undeniably Amsey's voice say as I heard footsteps come up the stairs with agility.

I held tightly to the handrail scared that I may fall, trying to grasp what I had read and breathing in and out.

"Cas, are you fine?"

I looked up to see Amsey dressed in a pair of joggers and a sports vest which made it obvious he had been probably running or jogging.

"I'm okay. I just don't understand.... understand why you're jogging in the afternoon," I told him.

He burst into laughter and I couldn't help but join in.

After the laughter quieted down, we just stared at each other smiling with a tinge of worry in our eyes.

He cleared his throat, "When I... When I saw you almost falling right now, I remembered you fainting the day I first met you... I was freaking scared today like I was that day," He said.

I chuckled, "I knew you were scared that day cause you were just like: "don't die on me", it was crazy but I couldn't control myself collapsing that day," I said and we both laughed.

"Do you remember that time that I fought with Ken right in front of that baby shop?" He asked.

"Yeah, I can't ever forget that, I was so clueless as to what to do," I said.

"That was the day I knew you loved me," He said.

I sighed and looked him in the eye, "That was the day I knew you loved me as well."

He sighed and looked away, "Whatever happened to us? We were so in love," He said.

"Life happened," I said with a forced smile.

A pregnant silence soon fell upon us as we just stood without saying anything till he spoke up again.

"That day in court, were you saying the truth when you said you've seen the documents of my father's property transfer to me?" He asked.

I bit my lip purposely and said, "Yeah. I knew who your father was long before you even told me and I saw those documents," I said.

He arched his brows in surprise, "So why didn't you ever tell me?" He asked.

"Cause I knew you'd get mad at me. After all, you warned me not to go sneaking around your side of the room," I explained.

He nodded his head in understanding, "Your dad was so scared as well. He didn't want you to get mad at him on discovering he's actually your father," Amsey said.

I swallowed and fiddled with my fingers, "Do you know where he is now?" I asked.

"He... He cut ties with me when I left and he was scared something may have happened to you. I was at the airport back then when he called me to say he'd never forgive me if anything bad happened to his daughter, I've not heard from him since that time," Amsey replied.

I swallowed again, gulping down the information I had just received.

"Do you miss him?" Amsey asked.

"At times, I just feel like I was too harsh, like I should have given him a chance," I said.

Amsey chuckled, "If you had gone with him that day, you probably wouldn't have become the star you are today," Amsey said.

I nodded in agreement, "You're right."

"Will you forgive him if you get to see him again?" Amsey asked.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't," I replied.

He chuckled, "You've got a really tough heart," He said.

"I think of him sometimes though and I miss him as well, I should have known he's my dad. His laughter, his willingness to help people and...."

"And that spark in his eyes when he talks," Amsey completed.

"Exactly!" I agreed.

"Cas, I'm sorry," He said.

"I know," I said, more like whispered.

"Then why can't you just forgive my misdeeds?" He asked.

"Because I don't want to say I've forgiven you when my heart still aches and when I just remember your betrayal every single time I look at you. I want to say I've forgiven you when I actually don't hold a grudge against you anymore," I said in a high tone but I wasn't shouting; I was only trying to make a point.

He nodded, "I understand, so, I'll stay here in faith hoping for the day you actually forgive me from the bottom of your heart," Amsey said.

I smiled, "You must have heard that everyone's eager to know who my baby daddy is," I said.


"The magistrate court in Surulere sent me a letter that John has filed a lawsuit against me that I'm intentionally keeping him from seeing his child thereby separating a son from his father blah blah blah. The court has given me two weeks to get a DNA test done or else, I'll be dragged to court," I said.

"Are you asking me on advice on what to do?" He asked.

I nodded in the affirmative.

He shrugged then laughed, "Carry on with the DNA test."

"That's what everyone keeps saying," I lamented.

"If everyone's saying it, then it's the right thing to do. You lied to Cameron that his father is dead. One day, he'll wake up and find out you lied to him and that will be bad for you. Also, do you really want to have a court case at this stage of your career? That'll spell doom for you. Just give in to their requests, nothing bad will happen," He said.

I sniffed, "You're absolutely right. Even if they find out who the father of the child is, they can't take him away from me, right?"


"Thanks, you've always been my lifesaver," I said, with a smile.

"You look ugly when you smile," Amsey said.

I snickered, "You haven't changed at all, you just can't admit I look good, can you?"

He laughed and I joined in.

"Cas, you mentioned you miss your father at times," He suddenly said.

I nodded, "Yes, I said that."

He paused for a while, "I missed you a whole lot and I still do but I was wondering if you ever miss me."

"Let's not go there," I said.

"I'm serious, just answer me," He said.

I stared down at the floor, "No, never did I," I responded.

I could feel his gaze on me and I shivered inside.

"Look me in the eye and say you never missed me for once," He said.

He wanted proof? He was gonna get proof!!

I looked up slowly and met his eyes which sent shivers down my spine.

"Go on, say you never missed me," He said.

"I never missed you," I said, facing him squarely and looking deep in his eyes, without trembling but feeling guilty inside.

A drop of tear slid down his cheeks. He opened his mouth to say something but it's like he changed his mind because the next thing I knew, he turned around, went to his own apartment and slammed the door shut.

I picked up the envelope and its content from the floor and went into my own apartment, shutting the door behind me as guilt tugged at my very soul.

I just had to say I missed him which wasn't hard but I had ended up hurting the feelings of the one who had made me laugh for the first time in a while.

I really missed him but I couldn't forget how he hurt me badly.

His words, "Whatever happened to us? We were so in love," were the only things my mind could think about.

Why do people love each other then suddenly hate each other?

Why do people stay awake till 3am texting each other then suddenly can't stand each other?

And more importantly, why was my heart aching when it was the one that didn't let love in as I couldn't forgive so easily?

I missed Amsey so much.

But I couldn't tell him that for reasons unknown.

Probably for no reason at all.

Was kinda emotional writing this chapter. Sorry it wasn't as long as the other chapters but I believe it was okay though.
Do you think Cassandra is being too annoying or would you have done the same thing in her shoes?
Also, who else misses Cassandra and Amsey being together? Their ship name is Casey as given by GladysQuarshie 😁.
Please, vote and comment.
Thanks for reading,
Much love ❤️❤️.

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