Chapter Eight

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Later that evening Sideswipe had to eventually leave for patrol. Annabelle noticed Ratchet seemed happier when he did. She was very confused but didn't ask. She sat outside on the steps as Jazz was crouched by her side while they waited for Sideswipe's replacement to arrive. Jazz kept looking out into the distance and Ratchet was off to the side still working on his project. Annabelle finally groaned in impatience.

"Jazzy, can we go in the fields? Hide usually takes me." She whined pitfully. Jazz looked down at the young girl and nodded. He held out his silver claw.

"Climb ahboard younglin'." He smiled. Annabelle smiled happily and climbed onto his palm. He closed it slightly as she reached out to grab onto one of his digits. Ratchet paused as he heard Jazz walking off. He turned around and frowned.

"And where are you two going?"

"Fields! Hide likes walking me and I wanna have Jazzy take me!" Annabelle smiled brightly. Jazz sent a small pleading look. Ratchet looked a bit unsure but nodded. He could trust Jazz to be on his own for a few minutes. Besides, whichever bot came next would only be here in a few minutes. 

"Make sure she doesn't fall and be careful where you step! And be back soon! It's sunset and you'll have to call William and Sarah soon." Ratchet reminded worriedly. Jazz smiled.

"Ah know, Ratchet. We'll be back." He reassured. He turned and left the CMO to his work. Jazz lifted Annabelle to his shoulder and she scampered on. She quickly grabbed his shoulder plating so she wouldn't fall. He catiously stepped over their fence and made his way into the field. "Sorreh, it ain't much of ah view like ol' Ironhide's." Jazz apologized.

"I'm short too, Jazzy. It's okay." She smiled. Jazz chuckled.

"Guess we'll have tah be short buddies." He teased.

"I thought we already were?" Annabelle giggled. Jazz smiled as he went further into the fields.

"Ah can see why Ironhide likes ya. Ya got spark and ah pretty smile dat ain't no one can replace." He said lifting a clawed digit and poking her cheek gently. Although it was very slow and gentle to Jazz, it still got himself a reaction. Annabelle giggled and pushed his finger away.

"Aw Jazzy. You have a pretty smile." She told him honestly. Jazz blinked, a bit taken surprise from that.

"Meh? Nah." Ah got ah broken one.

"Yes you do! And the most pretty music! When I couldn't fall asleep you played something really nice. Thank you Jazzy." She hugged his neck cables and Jazz cupped his servo around her gently, hoping she wouldn't fall.

"Aw, thank ya. Dat really touches meh." He said placing his other servo above his spark chamber. Annabelle released her hold and went back to holding his shoulder plates. Jazz released his servo around her and then pointed out to the horizon. Jazz, being the first was to take a real liking to Earth and it's beauty. Of course Optimus and the others loved it but Jazz really did his research. Optimus loved 'being in the moment' so to say. And Bumblebee enjoyed spending times with humans mostly. Not the nature as much. Jazz admired it all. And he wanted Annabelle to do so too. She was young and lively. A ball of energy. He wanted to grow up and believe in her planet. Cause when Jazz grew up, he didn't. His planet was falling apart. And he was here on Earth now, feeling like he had a second chance. Maybe for his own life or better someone elses. He didn't quite know. But he felt better about himself. On Cybertron he was much more cool with the way he did things. Jazz acted...antisocial then. Once he got to Earth though, he learned to express himself better. And the outcome was beautiful. It helped his friends and himself. And here he was, helping a young human conquer fears and explore her planets beauty. She probably was distracted with all around her and Jazz really wanted to take this moment and give it to her. She'd know her planet was beautiful and amazing however she never really focused on it. Jazz intended to fix that. He wanted her to appreciate her life, her nature, and others around her. Which she was slowly already doing. Jazz had to give some credit to Ironhide. Even his gruff demeanor managed to put more goodness in this child. And Ironhide knew it too. William and Sarah made one heck of a kid.

"Wow..." Annabelle whispered, the only thing that could come out of her mouth that made sense. Jazz chuckled lightly and put his servos on his hips.

"Now ain't dat ah sight tah see?" He asked tilting his helm slightly. His visor was reflecting a beautiful stray of colors. Red, orange, yellow, purple, pink, blue, and more blended colors. Jazz could look at it all day. Well...until the sun finally set of course but then he had the beautiful stars to look at. And then a beautiful sunrise. Annabelle leaned against his helm.



"When will they be home?" She asked quietly. Jazz lifted his servo to his shoulder and she carefully slipped into it.

"Don't ya worry your little mind about nothin'. They'll be home sooner than ya think." He said as he placed his servo near his faceplates. He lifted his visor and his optics stared at her reassuringly. Annabelle smiled and lifted her hand and placed it on his large metallic cheek.

"You have pretty eyes too." She said and leaned back into his palm tiredly. Jazz smiled brightly and felt his spark warm at that comment. He lowered his visor.

"Thank ya." He said, the only thing he could really manage to say. He wanted to say more but he knew the young child wouldn't understand it. He sighed and rubbed her back with a digit. "Let's go home and call ya fatha." He said and began retreating back to the house. Annabelle yawned and nodded.

"Okay Jazzy. Okay..."

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