He Will Not Be Going!

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Finally, Sunday arrived and the Dursleys were more then pleased. Why? Because there was absolutely No post on Sundays.

...Except in the Wizarding World. But how could muggles know that?

Vernon sighed. "Fine day, Sunday. Best day of the week. Why's that Abraham?"
"Cause there's no post on Sundays."
"Right you are, Abraham!" He said, grabbing a cookie from the offered plate.
Abraham looked out the window to see an owl...
"No blasted letters today. No sir, not one single letter today! Not one single miserable-"
Just then, a letter flew past Vernon's face interrupting him and the house seemed to almost...vibrate.
The chimney exploded with his letters, hundreds of them!
"Ahh! Make it stop, please make it stop!" Dudley yelled.
Abraham stared, and finally went after a letter seeing it as his chance to get one.
He grabbed one, and got chased by his uncle "Give me that! Give me that letter!"
"Get off!" He yelled as Vernon picked him up as Abraham was opening his cupboard door.
"They're my letters, let go of me!" He yelled once more as letters began pouring through the mail slot.
"That's it, we're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!" Vernon began to go mad, and bring them all to an island...

Where Abraham of course got the ground.


* apostrophe's in italics are thoughts 'hello everyone!'
* simple italics are words that are exaggerated such as: oh my God she's pregnant!
* words in parenthesis (are letting you know certain things about the story)
Feel free to comment! Especially if yah have questions!


It was Abraham and his twin sister, Faye's birthday (though he of course didn't know he had a twin sister.)
He was, at the moment lying on the ground drawing in the dirt a birthday cake with 11 candles that read "Happy Birthday"
His cousin's watch beeped at midnight. "Make a wish, Abraham." He spoke to himself and he blew out the fake candles.
You see, Abraham never had a birthday cake before, nor presents.

As soon as he made a wish, whatever that might've been. The door busted open. Awaking everyone. Abraham hid behind the fireplace. "Who's there?" Asked Vernon, scared and holding a gun. In walked Hagrid. To the naked eye, he would look fearsome to some but to those who knew him, he was a friendly giant well, technically a half-giant.
"Sorry about that." He spoke as he walked in, fixing the door.
"I demand that you leave at once. You are breaking and entering." Vernon demanded.
Hagrid walked over to him and grabbed the shot gun, bending it towards the ceiling. "Dry up, Dursley, you great prune."

"Boy, I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Abraham but you're a bit along than I expected. Particularly in the middle." Hagrid spoke walking over to Dudley.
"I-I'm not Abraham." He replied.
Abraham stepped out of his hiding place.
"I-I am."
Hagrid turned around. "Well of course you are. Got something for yeh. Afraid I might have sat on it at some point, but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same. Baked it myself, words and all."
Abraham opened the box, it was an actual Birthday Cake! It read "Happee Birthdae Abraham" He looked up at this man "Thank you!" He spoke, happily. "Not everyday your young man turns 11, now is it, eh?" Hagrid sat down, taking out an umbrella and lite the fireplace. Abraham was stunned. What just happened? "Excuse me, but who are you?" He asked.
"Rubus's Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course, you know about Hogwarts." He informed him.
"Sorry, but no." Abraham replied.
"Blimey, Abraham didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?" Hagrid asked.
"Learned what?"
"Yer a wizard, Abraham." He stated.
Abraham was stunned once more.
"I-I'm a what?"
"A wizard. And a thumpin' good one too, I'd wager, once you're trained up a little."
"No, you've made a mistake. I mean...I can't be a wizard. I mean, I'm just Abraham. Just Abraham."
"Well, just Abraham, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared? Hm." Hagrid got up and handed Abraham a letter.
"Dear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He read allowed.
Mr.Dursley intervened, yelling "He will not be going I tell you! We swore we'd put a stop to all this rubbish."

"You knew!? You knew all along and you never told me?" Abraham yelled.
"Of course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was. Oh my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. "We have a witch in the family isn't that wonderful?" But I was the only one to see her for what she truly was. A freak! Than she met that Potter, and than she had you...and I knew you would be the same. Just as strange, just as abnormal. And than she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you." Petunia spoke to Abraham.
"Blown up!? You told me my parents died in a car crash!"
"A car crash? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?" Hagrid yelled.
"We had to say something." Petunia said.
"It's an outrage! A scandal!"
Meanwhile. Dudley stole Abraham's Birthday cake while they were all talking...
"He will not be going." Mr. Dursley insisted.
"And I suppose a great Muggle like yerself is going to stop him?" Hagrid replied.
"Muggle?" Abraham asked, confused.
"Non-magic folk." Hagrid replied.

"This boy's had his name down ever since he were born. He's going to the finest school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the world. He'll be under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has seen, Albus Dumbledore, and he'll finally meet his twin."
"I will not pay to have some crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks."
"As for this so-called twin, Lily never had a second child." Petunia stated.
"Never, insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me." Hagrid said, pointing his umbrella at Mr.Dursley, then giving Dudley a pig's tail.

The Dursleys screamed at their son's new tail.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking I'm not allowed to do magic." Hagrid told Abraham.
"Okay." He nodded.
Hagrid checked the time.
"Oh! We're a bit behind schedule. Best be off."
"Unless you'd rather stay of course."
Abraham hurried up and followed Hagrid.

"Hagrid, what did you mean by I have a twin?"
"Did I say that?" Hagrid questioned.
"Can you tell me more?"
"Dumbledore would be the best to ask, Harry."
"But I want you to tell me."
Hagrid sighed as they walked the streets of London.
"Fine, fine. Story goes that Lily and James Potter gave birth to a baby boy, and he died in the incubator. And that same night, Sirius and Medea Black were in the hospital having twins, the boys were labeled wrong. Sirius and Medea left the hospital thinking that they're boy had died. But, you're their child. Your twin is named Faye Black. And your real name is Harry Black."
"Wait, you must be mistaken...Wouldn't I know I had a twin? And which name do I go by now?"
"One can't know everything, and would you prefer your birth parent's name that was given to you, or the one you grew up with?"
"I...think I'd like my birth name."
"Then Harry Black it is!"

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