What's Been Going On With Grace Green

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Hello, I am Grace Green, and as some of you know I am the author of the 'To Love A Godly Man' series, as well as the founder of this newsletter and the creator of 'The Holy Sisters United Program.' 

If you have been following me, you might have noticed that I have been drifting on and off this app for the last couple of weeks. 'To Keep You's updates have been slower and more sporadic. This goes for both the newsletter and the program as well. 

There are many reasons for my semi-inactively over the last couple of weeks and here they are. Firstly, I have been traveling a lot more, nothing grand just a couple day trips and maybe a weekend trip but I find it hard to work on the road so there wasn't really much time write during those days. Secondly, I hurt my back on Easter and have been slowly nursing a torn muscle back to health, and even though I have spent a LOT time on the couch, I was in pain and didn't feel like working on anything. I'm only now settling back down into my office because for the first couple of weeks it hurt to sit straight up which meant sitting in my office chair was virtually impossible and as a person with ADHD, I find that I focus a lot more when I am in my office whether than on the couch where there is a hundred-and-one different distractions. 

Thirdly, there's just been a lot going on. People have been coming and going, my dogs have required a lot more attention for personal reasons, and truthfully, I've fallen into some spells of depression. Over the last two years, a lot has happened, and I've been on the go, go, go, and I've just been facing some personal battles that took my attention away from Wattpad. 

I've also been trying to make a name for myself on other social media platforms such as Tik-tok, Instagram, and Pinterest, (If you're interested in following my writing journey outside of Wattpad, my usernames for the social media apps are listed in my bio) So my creativeness has been being pulled in so many different directions that it's crazy. 

As well as I'm involved in a book club on Instagram, and I run a writing program on there as well which is very involving. Then there's a bible study I take part in. There's also my beta reader, Anna, (shoutout to you Anna, you're an amazing person and deserve the world!) With having a beta reader, I've had to email her chapters of To Keep You and keep her informed of story details. As well as do virtual meetings with her and so there's been a lot going on behind the scenes lol. 

For those of you who don't follow me on Instagram, (you really should, I post a LOT about my books on there) you haven't seen the posts I make about To Keep You and how real/honest I am about how much imposter syndrome has affected me during writing To Keep You. The devil has been attacking me the whole process of writing To Keep You. I want to say for probably the first fifteen chapters I felt like a shell of a writer. I felt like I wasn't good enough anymore, like the talent I had while writing To Know You, left me. Like I wasn't the same writer anymore. Truly just a shell of the girl I was while writing To Keep You. In a sense, I honestly nearly experienced the same emotions Chaya (MFC in To Keep You) did. 

In all raw and real honestly, I hated To Keep You those first fifteen chapters, I felt like the details were garbage and it was trash. I thought I was wasting my time and I contemplated giving up writing all together. But something pushed me to keep going, I didn't realize it then but looking back I know it was God whispering, 'just a little more, you got this.' And has always He was right.

To Keep You has picked up some good traction over the last couple of months, and it's all because of God:)

But even on a sidenote, writing is hard. It takes so much from you that sometimes there's nothing left for you and sometimes you just need to take a break to figure out who you are outside of writing.

To some all of these reasons might sound like excuses, and that's ok, because to those who think this, your opinions don't matter to me because my life isn't yours and you don't get to decide what is a valid reason and what's a stupid excuse. 

And to those who read this, thank you for your time and I promise I am getting back on the regular publishing schedule again:) 

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