just me

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Kora PoV 3rd person

She sat at the back of the book store with her cup of tea wrapped neatly in both hands, curled up nicely on the chair with a book on her lap, although she was there, she also was not, lost in a world of her own. Who knows? She could have been on a mighty adventure fighting dragons, or running through ruins to save her life, maybe taking a stroll through the park with her favourite person, or helping her friends get back safely through the 'Doors Of Death', or in a magical world fighting the 'dark lord'. All we know is that she was in a world of her own.

You couldn't tell what she was feeling from the story, if not, for her hair, you see in this world your hair shows emotions by colour.

So there she was, a young girl, sipping a warm cup of tea on a rainy afternoon, for hours just staring at the pages holding all her hopes, dreams and wishes.

After many hours she put her mug down and closed over the books hard cover, setting it gently on the table as if it where glass that would shatter at any moment with the slightest touch. She sighed. Her hair a rainbow of deep blues, flaming reds, rich purples and an abyss of black. All colours meaning different emotions, the deep blues? Represent extreme sadness or the loss of something loved, the flaming reds? A hope and anger for answers to unknown questions, the rich purples? Represent high curiosity and bravery and finally, the abyssful (?) black, an unknowing of what to do next. Does she cry for the death of a loved one? Does she scream in anger and hatred at whoever kill the person? Does she seek the answers to impossible questions? Or does she lock herself away from reality and delve deep into a knew book?

No, she simply stares. Staring at the closed book in wonder, wonder of what to do next.

After a few minutes, that felt like hours to her, she stood up, picked up the book, and walked out into the pouring rains of April. She was in no rush to get home, she simply did not want to go back to that lonely, silent, apartment she called home.

Just the thought of this 'home' made her hair turn a dark shade of grey, representing the everlasting loneliness she felt deep inside.

She reached the door and slowly got out her keys, she unlocked the door and turned the handle, when she stepped in she wasn't surprised to find....nothing. Most of her life, she had had nothing.

But when she did, ahh, those where the days, running and giggling the the giddy child she used to be, and it all started when she was but a young lass....

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