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"You see, kids," the twins' mother was saying, "you can't see colors or dream until you meet your soulmate."

"Why not?" Mabel asked. She was always curious.

"No one really knows, but it's been that way for thousands of years- pretty much since the start of humanity."

"That's so cool!"

Dipper just rolled his eyes. "I don't see the point in it. I'm probably not going to have one."

Mabel punched her brother's shoulder. "Don't say that, BroBro!"

Their mother smiled at him. "You will have one. Everyone does, some just choose to not find them. Like your great uncle."

Mabel gasped. "Yeah, like Gruncle Stan! Hey, maybe you'll meet your soulmate while we're in Gravity Falls!"

Dipper scoffed. "Yeah, like that's ever going to happen."

Mabel sighed. "Maybe mine will be a prince! Oh, or maybe a knight!"

"And yours might be a wonderful young lady, Dipper."

Dipper sighed, getting up and walking to his bedroom. "I wish." He whispered.

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