The Car Ride

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I left the car to look for dad, I made sure to take the keys and put child lock in the car.

The darkness due to the huge trees made a chill run down my spine. The region was full of wild evergreen trees, not a single ray of light reaching the ground.

Walking towards the moving van, I was trying to look for dad. When I reached their I found the driver in the car. He looked somewhat astonished to see me and somewhat scared too

"Hey, is there any chance that you know where my father is?" I asked.

He looked astonished at my question, "I, I am not sure how I should answer your question child."

"Um, what do you mean?" I asked confused at his reply

"Dear your father asked me...." He was saying when dad came from somewhere inside the forest.

"Alex, what are you doing out here? Didn't I ask you to be in the car? You should not have left your mom and Staci alone. " He said

"Dad I have locked the car and also put child lock. You were not coming back I had to look for you. " I replied.

"Dear you don't understand" He replied

He was trying to say something when he was cut off by very high pitch weeping. A weeping I could recognise from anywhere. Staci.

"Is that Staci crying, isn't it?" I asked dad.

"Alex, you locked the door right, it cant be Staci. " He replied.

"But that's her voice." I argued.

As I started to follow the voice I reached the entry to the wild forest. It was very dense, I know I can't find Staci here if she had gone deep inside.

But it is impossible for her to move out of the car because I locked the door. Im sure of it. Then how? Even if she would have left the car and come till here I would have seen her.

As the weeping continues I start walking inside the evergreen forest this part was even more darker than the road. This place is so spooky. How the hell does Staci managed to go in here.

The wild trees cast shadows which scared the shit out of me. Staci could not be here. She must be brave but not so.

The weeping continues, I started shouting, calling her
"Staci where are you?"

"Sis you should not go inside such a forest. "

"Baby you don't know your way around, neither do I. Baby please stay at your place. Staci you hear me. Stay at your place Staci. "

"Staci don't move stay at your place, we don't know this place. "

"YOU DON'T BUT I DO" Said a very husky voice in my ear.

"Oh my god" I shouted and took a step backwards. A climber got entangled in my feet and i feel backward on the ground.

"Oh ma'am, you just scared me to death."
Infront of my stood a women in off white clothes with a veil covering her face. She did not look very friendly. Her lips were tattered and dry. A scar was running down her cheek and jaw. Her clothes were stained with. Wait. Is that ?? Oh no. That is blood. Staci.

"Maam have you seen my little sister, she's just a five year old. " I asked.

It was then I saw her holding a small hand of a child, not any child but my dear little sister. Staci.

Her clothes were bloodied and stained just like the women.

My eyes widened at her appearance

'Oh god, no, my sister' I thought to myself.
Now i was scared of this women, extremely scared.

"Wh..what happened to her?" I asked.

"Nothing I just fell brother" she said with a wicked grin on her face.

A grin I have never seen till date. And wait what?

"What did you just call me?" I asked her.

She looked at me warily and confused "BROTHER" she said in a cold voice.
Her voice. This was not like her.

I started pushing myself back such that there was more distance between me and them.

I was afraid of my own baby sister. But she was not the same. She was not her sarcastic self but a wicked and scary self.

It was then I realised that my hand was on something warm. Something wet. Something like blood.


There's another chapter. Im really sorry for being late.

Let me know how you liked it.

Tell me what you expect will happen next??

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