Chapter Twenty-eight: Part 3 of TAPOPS Toughness Test

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Ice was getting irritated.

Normally, he was either calm and apathetic, but you can try to be stuck with two egoistic people arguing nonstop for five hours. He had already fallen asleep halfway through and still woke up with them shouting at each other at the top of their lungs, occasionally attacking each other. It was getting on his nerves.

A few minutes later, there are two frozen mouths, two singed shirts, two nearly blinded individuals, and three tired elementals. Without another word, the other two set their tents on opposite sides of Ice's tent and they all settled for the end of the day.

The next day came a little awkwardly, to say the least. Breakfast was a tense and quiet afair. Solar, who was the first one up, cooked for everyone. Thunderstorm helped him (or as much as he could help while avoiding his brother) when he woke up. It was obvious that both wanted to apologize to each other, however they are to prideful to do so. So when Ice went out of his tent and seeing them like that, he sent a mild ice arrow (just enough to sting them with the cold) flying in each of their butts. (I laughed hard at my wording. 😂😂😂)

"The two of you, apologize now." Ice's glare could have frozen an entire planet. Seriously, that guy can be worse than Earth (BoBoiBoy Earth).

Now let me tell you why Ice is so mother-like. Ice was made originally to oppose Blaze's personality. And Blaze is one hell of a selfish person. So that makes Ice caring for the others, but in his own way (a.k.a scaring the hell out of those who disobey him and cuddly to those he wanted to comfort). Also, he's bipolar like Blaze/Fire.

Thunderstorm and Solar apologized to each other and just realized that they had eaten all the food that they had prepared. Ice still hadn't eaten breakfast. The two alooked at each other and took a mad dash to their makeshift kitchen to make Ice's breakfast despite his protests. These two's relationship is really weird. One moment, they were acting like mortal enemoes then the next moment, they were acting like the best of friends. But then, Ice thought, were he and Fire any better?

Fire. Ice may not say it out loud, but he cares for him more than a twin brother should.

Solar's voice broke through his thoughts before they go any deeper. Both light and lightning elemental were standing before him, looking sheepish, holding a breakfast tray. "Here's your good now, Ice. Sorry for finishing the food earlier."

Ice waved away their apologies and thanked them for the breakfast. With the tension now gone, they were all now talking freely.

"I, for one, want to get this over with. Just don't piss me of and we're okay, agreed?" Thunderstorm said and Solar nodded.

"Me too. If I'm wrong or out of line, please tell me not too harshly.

Ice shrugged. "As long as you give me some 'alone time', I'm okay with it."

And the deal was now sealed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"We can't win this. Might as well give up."

Fire, Wind and Leaf are talking inside a triple-layer dome shield created using their powers (a hurricane dome as the outmost layer, a inferno done as the middle layer, and a magic-resistant woven leaf dome as the innermost layer). They had been fighting Damon nonstop for a day. But without the brains of the operation, they didn't have a plan to defeat him. Not that it would matter, really. Damon was too powerful.

However, Leaf was beginning to doubt that. He may be innocent, but he was observant. He looked into the small holes of the woven leaf dome and squinted his eye against the blazing flames.  He saw that Damon still hasn't bypassed the outermost layer successfully, or at least, cannot go into the middle layer without getting burned. Leaf hid his smile. Damon may be powerful, not to mention an element user, but it would seem like he can't use more than one element at a time.

"It's like he could see our attacks coming," he heard Fire say from his conversation with Wind.

"So, just like A.B.A.M.?" Leaf said innocently at them, knowing they would get his idea.

He was right. As soon as the information was processed in their heads, they exchanged looks.

"Tell us what's on your mind."

Leaf did as told and smiled as he saw their mischievous smirks. They simultaneously dispelled their respective domes and put their plan into action. No one noticed Leaf's watch glowing green.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"This doesn't seem good."

"Really?" Atalanta asked sarcastically. "We were just told that we'll face a challenge that would have haunted us forever. Of course it wasn't good."

They were currently at the place where the Nicht that they had encountered told them to go. It was a large dark cave, perhaps the darkest part of the planet. It was also the place that Dark had pinpointed where ShadowBot is.

When asked on how he did that, Dark merely shrugged. "It was mainly a guess, actually. I just assumed that ShadowBot was located in a place darker than the rest."

Atalanta nodded in understanding as she assessed the cave in front of them using her glasses, while scanning the data tablet that she had borrowed from Earth.

"I thought ShadowBot was last seen at Sunnova Station," Earth mused aloud.

Dark nodded. "It was indeed there before ShadowBot was transferred here. Apparently, the people of Sunnova felt like ShadowBot isn't safe with them anymore after Vargoba's attempt of attacking them. They also thought that no evil will try to get the power sphere here, considering no species other than the Nichts are able to see in the dark." At Earth's look, he added. "I talked to KoKoCi about it."

Atalanta had finished scanning the interior of the cave and transferred the data that she had acquired into the data tablet. She projected the information for the other two to see.

"The Nicht was right, we are indeed to face a challenge up ahead. However, I can't tell what kind of challenge it is because it was blocking any kind of detection. I could only tell that it won't be easy. There's also no way to evade it. Fortunately for us, it's the only challenge that we will face."

"So, we go in?" Earth asked. Atalanta removed the projection and put the tablet in the bag that she'd brought with her.

"We have no other logical choice."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The gang had returned to their room at light out last night and went back at 7 am as per orders from the admiral.

"It's astounding that Thunderstorm, Solar and Ice had managed to cooperate with each other," KoKoCi commented as the three (sort of) leaders watched their progress.

Kaizo nodded and smiled a bit in his brother's direction. "It would seem like their love for each other as a family overcame their pride."

On the other side of the room...

"Wow, Leaf had figured it out!" Ying exclaimed happily, jumping up and down in his excitement.

"Uhuh. Who knew Leaf is so observant?" Yaya said with a smile.

Gopal was busy munching his food to speak.

A bit far behind them, Fang was frowning. "I have a bad feeling about Earth, Dark, and Atalanta's mission."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry for breaking my promise of updating. I... have no excuse.

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