Chapter 1

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The last time Nico had seen his home it was in chaos from the war raging on. His father was busy rallying the soldiers, his mother had been lost at the beginning of the war and it had taken a heavy toll on his father. Nico and his sister had been separated and sent into hiding for their own protection but he feared his sister lost too, he couldn't explain it but he just knew it to be true and it tore his heart apart.

He had been sent away with guards to keep him safe but they too had been taken out easily and he had just barely managed to get out with his life and eventually made his way to a refugee camp.

Unfortunately he couldn't stay for long because someone was sure to be after him again soon, so he would have to press on.

He was alone, he was always alone, even when he was surrounded by people he was isolated and couldn't get close to anyone.

How long had he been away? He didn't know; the days had started blending together long ago. He just needed to stay alive and keep moving, keep fighting until he could get back home again.

The enemy soldiers didn't hunt him anymore or at least he hadn't seen any for a while now, unfortunately the monsters another story, they were still ever present, ever hungry and very persistent.

He couldn't blend in with people anymore there was just too much risk involved with the constant threat from the monsters. Only the shadows and spirits kept him company but even then they offered little comfort.

He had known since early on that he could commune with the dead. Though the fewer people that knew about it the better. It wasn't normal to talk to spirits; he knew that because ever since the rumors started up the palace servants always seemed to avoid eye contact with him. That's right palace servants; Nico was none other than Nico di Angelo first prince of Hades and now heir to the throne though would there even be a throne when he finally makes it back home? That is if he can ever make it home.


The war mentioned before was against an old enemy of his father who was banished long ago. Many lives had been lost in the war and many more were left without a place to return causing many refugee camps to appear far and wide across the land.

By now people have started to return to their old lives but Nico still couldn't, not yet. It still wasn't safe. He pushed those thoughts aside for now; they wouldn't help anyway, so he pressed on. All the while shadows and shapes moved and almost inaudible noises trailed after him as they always did.


Elsewhere within a hidden fortress lurks an evil presence. Monsters roam free everywhere, the air is saturated by a terrifying chill you could feel to your very soul, unidentifiable sounds eco through the halls and a storm is ever present overhead causing an oppressive atmosphere.

Deep within the fortress is the ruler who is none other than Gaea, a wicked sorceress who has great power and holds control over monsters. She seeks revenge for Kronos her most fearsome ally -whom she saw as a beloved son- after his defeat in the past war that lead to his death.

She knows that she could attack the King directly but no- she must make the King pay dearly, she must strike him where it would hurt most and what better way than to take out the only remaining family he has left? His youngest child still lives, still fights on and has taken out many of her monsters and soldiers. He will perish for all of it; he will pay even if only for the fact that he exists.

She has been watching him closely since the war, always following through the eyes of her monsters. Sure he has managed to survive for a few years on his own but not for much longer, soon her elite forces will be ready to march and when they find him they will return the lost prince to his father in order to make the suffering of both all that more painful.


Back in the Hades kingdom the fear of another attack is constantly hanging in the air. Monsters run amuck near towns and villages, the forests are no longer safe. The only way for refugees to make it safely from camps is to be escorted by armed soldiers or mercenaries.

Rumors of a new war have been going around for some time now and no one doubts them. The King sends scores of soldiers out day after day to fight off any threat, and has also offered a reward to anyone who can find and return his missing son to him.

The people of the kingdom have all but given up hope that the prince could ever be found, after all it has been years already. But the King refused to give up the search even after so long. He refused because he knew, knew for a fact that his son still lives. He would know if he had died, just as he had known of the deaths of his beloved wife and daughter, but his son still lived and he was still out there somewhere.

They might not have been close in the past but now all he wanted was for his son to be safely returned home and to have a long and happy life; and he would not rest until it was so.

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