Deker Y/N

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Vortex:Hello there again readers it is I Vortex has you and on behave of myself and the author we are sorry for not telling the tale of this Dark Y/N yesterday we had a bit of a discussion but enough about that sense it's not important

Red spheres appear all around him with each one having a different figure has five of them come forward has they turn into holographic projection showing Dark Y/N Bane, Blaze, Galvatron, Mr Negative and The Spider

Vortex:You May recognizes this five gentlemen has your previous versions of Y/N you have a strong and determined Bane, the loyal and fighter Blaze, the friendly and chaotic Galvatron, the kind and violent Mr Negative and the crazy and murderous The Spider but now let me tell you about Y/N or Deker

Things open up showing the emerald forest has Grimm are seen inside the forest wondering around the area looking for something to eat but they don't react to mysterious man who walks in between them

???:*mind*Lost you could say that I am lost wandering around the world searching for.......a worthy opponent

The Grimm around the man see him but don't attack him they just walk the other way like of that man was part Grimm the man sees them leave has he turns the other way

???:*mind*Memories of my past are clouded with the only things I have our a name and individual that I seem to have known but that those not matter to me my path has only one goal and shall follow that path with no regrets

The young man gets out forest has he enters an opened filled has the wind bblows passed him revealing who he is


Y/N:Verse City home of everything this workd holds very dear there powers they say that only the strongest love here hmph! let us see if that's actually true*jumps off the small cliff and continues his walk towards verse*

Vortex:Y/N no last name he's a man covered in mystery no one knows who he is and many have never seen him in there lives well that's if one person did know has they only things he can remember are his name and this vision that always appears in his sleep which involves a little boy and a little girl with black hair playing together but what if that same girl is still alive and well with a different look but still has memory about Y/N

Things change from the forest leading to Verse to the roof tops of various apartment buildings has an individual wearing a goku uniform is seen running for his life has three shadowy has seen to be following him

Guy with the Goku uniform:*running while also patting*how*pats*haven't I*pats*lost them!*glances back and sees a bullet heading his away he dodges it but turns around and falls down*oowww

The three shadowy figures land a few feet away from the guy with the Goku uniform has the guy spotted them he began to freak out

Guy with the Goku uniform:Why can't you guys just leave me alone!

He looks at the figures who are revealed to be three girls with different types of clothes abs weapons had they are revealed to be


Imu:You stole something that doesn't belong to you and you expect us to give you the blind eye

Guy with Goku uniform:Yeah! I mean you guys don't even use Goku uniforms your ninjas! so what the heck you guys going after me for

Miyabi:Our classes may be different but it is our job has future protectors to stop people like you from making the wrong decisions

Ryobi:So what's it gonna be are you gonna give the uniform willingly or*aims her rifle at him*do we have to get messy

The guy was getting nervous has he didn't steal this uniform out of nowhere it was a task handed to him by his mistress who awaits his arrival he remains silent the girls wait for his answer but get nothing has Miyabi shakes her head and turn to Ryobi nodding to her

Ryobi:*nods to Miyabi*Just remember you ask for this*fires a bullet at the guys head*

He closes his eyes has he waits for the bullet to hit him but after a few more seconds nothing has happens has he opens his eyes and sees someone staring in front of him

Guy with the Goku uniform:Who are you?

???:..................Go to your mistress she is waiting for you

Guy with the Goku uniform:Oh! yes yes!*gets up*thank you!*runs away from area*

Imu:*was going to follow*Hey! get back he—!

???:If you wish to go after your thief you'll have to go through me first ninjas

Imu:Tsk! and who are you supposed to be?!

???:*drops the bullet*Call me...Deker

Miyabi:*looks at him closely*Hmm looking at your figure are you perhaps a ninja?

Deker:I'm not ninja I'm just a simple warrior looking for a worthy opponent*grasp the hilt of his sword*please do not disappoint*takes out his long Katana and gets in a fighting stance*

Ryobi:Hmph! if it's a fight you want*aims her rifle at him*then it's fight you'll get!*started firing at him*

Deker blocks the first shot and then the second one has he then started running towards him while blocking Ryobi's shots has he lunges towards Miyabi who takes out her sword and blocks his swing but does get pushed by him a little

Miyabi:Well aren't you strong

Deker:I do recommend you take this serious

Imu:Don't worry*swings her staff at him*we are

Deker moves back a little blocks Imu swing of her staff has he then blocks Miyabi's sword twice has he swings back at her but she blocks his attack too has he places his sword back he blocks two shots from Ryubi

Ryobi:What!?*goes to fire again*

Deker blocks another swing from Imu has he then jumps back and goes towards Ryobi who fires another shot at him but he blocks it has he goes to slash her she blocks his sword with her rifle has she held her ground

Deker:Hmm you show to much weakness*pushes her down*

Ryobi:Shut up!

Deker:You shouldn't be here*ducks down and sweeps her legs*

Deker trips Ryobi has she's turn sideways but Deker then kicks her again while she was in the air has she send almost off the roof of the building but she holds on to the side

Ryobi:Aaaahh!! guys help!


Deker:What will you do*aims his blade at them*

Imu:Gggrrr Miyabi go help Ryobi I got this guy*charges towards him*

Miyabi:Wait Imu!

Imu dashes towards Deker who gets in a fighting stance has he blocks a thrust from her staff has he then goes to attack her but she blocks his sword and was able to move it to the side has she kicks him pushing Deker back a little but he pushes himself back towards her has he swings his blade faster and while Imu blocks the swings she slowing down has she blocks a hit from above her but it makes her drop her guard has Deker kicks her back and then spun around has he was about to slice her Miyabi gets in between the attack has she blocks Deker's sword and pushes him back has she fires a black fire ball at him but he deflects it has he gets back to his fighting stance

Deker:Hmm*takes a glance to the side and sees Ryobi getting up*now the three of you are back on your feet shall we continue

Imu:*glares*Don't worry we will

Ryobi:*puts a bullet in her rifle*Take this!ninja art ricochet prelude!!*aims her gun at him*

The barrel hole of her rifle began to light up has she pulled the trigger Deker gets on his defense stance but nothing happens has a wheel of eight circles appears in front of him has spike bombs appear on them


Ryobi:Heheheh*pulls the trigger again*

The spikes bombs began to glow Deker understands what's happening has the bombs exploded in front him but he react fast and back flips away from the explosion has he looks back at where he's opponents were abs sees something yellow heading his way

Imu:Ninja art! Rolling thunder!!

Out the smoke comes out Imu's staff surrounded by electricity has it spins at a rapid speed has he heads towards Deker who dodges it has only pass by him inches away from hitting him has he spins to the side abs returns to Imu has Deker decided to act had he charges towards the girls but coming out the smoke is Miyabi has both collided there blades

Miyabi:Ninja art Delightful inferno!!

Miyabi covered her blade in black and red flew has she slashed three times at Deker who blocks each strike but doesn't realize the black and red flames covering surrounding him

Miyabi:I got you!*turns around*

Deker:*goes to slash her*Fool you left yourself ope—

He gets interrupted by the burst of black and red flames covering him has Miyabi smiles victoriously has she walks towards her teammates

Ryobi:That'll yeah that asshole not to mess with us

Imu:It's impossible for someone like him to have survive one of Miyabi's attacks

Miyabi:Yes*sigh*sadly we have lost the thief so we must leave now

The girls nod and we're about to leave but they we're interrupted by the voice of there supposed mysteriously dead opponent

Deker:We're not done yet girls*dashes towards Miyabi*

Out the flames Deker comes out his blade move down like it if was sheathed but ready to finish off the opponent has he was just getting closer to Miyabi who was not going to react fast enough but luckily she was safe by Imu

Imu:*pushes Miyabi out the way*Miyabi!

Cutting right in the abdomen Imu falls forward with blood coming from we're she was cut the other two watch in shock has they see there friend fall to ground but more shock to see Deker with no injuries or scratches from there ninja arts

Miyabi:But I thought we?!

Ryobi:Imu!*opens fire at Deker*

Deker turn towards Ryobi has he lunges towards her has he slashes at her but she jumps over his blade has she flips back she lands on the ground and aims her weapon Deker who increases his speed

Looking like white blurs running all around her has even Miyabi who's still shock is shock even more seeing his speed has Ryobi is having a hard time tracking him down has she fires at spots she thinks she sees him in

Ryobi:*fires another shot*Just stay still!!

Deker:Sorry but I don't satisfy a sadist

Ryobi:Gggrrrr you ask for it!ninja art*a metal backpack appears on her back has its strap itself onto her*minute missile!

Rocket launchers appear out of the backpack has Ryobi fires all around her hoping to hit Deker who with his speed dodges the missiles has Miyabi saw one heading towards her she jumps out there dodging the missile that exploded where she one's stood has she runs towards Imu—

—Back with Ryobi and Deker she runs out of missiles has the backpack disappears and Ryobi only has her rifle now but is late to react to Deker who appears beside her and gives her a strong punch in face making her fall ti the ground knock out

Deker:Waste of time*turns to Miyabi*I expected more from you three but it seems my hopes have been lied to again

Miyabi:*glares at him and stands up*You'll pay for what you did

Deker:No*begins to sheath his sword*I don't think I will*purple flames surrounded him has he reversed back to Y/N*

Y/N stood there with and emotionless face has his sword is sheathed but on Miyabi's point of view her eyes widen in shock seeing the person in front of her she looked at him like if she saw a ghost

Miyabi:*lowers her sword and is almost about to tear up*Y/N


Miyabi:That's you right! Y/N

Y/N:That is my name but how you know it is a mystery to me

Miyabi:But don't you recognize me Y/N*tears start yo fall*It's me Miyabi

Y/N:Miyabi?ggashh*holds his head has a vision appears of the girl with black hair that has the same look has Miyabi has she smiles at him in his vision*what was that?

???:Ninja art Hawk art!

Y/N was about to say something but his force's to take out his sword one's again has he blocks a blue light has both things clash before the blue moves over him and lands beside Miyabi has the light then turns into a person and it's revealed to be a Taimanin ninja

Igawa Asagi

Y/N:Taimanin ninja?now what type of business brings you to my former dual

Asagi:Here to make sure my students are safe from your blade mysterious warrior now leave or*grabs the hilt of her sword*I'll have to end you right here and now

Y/N:Hmm sadly has much has I would like to accept this challenge I have better things to do*sheath his sword again*I do hope we meet again Taimanin you seem strong and until the next time Miyabi*jumps off the roof and disappears*

Vortex:And does words were very true has the three would meet many other times with Miyabi trying to bring back her childhood [shows Miyabi turning Y/N around and hugging him but he pushes her back and walks away] friend from his clouded mind and the rivalry battles between Y/N and Asagi [shows Deker with his sword lighten up I. Purple flames swinging at Asagi who jumps back before using hawk art charging at him has both clashed there attacks] in his eyes he sees her has a worthy opponent to face bud the four girls weren't the only ones that have fought Y/N or Deker has others have tried to face the swordmen [shows Rias and her peerage all defeated and on the ground has Y/N stands over them has it then shows Satsuki, Akame, Madoka and Pyrrha kneeling defeated before Deker has it then shows Bakugo stab through the chest with Y/N holding his blade at the now dead student hero and in the end it shows Deker and Okita clashing there blades] all have fallen before him some have kneeled before him has others have died before him with the only two exceptions being Asagi and Miyabi has the two rivals fight for one last time

Asagi is seen still in her regular Taimanin suit appearing on a beach has the sound of war crashing on rocks is heard she walks a few steps toward looking around before she hears 'ahem' she turns to the side and sees Y/N in his Deker form has on his right hand he holds his sword and with his left he holds his sheath

Deker:*drops the sheath*You took your sweet time

Asagi:I had obstacles on my way here*takes out her sword*

Deker:Obstacles? they better not have weakened you because I want to face you at your fullest

Asagi:*sigh*Why do you do this Deker why seek battle why seek someone who say can match you in combat

Deker:Because I'm searching for the one that will end me and my curse


Deker:My blade*raises his sword forward*Uramasa is my curse the memories I've been able to recovered have shown me that this blade holds my very soul one's it breaks I can finally be free of battle

Asagi:Then let me help you no fighting no killing just allow me to destroy that sword

Deker:*chuckles*Sadly it is not that easy or I should say I won't make it that easy I enjoy battle and I enjoy fighting so the only way to destroy me os through the will of battle!*gets in a fighting stance*

Asagi:*shakes her head in disappointment*Then I will have to make the hard choices here and free you from this curse*gets in a fighting stance*

Deker:Will see

Both stood in there digging stance has Deker then turns his blade showing the back side of it this surprises Asagi has he's the first one to charge he swings at Asagi who blocks his attack and then goes to slash him but he blocks her attack too has she goes fir another slash he blocks that one abs then pushes her back onto the water has she turns towards Deker who runs towards her she blocks another slash of his but he then sweeps her legs meningitis her fall onto the water has Deker then tries to stab her there she moves side to side dodging the sword has she rolls to the side and blocks his sword again has both the blades connected they run out of the water and into the sand grounds has Asagi moves back with her sword still up

Deker spun his sword around has he straighten it out he slashed at her again but she blocks it has she then speeds out of that Deker follows with his own speed

has both move around the beach clashing the blades on one side and then clashing on the other side then on the water abs even the walls has they meet up in the middle again clashing there blades has they send barrages at each other

Both hit quick and made sure they were no openings in there stances but while they seem equal Deker was the one doing more of the hits has Asagi can only block his attack

Asagi began to lose her speed has she continued to block his aggressive and fast strikes

Dodging a hushed swing from Deker she pulls back her blade before lunging forward at Deker's opening has she was going to slash there her blade gets blocked by Deker

Deker:You almost had me there*tries to move her blade back*but it seems you were just to slow

Asagi:If speed is what you want that is while you'll get ninja art! Hawk art!!*her body began to light up*

Using her Hawk art she speeded to the side of Deker has he blocks her fast slash she doesn't stop has she began to attack from all sides at Deker who now blocks her attacks has he blocks two more Gaek art slashes he blocks one above him has Asagi returns to normal has Deker moves away making Asagi which widens her eyes she turns to and see Deker he reverse his blade again and goes to slash her but she goes to intercept both blades clashed but using Urmasa's spikes he takes Asagi's sword away from her has he then spun kicks her sending her back

Asagi:Gggaaaahh!*skids on the sand before falling on it*

Deker:*puts his foot down and then turns to Asagi sword has he grabs it*Hmm it seems I was wrong

Deker spun Asagi's sword before stabbing it straight onto the ground has he then turns to her and sees that she's glowing has her suit and even hair started to changing


Asagi?:*giggles*Don't worry Asagi I'll handle this*she stands up opening her now yellow eyes*


Deker:*sighs in disappointment*To believe she would rely on her demonic self for this battle*looks at Kage*it seems I have been mistaken in believing Asagi was worthy

Kage:Oh~don't be like that baby~she at least tried her best~but it would seem that is up to me to finish the job~

Deker:And what would be the name of the one who hides inside of Asagi

Kage:You can call me Kage handsome~

Deker:Is that so well then let us con—ggaarrhh!

He doesn't get to finish has Kage quickly dashed towards him and slashed at her stomach leaving slashed marks on his form has he stumbles back placing a hand on his injuries and looking to see blood coming out

Deker:Well I didn't see that coming

Kage:And you'll never see this world ever again~*dashes towards him*

Deker sees this has he blocks a slash from Kage has he blocks a barrage of them has Kage then kicks him where it hurts sending Deker back has he holds the pain from the hit has lands on one knee

Kage:This is just too easy~*dashes towards him again*

Deker stays on one knee looking down has Deker waits abs one's she was close enough Uramasa Burt's in purple flames has he rises up and cuts Kage left hand off

Purple flames trail Deker's slash has he stares at the shock Kage who then glares

Kage:You bastards*fires a blast at him*

The blast is blocked but the impact sends Deker flying but what he does next is incredible has he lets go of Uramasa

Spinning Uramasa around his body has he rolls in the air he places the blade on his foot has he then launches Uramasa at Kage who only stares has the blade flies straight at her in great speed has Deker lands on his feet

Deker:*pats pats*I*pats*can't believe that actually worked*looks up to see the result and sighs*forgive me that it had to end like this Asagi

Deker stares at Kage body that was on the ground but didn't have a head has far away from it Uramasa is stab on a rock has on top of it was Kage's lifeless head

Deker:*sighs he places his left hand on his injury*Only one cut huh well it's more than the scratches others have left me


Deker:huh*looks up and sees Miyabi descending quickly to him*

Miyabi lands on the ground and runs towards Deker has she hugs him this action surprises Deker has he doesn't try to move her away for some reason


Miyabi:Yeah it's me*separates from the hug but holds him by the arms*are you okay?

Y/N:*flames cover him has he turns back to normal abs Uramasa returns to his right hand*Well I have a claw mark on stomach but I'm fine

Miyabi:And Asagi Sensei?

Y/N points at the direction her body and her was Miyabi turns around and her eyes widen seeing that

Y/N:I had no choice at the end her demon self took over abs while I was disappointed she came to that conclusion I couldn't let the demon kill me

Miyabi:I see*turns to Y/N*let's go clean those wounds*appears her wings*

Y/N:*surprised*What your not—?

Miyabi:*places her finger in his lips*Nothing can ever make me mad at you and also I really didn't like her

Y/N:Oh!*appears his sheath has he sheathed his sword*I see

Miyabi smiles and picks him up and they fly away from the beach battlefield while also living the corpse of Taimanin who will be missed by her love one's has everything goes black

Vortex:His memories were erased and he lived a life of immortality but while his former life was destroyed he was still brought to one he loves and while he might never find one to cure for his curse he'll live on to battle all those who he sees worthy

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