Chapter 10: Use Of Profanity Ahead, So, Like, Sorry?

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I kicked at the brick wall near my school. It was a free period and I was determined to get rid of as much anger as I could before I snapped at someone again. Katy and Vanesa watched as I screamed.

"We need to stop her." Katy stated, watching as I completely demolished my boot. Vanesa nodded. "You're right."

They continued to watch.

After most of my anger had evaporated into nothing, I glared at the brick wall for a moment. Finally, after what felt like hours, I wiped away the tears that slid down my cheeks. I clenched my teeth to hold back the emotions I was so desperately trying to keep at bay.

They would pay.

Anna didn't deserve what happened to her.

A good person! She didn't deserve that! Who the fuck would do that?

"Katy, cover your ears. Vanesa, make sure I don't get myself in trouble."

She nodded as Katy covered her ears.

"Gods fucking shit, this damn person needs to go fuck themselves!" I screamed at the sky.

Katy uncovered her ears and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, Saige. Real mature."

I stuck my tongue out at her in reply, earning a chuckle from Vanesa.

"We're super mature for a couple of freshmen," She chuckled, shaking her head. I rolled my eyes at her.

I waved them goodbye an hour later, my anger churning in my gut fiercely. I walked home, the bitter cold blowing my shoulder-length hair around in the evening air.

I pulled out my desk chair, opened my laptop and pulled up my previous tabs from last night. All the details known in this serial killing spree. My mouse hovered over the link to James Harp's autopsy.

Strangle marks from the weapon. DNA from the killer. Defensive marks on his arms and legs. I looked at his autopsy photos closer, looking fr anything that didn't fit in with the rest of the story.

I was about to click to the next photo when something caught my eye.

A silver ring.


I zoomed in on the photo and made the image clearer. A name. Perfect.

I squinted as I looked, gasping when I saw the name of the person who had killed four teens.

Arra Rus.

Looks like you're about to get the surprise of your life. And that means the killer must be-

A loud crash happened out front. I jumped up, grabbed my coat, shoving my shoes on and raced outside, the evening light making me squint.

Everything turned black after something blunt connected to the back of my head with heavy force.

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