Chapter 7: Two More

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I groaned, clutching my stomach.

That moment when you realize cops are bigger assholes than you originally think.

The moment we found the body, I got pulled aside by the cop that called me bitchy, seeing he had a younger girl with him.

"Saige, this is my daughter, Alex. She knows self defense."

Too late did I realize what he was planning to do.

And now, thanks to my bruised ribs, marks on my neck and busted lip, I really noticed that cops are bigger assholes in real life.

Standing, more like wobbling, I headed over to my friend Katy.

"Katy, got any water?" I asked, blood trickling from my busted lip. Katy stared, handing my a water bottle. I nodded thankfully, taking a sip and pouring some on my lip.

"What happened?" Katy demanded. I swallowed more water. "Cops being a donkey." She rolled her eyes at my loophole of cuss words.

You see, Katy can't be around anyone who cusses, so Kateri and I made up words to use as alternatives. It works.

"Well, a busted lip is telling me that something happened other than a cop being a donkey." I rolled my eyes. She shoved my shoulder gently, or about as gently as Katy can manage.

"I may or may not have found two more bodies." I muttered, taking another drink. Katy stared at me, mouth hanging open.

"Oh my gosh! You found two more?" She whispered, pulling her coat around her body tighter.

I nod, chugging the rest. Man, getting beat up really made you thirsty. Katy frowned, her blue eyes darting around the scene. She snapped her fingers, an idea lighting up in her color-changing eyes. It's really cool, how her eyes change from blue to green to brown and back-and this is getting us nowhere. Right, sorry. On with the truth.

"Saige," she said cautiously, looking around subtly to see if any cops were near. None were, thankfully. "Yes?" I asked, throwing the water bottle in a nearby recycling bin.

"Isn't this close to where they found Tenia and Mark?" I nodded again, what she was trying to say not yet sinking in.

Then it hit me like a freight train.

"Do you think the police think I'm the one that killed them?" I hissed, glaring at a cop getting closer to us. Katy only shrugged, closing her mouth now that a cop was within listening-range.

"Excuse me, Miss Saige, but I'm going to need you to answer a few questions. Miss," she turned to Katy. "Do you know Miss Ewell?" The cop asked, opening a notebook and taking out a pen. Katy nodded.

"Yeah, I'm her friend, Katy." She introduced herself like she was speaking with anyone else. I always had admired that about her.

The cop scribbled something down, and looked up, showing her badge. "Officer Louis of the FBI. Miss Ewell, you're coming with me."

I stared. Once again, I was probably going to be accused of a crime I didn't commit.

"I'm sorry, but officer, I didn't help with these crimes. Someone else is doing them and I demand an answer." I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. I was getting really tired of these guys thinking they could make me confess to something I didn't do.

Officer Louis narrowed her almond-shaped eyes at me. I returned the favor, annoyed.

Finally, Kateri walked over.

"Hey," She smiled softly. I grinned, ruffling her hair some. She pushed my hand away, her smile larger. "Saige!" She whined, a giggle mixed with it. I giggled, tucking my hands back in my hands in the pocket of my OSU hoodie. I practically lived in the thing.

Officer Louis unarrowed her eyes at me, still clearly annoyed. "Miss Ewell, if you won't come with me, we'll do these questions right here." I shrugged, as if the idea didn't bother me at all. But it did, it made my heart beat faster in my chest with fear and made my bones quake.

"Alright. Question one, do you have an alibi for yesterday and today?" I nodded, my twin braids bobbing with the movement if my head. Officer Louis raised an eyebrow.

"Who?" She asked, but it sounded like a demand.

"Yesterday I was with Kateri, Katy and Vanesa. Today I was with Strawberry, Anna, Michael and his sister, Ellie."

The officer's eyebrow raised farther up. "Thank you. You may leave." She dismissed us with a wave of her hand and pushed past us to check out the crime scene.

"I want better answers than that!" I fumed as we walked over to my mom's car.

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