Chapter 9: How. Dare. They.

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I growled at the headline.

I couldn't believe it.

No one ever had a bad thing to say about the Harp twins and yet, here they are, dead. The next pawn in a killer's game.

Kateri and Katy were silent as I packed my things and threw open the doors.

"I'll make them pay. Do you hear me? I'll make you regret ever coming to Klub!" I screamed at the sky in anger. My shoulders shook and my hands were clenched into fists, the knuckles white. I had hot tears pooling in my eyes. I hated this person, I wanted them to suffer.

I wanted them alive.

Marching down to the park where the found James Harp, I sat down in the cool grass.

"I'm so, so sorry." I whisper, placing my hands to the earth and trying to channel my feelings into the cold dirt beneath my fingers. I didn't feel any better, but my mood had gone from pure rage to slightly less rage.

I still wanted them to pay. I wanted them to suffer the same way they made Tenia, Mark, Ali and James suffer. But I wanted them alive. To feel my anger in person. I wanted the truth.

Two day later, I found out something interesting about the night the twins were last seen alive.

Isabella had thrown a huge party, inviting all the Seniors. James was invited as well, despite only being a Sophomore.

They had spent the night partying and around 11 PM, Ali wanted to go home. James followed, clearly not enjoying the attention Isabella kept giving him.

That was the last time they were seem alive.

As cliché as it sounds, I thought of this person as a threat. Bigger than bullies that torture the Freshmen. Bigger than not getting your Humanities homework turned in. I wanted this person alive so they could feel the pain that all their victims felt.

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