As if.

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     Luke's POV

     "So... What now?" Bianca asked.

     "I want to find Percy." I said, and It was true. He may be dead, but I want to find him.

     Annabeth snorted. "Good luck. That loser's been missing for five years." Something computed and I looked over at the other army members, seeing they had the same look.

      "Wait, did you just call Percy a... Loser?" I asked, shocked.

       "Well duh." The guy she was kissing said, rolling his eyes. "I'm obviously the most powerful demigod. He was weak." I clenched my fist.

        "He's more powerful than twenty of you put together." I growled. He held his head high, like he was about to march into battle.

     "Yeah right. I'm a son of Poseidon, way better than my idiot brother." He stated firmly.

     I rolled my eyes, trying to ease my anger. The nerve of this kid! Chaos suddenly appeared next to me with an annoyed expression while Omega, who was standing next to him, was grinning broadly. "I have forced Chaos into retirement of being a therapist!" She yelled triumphantly.

      Chaos groaned. "Whatever Omega. Anyway, you will be staying with the Chaos Army in the cabin that you will have to make, by the way."

       "Why me?" Omega whined.

        "You can literally snap your fingers and a cabin appears. Just go do it!" Chaos commands. Omega waved him off.

        "I don't care about that, I don't want to sleep in the same cabin as them!" She gestured wildly at us and I was slightly offended.

        "Well you're going to. And you should probably stop your nightly routine if you're sharing the same cabin as them." Chaos told her. Nightly routine? What in the world does she do?

     "You just ruined my life." Omega groaned.

       "You can go a few weeks without doing it!" Chaos exclaimed.

       "No I can't! It's my stress reliever!" Omega whined. What in the world? I looked over and saw everyone else had confused expressions as well.

       "No Omega. End of story." Chaos demanded. Omega huffed, but crossed her arms and slouched.

       "Uhm, may I ask what your nightly routine is?" I asked nervously.

       "Oh. It's nothing really." Omega said shrugging.

        "Nothing? You call that NOTHING!?" Chaos yelled.

        "Well sorry grumpy. Just go mourn over your retirement. You aren't needed here." Omega said, shooing him.

       "Whatever P-Omega." Chaos muttered. What was he going to say? Pomega? I didn't have time to thing about it before Chaos disappeared, leaving Omega and the rest of us.

     "Right. So. I need to make a cabin. Where?" She asked, looking at me.

     "Why are you looking at me?!" I asked.

     "You're the commander, correct? So commander. Where does the cabin go?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

     "Uh.." I looked up at Chiron, who shrugged. "Right next to the other cabins I guess." I told her.

     "Got it. Right next to the cabins." Omega walked out of the pavilion, leaving us in silence.

    "Is it just me or is she really weird?" I asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.

     "We are going to need to do a bit of warming up to him." Bianca admitted.

     "More like a lot." Charles muttered under his breath. I nodded in agreement. This was going to take a long while.

      Just then Omega walked back into the pavilion. "Done. Now what? There are no attacks-" She held up a finger. "-There's nothing to do-" She help up another finger. "-And I'm bored. And I'm psycho when I'm bored. So what do we do?" She asked, now holding up three fingers, her hips cocked to the side. I don't doubt she gets crazy.

       "I know what we could do." Some guy said, smirking. She raised an eyebrow at him. It was the same guy who wanted to sleep with her  earlier. Apparently he still did.

       "Excuse me?" She asked. "Could you repeat that?"

        "I know what we could do." He said, still smirking. "If you would come back to my cabin." Her face twisted into of disgust.

       "One, I'm not the bragging type, but I'm the second most powerful being in the entire universe, and you're trying to get me to sleep with you. Two, just so that you'll stop hitting on me, my original form was a guy. So unless you're gay, so sleep with some other girl." 'Oohs!' ran through the dining pavilion.

     "Then why are you in girl form?" Annabeth asked. I saw a flicker of irritation on Omega's face as she looked at her.

     "'Cause I can."

     "That's not an answer." Annabeth protested.

     "You don't need to know everything." Omega replied flatly.

     "I don't trust you." Annabeth said boldly.

     "I don't really care." Omega said, rolling her eyes.

     "Enough! Annabeth, settle down! Chaos is on our side and he sent help. Be grateful and treat... Uh... Them with respect." Chiron scolded.

      Omega raised her hand. "Yes?" Chiron asked.

       "Whatever gender I am at the moment, just specify me by that." Omega said. Chiron nodded in agreement.

     "So Annabeth Chase huh?" Bianca asked, looking over at her. Omega's form flickered to Annabeth for a second. Man that's freaky. "You don't act the same as you did before I died."

     "That's because Percy cheated on me." Annabeth snarled. Omega looked like she was going to blow a fuse.

      "No he didn't." Omega corrected. "In the short time we met, he told me why he was fleeing. One reason was that he was going to the beach to propose to her but found her kissing another guy. And he wasn't lying, I can detect lies."

     Everyone was silent. "You're lying!" Annabeth finally yelled.

       "No, I'm not." Omega said, dangerously quiet. "You're lucky I don't kill you for what you did to him. Just FYI, he's dead now. All because of you and all you worthless demigods that betrayed him." He stalked out of the pavilion, leaving us all in shock.

     I grabbed my army's hands and dragged them to the side where no one could hear us, away from the pavilion under a cluster of trees. "He seems to personally hate Annabeth." Zoe whispered. We all nodded in agreement.

      "Do you think?" I asked. We all looked at one another.

      "It's not nice to talk about someone behind there backs." A voice said, making us jump. I looked up and saw Omega perched in a tree above us, leaning casually against the trunk while standing on a tree branch.

      "It's not nice to spy on someone while they're talking." I told her casually.

      "Touché." She said with a shrug. "Then again..." She laughed lightly. It didn't seem like a humorous laugh though. It sounded bitter and insane. "Then again, I knew something was up with you. Chaos must've increased your intelligence. You're to smart."

     "Gee, thanks." Bianca muttered.

     "Don't take it the wrong way. I'll just have to make sure you keep quiet." She said casually. She stepped away from the trunk and fell backwards, making me yelp. But her legs caught around the tree branch and she hung upside down, facing us.

      "So we were right?" I asked, staring into her eyes.

      "Not entirely." She said, narrowing her eyes to look into mine. "You haven't changed a bit since I last saw you."

      "Wait wait wait, you're saying that this girl/guy thing whatever-" Omega frowned, pouting at Charles statement.

      "Girl at the moment, excuse you." She corrected.

      "As I said, whatever. Anyway, you're telling me that she is.. Him?" Charles asked.

       "Not entirely, as I said before. He's gone, now me." Omega said.

        He blinked. "Wha?"

        Omega rolled her eyes at him. "I'm not him, and he's not me. I'm-" She stopped midsentence and stared behind me. I looked back but saw nothing.

       "What?" I asked.

       "I know you're there." Omega called out. Then Annabeth shimmered into existence, frowning.

        "How did you know I was there?" She asked.

     "Once again, I'm the second most powerful being in the universe. Your pathetic hat can't hide you from me." Omega snapped. "Now leave or I'll resort to force."

        She huffed and turned on her heels, storming away. "As I was saying" Omega said, clearing her throat. "I'm not him anymore. I've changed. A thousand years of torture in Tartarus can do that to you." She grumbled bitterly.

       "But... You've only been missing for five years?" Zoe asked.

       "Time passes faster down there." Omega replied simply.

       I took my time to take this in. "Why... The campers and gods would be overjoyed to see you. Why don't you show yourself?" I asked cautiously.

     She frowned. "they do?"

     I nodded. "The gods were drooping in there thrones and the campers... Well, the three that stayed by your side are depressed to."

     "Still." Omega shook her head. "No. Even if they want to see me, I don't want to see them." I remembered how she wanted to go to Juntain or Chaised instead. So that's why.

      "At least tell the other three." I urged.

       "They really miss you Omega." Bianca said softly. "I think my brothers going to drop dead from depression."

     Omega contemplated. "I..." She hesitated, then sighed. "I do miss Nico." She grumbled.

      "Please Omega?" Bianca begged. "Just tell Nico for now. For me." This seemed to snag Per- Omega's attention.

      "I... Alright. This isn't out of free will though. This is because I still owe you. You shouldn't have died." What does she mean? She dropped out of the tree, spinning in midair so she landed gracefully on her feet.

       "If that had been five years ago you probably would have fallen on your face." I said. She shoved my playfully and I smirked. Then she sighed again.

     "I'm off to see a Nico, the grumpy depressing Nico." She muttered in the tune of... Was that Wizard of Oz? I don't know, honestly.

     We watched her leave and kind of just stood there for an unknown reason.

Omega's POV

     So... One thing they don't know. I have schizophrenia. So I'm pretty much always talking to myself in my head, or at night. Out loud. I groaned as I walked through camp towards the Hades cabin, getting many stares. I let out a low growl and they averted their gaze very quickly. I chuckle to myself, ignoring the voices nagging me.

     I knock on the Hades cabin and I heard a groan. "Who is it?" He grumbled, obviously half asleep.

      "Omega." I replied. He groaned quietly.

      "What do you want?" He asked.

      "To talk to you." I replied simply, trying to keep myself calm. Maybe I could knock-knock-talk-ditch him. Not likely.

He doesn't like you.

     Shut up stupid voice. I pound on the door harder. "Let me in. Bianca di Angelo's orders."

      He grumbled about sleep and the door swung open. "What do you or my sister want?" He asked.

       I nodded in his cabin. "We need to go inside." I could hear more muttering but he let me in. I stood in the middle of the room and he sat down heavily on a bed.

        "So. What do you need to talk to me about that's so important you had to come in?" He asked.

        I sighed. "Your sister commands I reveal something to you." I bit the inside of my cheek. "So... I know where Percy is."

     His eyes got wide. "But... You said he's dead!?" He exclaimed.

     "He's... Dead on the inside, you could say." I offered.

     "Then where is he!?" Nico yelled.

     "Sheesh calm yourself. You have to tell me something in return." I told him.

     "Whatever. What?" He asked, obviously irritated.

     "So... How are you?" I asked. He frowned.

     "Just ask the damn question!" He growled. I pursed my lips to keep in a small laugh.

     "That was the question." I insisted. "How are you, Nico di Angelo, doing?"

     He frowned. "That's it?"

      I nodded. He sighed. "You know I hate telling people about how I'm doing, right?" He asked.

     "Of course. I know everyone's fear. Yours is getting close to people because you don't want to be hurt again. Not telling people how you're doing." I told him. He studied me with caution.

     "Just tell me!" I exclaimed.

     "Fine fine, whatever. I'm doing awful. I don't eat, I can't sleep, you have the location of my friend and wont tell me unless I tell you about myself, which I hate by the way. I never leave my cabin, I'm stressed out and depressed and everything else. Blah Blah Blah. Now where's Percy?" He asked.

    "Sheesh, right to the point eh?" I asked, chuckling a bit.  "Well, I don't know how I would prove it, but I'm Percy." I told him. He stared at me blankly.

     "Wait, can you repeat that?" He asked after a minute.

      "I'm Percy." I told him again. "I don't know how I can prove it to you honestly."

       "Do you swear on the river of Styx that you're Percy?" He asked. He looked overwhelmed.

        "I, Omega, swear on the river of Styx I am Percy Jackson." I confirmed. Nico's eyes widened as nothing happened to me.

       "P-Percy?" He whispered, stuttering. I smiled lightly.

       "Hey Neeks." He charged me and crushed me in a hug, probably crushing all of my ribs. He started to cry into my shoulder and I rubbed his back, hugging him back.

       "You're... You're really... After five years..." He whispered, clutching me.

        I laughed lightly. "I guess I am. No offense, but I'd much rather be on another planet. I think I'm going to kidnap you and take you to another planet, kay?" I asked him teasingly.

       "Okay." He muttered into my shirt. I smiled lightly and the door burst open, and there stood Thalia.

      "NICO! Th-" She stopped when she saw me. "Uh... Sorry Omega... I, I just wanted to talk to Nico..."

       Nico shook his head no and held onto me tighter. "Go on Nico. We can talk later, okay?" I assured him.

        He pulled away giving me a death glare. The message was obvious; 'Don't run away again.'


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