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Luke's POV

     I'm slightly nervous. Okay, more like I'm so nervous I've blown up like three planets already. I'm commander of the Chaos Army, which means I have to lead my group, Charles, Selina, Bianca, and Zoe, on missions. And this mission is on Earth. We leave in about ten minutes, and Zoe's trying to calm me down.

      "Alpha, calm down. They don't hate you. Plus, you want to see Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia again don't you?" She asked.

       I perked up. "They're still alive?" Before she could answer the doors burst open, revealing Chaos.

      "So you know my personal assassin that you guys don't know anything about and have never met before?" He asked as soon as everyone looked over at him, which was quite quick because of his dramatic entrance.

     "Well duh, he's all you talk about these days." I said, rolling my eyes.

      "Ha ha Alpha. Anyway, they're joining you on this mission." Chaos said, pretty much dropping a bomb on my face.

       "First, why inform us so late? And two, why won't you even give us a gender?!" I yelled.

       "Ah. Well, they're on a solo mission right now, so they will get there a few days later than the Chaos Army. And two... Eh, they kind of change appearance every so often, so honestly I can't really tell when they are a guy or girl. I know he was born a male, but their current gender is unknown to me, since thhey can change it at will." He replied with a shrug.

       "That's... Confusing." Bianca admitted.

       "I know right?" Chaos sighed. "Well, you should get going. Go to Olympus, and remember, you don't have to reveal yourself if you don't want to, just keep your hood and mask on if not, okay?"

       "Absolutely." I smiled at him, adjusting my hood and mask. "You ready team?" I asked.

       "I was born ready! Which was a long time ago, since I was born in the 1920's!" Bianca cheered. I laughed, as well as everyone else.

        "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get grandma Bianca's wrinkled face outta here!" Selina yelled.

       "Hey!" Bianca protested and we all laughed.

       "Alright, for real, get your butts out of here. Good luck on defeating... Stuff!" (A/N I accidentally typed stiff and immediately thought of Tris and Four/Tobias kissing for some reason... Comment if you know where this is from :D)

     We shared a laugh once more then teleported to Olympus. "Are you Chaos' army?" Zeus asked. He sounded more polite than last I saw him.

      "Yes we are. We have come to assist you in the war." I announced.

     "Stop trying to be all formal Alpha. You're way to serious." Charles said, rolling his eyes.

     "Yeah yeah whatever Forge. Should we reveal to the gods and wait for the demigods?" I asked.

     "Yeah, I don't see why not." Bianca said with a shrug, looking at the others who had a similar reaction.

      "Alright. Myan, you go first." I said, stepping behind the group while Zoe stepped forward.

      "As my accent may give away-" She pulled down her hood and ripped of her mask. "I am Zoe Nightshade."

       Artemis gasped and rushed forward, crushing her in a hug. "It's amazing to see you again milady." Zoe said, smiling.

       "Next, Forge." I announced.

       "Huh? Oh, right. My name is Forge, or Charles Beckendorf." He said, pulling of his mask and hood. Hephaestus didn't crush him in a hug, but his eyes shone with happiness and pride.

        "I guess I'm next. My name is Beauty, or Selina Beaurigard." She introduced, repeating the same thing Charles and Zoe did. Aphrodite did a weird fangirl thing with her arms and crushed Selina in a hug.

        Bianca, or Night, went next. "My name is night, or-" She pulled of her hood and mask. "Bianca di Angelo." While Hades didn't hug her, his eyes showed all of his emotions, just like Hephaestus.

       Everyone looked at me expectantly and I stepped forward nervously. "Just, before I reveal myself, I'd like to say I'm truly sorry for what I did. I am Alpha, or-" I pulled of my mask and hood. "Luke Castellan."

      Hermes ran forward and crushed me in a hug, and I could have sworn he was crying. I smile and hugged him back. "Aww! Family moment!" Bianca cooed.

      "Shush. Family moment." I muttered and everyone chuckled.

      "Just know Luke, you are forgiven." Zeus told me as Hermes pulled away. I nodded to him, smiling.

       "Aww, is Lukey crying?" Selina asked, looking at my face.

        "Oh shut up." I muttered, wiping a single tear from my face. They laughed again, even the gods.

         "Oh, and we have some more news. There is another guy joining the battle. He is Chaos' personal assassin. All we know is they're the second most powerful being in the universe, they can wipe out all the gods with a flick of their wrist,  they change their appearance and gender like, every day, and he's sligthly insane." I told them.

         "Oh goody, an insane assassin who's also the second most powerful being in the universe. That's a good combo." Zeus muttered.

     "One more question." Poseidon spoke up. I realized he looked depressed. "Have you seen Percy?"

      I frowned. "No, why?"

       "He... He ran away five years ago because of some new camper. You'll know who it is as soon as you get there. He turned everyone against him... And... And... He hasn't been seen since..." Poseidon started to cry and I was shocked, to say the least.

     "He... He's gone?" Bianca asked. "Did anyone stay on his side?"

     Zeus nodded, looking sympathetic for his brother while also sad. "Leo, Nico and Thalia remained on Percy's side. Annabeth cheated on him with the new kid. Be warned, he makes you want to blow up a planet to let your anger go."

     "Luke's already blown up seven this morning, so we'll try to keep our cool." Selina assured him.

     "Hey! It was only six!" I argued.

     "Eitherway, I'm glad Nico stayed in his side." Bianca interjected.

     "Same with Thalia." I agreed.

      "Does anyone know Leo?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads no.

      "He's... He's unique, to say the least." Hephaestus said. "You'll see once you get there."

      "I guess we have a lot to see." Charles said.

      "Oh yeah, Leo's a bit crazy, by the way. He likes to set himsel on fire, he's a fire user, and run aorund camp either screaming 'This boy is on fire' or yelled 'SuperSizedMcShizzle baby!' or... Well, you get the point." Hera pointed out. I stifled a laugh.

       "Good to know. Now, I think we should get going." I said, looking at the others, who nodded in agreement. We all flickedour hoods up, replacing our masks.

       "Adios!" I waved then teleported us to the base of camp half blood.

       The first thing I saw was a ball of fire at the top of the pine tree. "LEO! GET OFF MY TREE! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF!" Someone screamed, and judging by the 'my tree' comment it was Thalia. So that ball of fire is Leo?

     "Never!" He yelled back down. "This is my home!"

     "I'll climb up there and get you myself if you want!" Thalia yelled.

     "N- AHHH!" Leo fell backwards, looking like a comet  falling from the sku, heading right for me. He landing in my arms and sighed in relief, then actually saw me and let out another scream. Then after I was about to drop him to stop him from screaming, he finally stopped.

      "Wait, you're the Chaos army right?" He asked. I realized he wasn't on fire anymore.

      "Uh-huh. And I'm assuming you're Leo?" I asked, setting him down.

      "SuperSizedMcShizzle Reporting for duty!" Leo snickered  and saluted me.

      "I'm.. Okay. I was warned you were weird, but I wasn't mentally prepared for... That." I admitted, gesturing to him. He snickered again.

      "Leo, stop flirting with the army and get your butt over here." Thalia commanded. Holy gods she's grown.

       "I wasn't flirting! I'm not that dumb!" Leo argued.

       "Hey uh, Thalia was it?" Bianca asked.

        Thalia smiled, grabbed Leo ear and yanking him down. He yelped but Thalia continued smiling a friendly smile. I couldn't hold back a snicker. "Where is Nico?" She asked.

        Her smile diminished a bit. "Nico di Angelo. He's probably in his cabin, and if he's not it's a miracle. He didn't really come out of it after his sisters death either, but when Percy left... He comes out maybe three times a week." She sighed sadly. "Why? And how do you know him?"

     "Oh. Well..." Bianca pulled down her hood and Thalia's eyes widened. She pulled back up her hood and mask.

      "Well then. You go see him, like, right now!" She practically yelled.

      "Wait, you're Nico's sister... Uh, Bianca, right?" Leo asked. Bianca nodded.

      "Just a warning, Nico's changed from the te nyear old kid you knew."

       She sighed. "I kind of figured. Let me guess, anti-social? Grumpy? Doesn't really talk to anyone? Short tempered?"

     "How did you do that?" Thalia asked. Bianca shrugged.

     "Oh, also, is he dating anyone? Like any... Guys?" She asked. Thalia and Leo's jaw dropped.

     "Man, you're good!" Leo exclaimed. Bianca took a mock bow.

    "Speak of the devil." Zoe said, pointing to who I'm assuming was Nico moving towards them.

    "Devil? What?" He asked.

     "Oh hey Neeks." Thalia greeted. "Did you eat today?"

     "What do you think?" He grumbled.

      "What are you doing out of your cabin? I mean, do it more often, but why?" Thalia asked. Nico frowned.

       "I... I dont know. I wanted sun, I guess?" He asked.

       "Stop lying. You hate the sun. You're like a vampire." Thalia said, crossing her arms, which jerked Leo, causing him to whimper.

       "WE SHOULD THROW GLITTER AT HIM AND YELL TEAM EDWARD BECAUSE THE OTHER GUY SUCKS!" Leo yelled. Thalia yanked his ear again and motioned for Nico to continue.

       "Fine. I thought I sensed my sister." He mumbled. "Bianca."

        "So you're quite powerful I take it?" Bianca asked. Nico's eyes narrowed at the ground.

         "Do I have schizophrenia?" He asked.

         "No, I'm right here." Bianca laughed, walking over to him. She flicked down her hood and pulled of her mask. Nico's eyes widened.

          "B-But you died!" He yelped.

     "I was chosen for Chaos' army Nico." She said, smiling warmly. Nico crushed her in a hug, crying into her shoulder.

      "That's the first time I have ever seen Nico hug someone. Or Cry. Both at the same time? I thought that was impossible!" Leo shouted.

      "Don't ruin the moment!" Thalia hissed, shoving Leo away from her.

     "Fine fine whatever." Leo grumbled.

      "Night, put your hood back up. We're going to go talk to Chiron, we'll reveal ourselves at lunch." I commanded. She rolled her eyes but flicked her hood up, replacing her mask.

     "Right. Let's go! Onward my friends!" Charles shouted, running to the big house. The others followed him, laughing and giggling. I shook my head in exasperation.

      "My team members are idiots." I muttered. Thalia snickered and Leo disappeared somewhere, which kind of scared me. I followed my team towards the big house, taking a more serious manner.

     Only a few kids were out, which was odd. The few that did see us looked confused but left us alone. We knocked on the door to the big house and it was opened almost immediately after. Chiron smiled at us, though it looked pained. "You must be the Chaos Army?" He asked.

       "We are." I confirmed.

       "Good. So, you're running the show here. Tell me how this is going." Chiron said.

       "So, obviously, we were sent here because of a war. Chaos hasn't told us any details, but he told us to reveal our true identities. Would it be okay to do that at lunch?" I asked.

       "Absolutely. Uh, may I ask a few questions?" Chiron asked.

        "Shoot." Charles spoke up.

        "Shoot what?" Zoe asked. We all face palmed.

        "Well, I think I know who that is." Chiron mused, looking happy. "Anyway, in the small breifing that Chaos gave us, he mentioned an Assassin, but nothing about them. Do you know anything?"

     "Erm, not much. See, we've never even seen them. All we know is that they're the second most powerful being in the universe, they can change their appearance and gender at will, their original gender was a male though, and he's known for being... A bit..." I hesitated.

      "Insane." Bianca offered. I nodded.

       "Yeah. Insane." I confirmed. He nodded, looking thoughtful.

      "Thank you. Lunch will start soon, so you can wait in the pavilion if you want." He offered.

      "Thank you Chiron." I smiled at him and we walked off to the dining pavilion.

*Time skipz cause I'm lazy*

      We stood up front of the dining pavilion, where all the campers were sitting. I gazed sadly at the empy Poseidon table as people stared at us. I saw Annabeth kissing another guy and resisted a scowl. Chiron cleared his throat and all chatter went down. He gestured toward me and I nodded.

       "We are the Chaos Army. We have been sent because of a new war. This battle will be the toughest battle you have fought. We don't know who we are against-" I was cut off by a voice coming from the corner of the room, the darkest corner. I could roughly make out a figure.

        "Kronos, Gaea and Tartarus are rising, all at once. It's gonna be one big happy family reunion." The chaos army looked at one another.

       "Are you Chaos' Assassin?" Bianca asked.

        "Aye!" They stepped out of the shadows, revealing what I least expected.

        She had ripped blue jeans and a crop-top shirt with a plaid shirt tied around her waist. Her long blond hair went down to her hips, shimmering in the dim light. Her light blue eyes sparkled. "You, a teenage girl, is an Assassin? Yeah right." Some kid snorted from the Zeus table. It was a new camper from when I had been here. Was this the kid the gods warned us about?

        "Sexist much?" She tutted. "And no. I can look like whatever I wish. I just thought it would be funny if the second most powerful being in the universe showed up in a highschool outfit."

        "Funny?" Zoe asked. The Assassin shrugged.

        "So... What do we call you?" I asked. She turned to face me, examining me with curiosity.

        "Hm." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "How about Assassin? You have to earn my real name."

     "I know how I could earn it." Some Hermes guy whispered, smirking.

     "One, no you can not earn my name by trying to sleep with me, and two, did you forget that I may actually be a guy?" She asked, crossing her arms.

      "I-Uh..." The guy sputtered and she smirked.

      "Anyway, you were about to reveal yourselves, correct? I'm interested to see their reaction to you." She pointed a finger at me and I gulped.

       "How much do you know about us?" Charles asked.

       "Everything." She said casually. "Fears. Nightmares. True identities. Your deepest secrets."

       "Yet we don't even know if you're really a guy or a girl." I muttered. "Not fair Chaos, not fair."

       "Well I forced him to give me the information. Did you know that he's afraid of spiders? Granted they were like twenty feet tall." She shrugged than began to giggle, and it wasn't an innocent giggle. It sounded like it could use a lot of mental attention.

       "Umm...." I didn't know how to respond.

       "Hey, Assassin dude, girl, whatever?" Nico suddenly asked.

        "Yeeeeessss?" She asked, spinning around to face him. He gulped but continued.

        "You've been on missions all over the place, right?" He continued.

         "Correct!" She said giddily. Something told me this was the most sane she was going to be.

        "Have you seen Percy Jackson?" He asked. Her form flickered and then she looked like Percy.

        "Oh yeah! I met that dude once!" They said in Percy's voice.

     "Do you know where he is?" Nico asked frantically.

     "All information comes with a price!" She laughed, which once again, sounded mental.

     "I'll do anything!" Nico yelled.

     "Weeellll, first let them go." She said, pointing to us and switching back to her girl form.

      "Um, okay. My name is Forge, or Charles Beckendorf." Charles said, pulling off his mask and hood.

       "Can we wait until everyone's gone to catch up?" I asked. Everyone nodded in synch, which was kind of creepy.

     "My name is Myan, or Zoe Nightshade."

     "Night, or Bianca di Angelo." Many whispered were heard across the pavilion, everyone glancing at the beaming Nico.

     "Before I reveal myself, I'd like to say I'm terribly sorry for what I did. My name is Alpha, otherwise known as Luke Castellan." I pulled up my mask and hood and Thalia, Annabeth and a bunch of older campers gasped.

     Then they charged. Everyone ran at there supposedly dead friends, crushing them. I laughed as Thalia electrocuted me. I knew he ran away, but I thought I should ask to get another perspective. "Where's Percy?"

     Everyone grew sad, except for Annabeth, the kid she was kissing earlier, and the Zeus kid. "He... He left." Thalia muttered. "And-" She was cut off by a flash. When the light subsided there stood a very angry Chaos.

       "Omega!" He yelled, glaring at the Assassin. So that was her/his name. You know what? They are a she until further notice.

       "Yeah?" Shee asked casually, leaning against the wall.

       "You aren't supposed to be here yet! You're still going through therapy!" Chaos yelled. I had never seen him this angry before.

       "Therapy that wasn't doing anything. Seriously, you are the worlds worst therapist." She said, rolling her eyes.

     "Well it's better than nothing!" Chaos argued.

     "No it's not. It's just making it worse." She argued right back at him.

    "It is not! Get back to the castle!" Chaos yelled.

    "Uh yeah. About that. No." She responded. How can she just say no to Chaos that easily!?

     "Uh yeah. About that. YES." Chaos argued.

     "Yeah, no. Sorry, but I'm a bit busy right now. If you could just leave a message at '1800- I don't care' I will check it never. Feel free to do that right now." She sassed. Holy gods, she was good at comebacks. How could she argue Chaos without being scared at all!?

     "Omega. Come back, now." Chaos commanded.

     "Did you not get the freakin memo? No!" Omega argued.

     "Omega. I will spill your secret right here and now if you don't come with me." Chaos threatened. She paled.

     "Whatever. You play dirty." She growled. "Jackass." Did she just call the freaking lord of the Universe a jackass? 

     "What was that?" Chaos asked.

     "I said you play dirty and that you are a jackass." She repeated loudly, emphasizing each word. Some campers gasped.

      "You're telling me." Chaos muttered.

      "I have an excuse. You sent me HERE of all places.  Why not Juntain? Juntain has a lot of crime going on right now. And there's rumor of someone cheating the death games on Chaised. They aren't any fun if there is a cheater. Why can't I go do that?" Omega whined.

       Chaos raised an eyebrow at him. "You want to do that? Sure. Get back here as soon as you get the job done though." He held up a pocket watch. "I'll get the time."

       Omega sighed and then disappeared. Chaos watched his watch, tapping his foot. Three seconds... Seven seconds... Eleven seconds... Six-Wait what!? He was already back, a few drops of blood on his face. "How long was that?" He asked Chaos.

        "Fifteen seconds." Chaos said, snapping it shut.

        "Shoot. I'm getting rusty." He muttered, wiping the blood off of his face.

        "Rusty? You call finding one person out of over two hundred, making sure they're the killer, killing them and getting back in fifteen seconds RUSTY!?" Charles gaped at Omega.

      "Duh. There's a reason I'm called the ten second man." Omega said.

       "It usually takes him ten seconds or under to solve a mission. He's way past my level in skill." Chaos explained. "Now, enough distractions. You're taking my awful therapy classes whether you like it or not."

    "But I don't wanna!" Omega pouted, stamping his foot like a child.

     "Omega. I will spill right here and now." Chaos warned. Omega didn't budge.

      "Five." Chaos said. "Four." He was counting down like you did a child who wouldn't clean there room. "Threeee." He dragged out the 'e's' "Two." Chaos raised an eyebrow at Omega, who still hadn't moved. "One." He opened his mouth to speak but a series of events happened so fast I almost didn't catch it.

      Omega leaped over Chaos, landing behind him. He wrapped his arm around Chaos' head so the crook in his arm was over Chaos' mouth. He grabbed a dagger out of thin air and held it to Chaos' throat. "Don't. You. Dare." He growled.

      Omega just took down Chaos in less than two seconds, moving at inhuman speeds. Chaos simply rolled his eyes and they both disappeared. No one moved for at least a minute. "Well." I said finally. "That just happened."

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