Is Percy- Err, Omega okay?

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     Luke's POV

     I was lounging in the cabin when the conch horn blew three times. The entire Chaos army ran out, weapons and armor ready. I saw it was about ten thousand monsters and the team exchanged worried looks. Everyone was here already, except Omega. Just then, he materialized in front of the entire army, leaning on a deadly looking sword.

       This time he was emo-looking. He looked like Nico's brother. I glanced over at Nico and saw he was shaking his head while Will teased him, pointing to Omega. "This is all?" Omega asked, breaking the awkward silence. He sighed, as if bored, and lifted his sword, pointing to the Army.

       He muttered "Aktio" and swung his sword in a complex weapon combination, ending with his sword crossed across his chest. Much to out surprise, golden light followed were ever his sword was point. He pointed his sword at the army starting on right.

      "CHARGE!" The leader of the army, a laistrygonian or whatever they're called, (I just don't know how to spell it...) screamed. Omega swung his sword to the left and yelled "Sjun!" the front half of the army exploded into dust, leaving only five thousand left.

       "There you go. Enjoy the rest!" He disappeared, but not before leaving a chilling insane laugh and disappearing, his laugh echoing around camp. Half our army wet there selves while Nico looked concerned.

     "What are we waiting for?!" I eventually yelled. "Charge!" We charged and the battlefield and they did the same.

      With the Chaos Army there, the monsters were eliminated in under ten minutes. "What the heck is wrong with Omega?" Bianca asked, putting her sword in her sheath once the battle was over.

      "Name's Aklios." A voice said from behind us, making us jump.

      "What?" I asked the newly arrived Omega. He rolled his eyes.

      "My name? It's not Omega. That's what Chaos calls me. My name is Aklios." He said.

       "Oh." I replied stupidly.

       He shook his head and slung his arm around my shoulders. "Some people never change, do they?" He laughed that weird insane laugh and disappeared again.

        "I'm freaked out." Nico said, walking up to us. I nodded in agreement.

        "So he told you?" Zoe asked. Nico nodded.

        "He's changed. A lot." He replied, looking at his stygian iron sword.

        "So you're that guy who hosted Kronos?" Nico asked, looking at me. I nodded.

        "Hm. Percy would never shut up about you, you know? When Chiron would try to tell stories about him at the campfire he would intervene and told about you." He told me. I was a bit taken back.

       "Really? But... I was the bad guy?" I asked.

        "Not in his world. Since his fatal flaw is loyalty when you sacrificed yourself, that made you kind of his idol I guess. He was everyone else's idol, you were his." He said, shaking his head with a slight smile.

        "You said was..?" I asked.

         "Your fatal flaw can be broken, you know. Mine was. My fatal flaw was holding grudges, but I forgave Percy when Bianca died. That broke my fatal flaw. Annabeth's is pride. If her pride of worn down and she became modest, which would never ever happen, her fatal flaw would be broken. Percy was betrayed by the people he was loyal too. That broke his fatal flaw. He could kill us all in cold blood and feel no remorse, free of his flaw." Nico explained.

     "Wow. Did not know that." I admitted.

     "Of course you didn't." Bianca muttered. I stuck my tongue out at her.

    "Whatcha guys doin?" A voice asked. I spun around and saw Aklios again.

    "First, why in the world do you look almost exactly like me?" Nico asked.

    "It felt fitting." He responded with a shrug. "You want me to change?"

    "Yeah. It's freaky." Nico admitted. His form shifted into the form he was yesterday, the high school girl.

    "This better?" He asked, pulling a hat out of nowhere and putting in backwards on his head so she looked like a tomboy.

     "Still not natural but better." Nico admitted.

     "Well this is all you're getting you needy child." Aklios scolded. "Oh, by the way, my name is Aklios."

     "Hey!" Some kid yelled. I saw it was that stuck up Zeus kid.

     "You! Omega!"  He was followed by Annabeth, who was pretty much drooling all over him.

     "What?" He asked, obviously annoyed.

     "You! Me! Duel! Right now!" He challenged. Aklios let out an insane laugh.

      "You want to fight me!? How cute." He laughed. "Go make out with your girlfriend or something. I don't have time for this."  

       "She's only my girlfriend if I win this duel! So fight me you coward!" He yelled. By now people had started to gather around at the commotion.

       "You have to fight to get a girlfriend? Shouldn't they date you for who you are, not your skill?" Aklios asked.

        "That's not how she works! She dates skilled people! That's the only reason she dated Percy!"

        "Right. You want a duel? Let's duel. I'll give you an advantage too. You can duel with as many campers you want. Pick anyone and as many as you want, against just me. If you win, you get this here girl. If not, you and who ever you pick are humiliated. Deal?" Aklios asked, his voice now hard. Annabeth hit a nerve I guess.

         "Deal." He said.

         "What's your name, Sky boy?" Percy asked.

         "Jason. One of the seven, shouldn't you know me?"

          "Oh Jason, you think a little quest gets you fame? I'm known all over the galaxy, yet no one except Chaos and Nico know who I am." He said, crossing his arms. Everyone immediately looked at Nico, who didn't look anyone in the eyes.

          "Whatever. Just fight me!" Jason yelled. Aklios rolled his eyes and pulled his sword out of thin air. A razor sharp blade with skull handle.

       "Pick your allies." Aklios told him.

        "Anyone who wants to beat this coward come up here!" Almost half the camp went up, and Aklios looked unimpressed.

        I didn't realized the entire camp had gathered, including Chiron until he stamped his hooves. "Attention! This is a battle between Omega and Whoever is on his side! If you aren't going to participate, please go to the bleachers! The fight will be held in the arena! Move it!" I didn't know Chiron had become so heavy hearted, his voice steely. Nico, Aklios and the rest of my army fell behind the group and Chiron joined us half-way.

       "I'm worried for my campers." He told us in a hushed voice. "Even if I still hold a grudge against all of them for betraying Percy, I don't want any of them killed."

       "Don't worry. He wont kill." I assured him. I wasn't sure why, but I felt Percy couldn't kill Jason if he tried.

     "Whatever you say my boy." He trotted ahead, leaving us behind.

     "As I was saying before, what's wrong with Percy? Why's he acting so... Insane?" I asked.

      "Hey!" I heard a voice whine. "I'm not insane!" I spun around and sure enough, there stood Aklios.

      "Are you ALWAYS behind us?" I asked, confused on how he snuck up on us AGAIN.

      "Well duh." he said, rolling his eyes. "You think I go to a magical room in the middle of the galaxy and blow up stuff? No.

     "Oh. Uh... So you can turn invisible?" I asked.

     "In a way, yes." He said with a shrug.

     "Okay..." I muttered.

     "Don't worry about it Lukey, you wont ever find out about me! No one does!" He said, patting me in the back.

    "Lukey?" I asked. I saw Bianca, Zoe and Selina stifling laughs while the guys snickered out loud.

     "Yeah. Neeks, Lukey, Bee, Zo, Cas, Uh... Lee? How are you supposed to shorten Lee?" He asked, suddenly stumped.

     "I don't know man." Lee said, shaking his head.

     "Hmm. Well, how about... Hmm. I don't know. I'm stumped!" He giggled, which did not match the Percy I knew. "Well, I'd better get to the arena!" He skipped away, humming something that sounded suspiciously like 'hanging tree.'

     "He's freaking me out." Charles whispered.

      "I HEARD THAT!" Aklios screamed over his shoulder, still skipping.

       Beckendorf flushed pink and we all tried to stifle out laughter.

        "Oh wait! I forgot to do something!" Aklios yelled, suddenly appearing in front of us, making us all jump back. "This is so you won't remember who I am!" I was about to protest but it was like a quick pain in my head.

        "Ouch. Did you feel that?" I asked. They nodded in agreement.

        "So who am I?" Aklios asked.

          "Aklios?" We all responded in synch.

         "Good! Let's go!" He continued to skip to the arena, humming 'hanging tree.'

       "That was weird." Lee muttered.

        "Agreed. Now let's go catch up to Aklios." I agreed, then we started to run to the arena. This battle was gonna end quick.

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