△ Chapter 35 △

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His hand clasped firmly over his mouth in a desperate attempt to avoid his tears from spilling over.

Imagine if he had killed him. He would have been dead for no reason.

He put the papers back onto the folder and looked around for a place to hide it.

Thomas took one of the nurses' jackets and slipped his arms through it. Put the folder inside it, zippered it, and ran to the door.

He started running toward the tunnel, which was where he needed to go first.

Thomas managed to make his way out the building. Lightning streaked through the sky and thunder followed quickly.

He was just about too walked towards the next building until he voices. Instinctively, he dropped to one knee, taking cover in a nearby bush with a muttered curse. Staying in that position, he slowly backed up.

Hearing footsteps behind him, he started too spun around when a hand gripped his mouth tightly and he was jerked backward. He heard two masculine voices.

They turned the corner of the building into a small alley.His captors hoist him up to grab him and hold him in place, and another figure step out in front of him.

''I'm very disappointed''

Rat Man. He pulled out a long, slender knife, held it up and inspected it.

''It's a shame you're not willing to cooperate with me, you're a smart kid''

''Hey!''They all turned their attention towards a very pissed off Alex. And she was holding a gun.

''You better let him go," she said firmly. ''or I swear I'm going to blow your head off''

Now Janson was mocking her with his laughter and she did not like one bit.

She pulled the trigger and the bullet landed near his feet. Janson laughter died down suddenly.

''Capture her!''

It was Thomas's cue to go for it. Soon enough he swung his leg violently to his right and kicked Janson in the face. His jerked backward and his body crashed to the ground.

Thomas took the opportunity to elbow one man breaking his nose and spinning on his heel, he kicked the other man straight in the chest.  The nameless man gargled putting his left hand over his chest where he had kicked him. He groaned and aimed for Thomas head but Alex pulled the trigger. He stood for a split second and then collapsed with a groan.

Janson recovered and moved to Thomas. Alex pulled the trigger, but the gun clicked. She growled and threw the gun aside and was already coming at him at full speed. She jumped and tackled him to the ground making the knife dropped out of his hand. Alex was quick to straddle him and took his wrists holding them down.

Thomas turned his attention to Alex and the man who he elbowed grabbed him from behind putting him in a choke hold.


Janson growled before yanking his arm free and an instant later, a fist connects with her jaw making her fall on her side.

He scrambled to his feet and grabbed his knife back. He took handful of Alex' shirt in his hand; pulling hard and making her get up.

''Enough! You're testing my patience...''

Thomas felt anger consume his body when he put the knife to Alex's neck.

''We'll talk now'' Janson said.

''Talk? I don't want to talk to you'' Thomas choked out.''Just let her go'' as he desperately clawed at the arm holding him captive.

Then they heard it, the sound of a gun that went off. The man who was holding Thomas now lay on the ground.At the other end of the alley, he saw a gray haired man holding a gun.

''What the...?'' Janson said his eyes wide with horror.

Alex took the opportunity to smack the knife out of his hand and turn around.

''Don't ever touch her again!'' Thomas pulled Alex with him. The gun went off again and seconds later Janson was dead. 

Hey guys!

I don't really remember if Janson died in the 3rd book but I decided to kill him anyways. I have never like him, and I hate his guts so...

Anyways, hope you like this chapter, we're near the end of the story and I'm glad to say that I'm working/have been working on the teen wolf fanfiction that you guys asked me to do.

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