△Chapter 7△

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As they got out, they were greeted with two guards and raised guns.

''Stop it right there" One of the guards yells.

Thomas raised a hand in a weak surrender.

"Now put your guns down''

Thomas looked at Brenda from the corner of his eyes.

Brenda bends down a little, but doesn't let go. Then she stands back up and pulled the trigger, hitting one of the guards in the stomach. The second guard was about to fire but Thomas ran up to him, and kicked the Launcher out of his hands. The gun fired and one of the grenades shot out and sent a short burst of crackling energy along the floor.

''Oh shit'' Thomas scrambled to get away. Luckily, the tendrils of lightning got the guard, who roared in pain and dropped, to the ground.

''Let's go!''Thomas bent down and picks up his weapon, before starting to search the guard's pants pockets; he finds a key card.

They turned a corner and spotted another two guards watching a door. This time Thomas trained his Launcher on one guard, then the other. He quickly swiped the key card in reader and it lit up green. The door opened revealing Minho and Newt on the other side.

''We're leaving. Now''

"What's the plan?" Newt asked.

''We don't really have one yet''

''Where's Alex?'' Minho asked.

''We don't know that yet, either''

Minho and Newt followed them, gingerly stepping over the body of the fallen guard, before taking their guns.

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