25. Gringotts

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The shuddering thought that Voldemort had come into the possession of the Elder Wand had not left Harry as he laid in bed, experiencing anxious thoughts and doubts as he went over their plan to infiltrate the supposedly safest place to store something in the Wizarding World. At last morning arrived and they began to ready themselves for the great challenge ahead of them.

A small shudder passed Harry when he saw Hermione approach them in her new form - Bellatrix Lestrange.

"It tasted awful." Hermione commented, before getting to work on Ron's new appearance. At last they were done, Harry and Griphook hidden underneath the cloak as the group made their way to their destination.

The bar of the Leaky Cauldron was nearly deserted. Tom was polishing glasses behind the bar counter; a couple of warlocks having a muttered conversation in the far corner glanced at Hermione and drew back into the shadows.

"Madam Lestrange," murmured Tom, and as Hermione paused he inclined his head subserviently.

"Good morning," said Hermione, and as Harry crept past, he saw Tom look surprised.

"Too polite," Harry whispered in Hermione's ear as they passed out of the Inn into the tiny backyard, "you need to treat people like they're scum!"

"Okay, okay!" Hermione drew out Bellatrix's wand and rapped a brick in the wall in front of them. At once the bricks began to whirl and spin: a hole appeared in the middle of them, which grew wider and wider, finally forming an archway onto the narrow cobbled street that was Diagon Alley.

It was quiet, barely time for the shops to open, and there were hardly anyshoppers abroad. The crooked, cobbled street was much altered now from the bustling place Harry had visited before his first term at Hogwarts so many years before. More shops than ever were boarded up, though several new establishments dedicated to the Dark Arts had been created since his last visit.

As they set off along the street, whoever glimpsed Hermione seemed to melt away before her, drawing hoods over their faces and fleeing as fast as they could. Hermione looked after them curiously, until the man with the bloodied bandage came staggering right across her path.

"My children." he bellowed, pointing at her. His voice was cracked, high-pitched, he sounded distraught. "Where are my children? What has he done with them? You know, you know!"

"I-I really-" stammered Hermione. The man lunged at her, reaching for her throat. Then, with a bang and a burst of red light he was thrown backward onto the ground, unconscious. Ron stood there, his wand still outstretched and a look of shock visible behind his beard. Faces appeared at the windows on either side of the street. Their entrance into Diagon Alley could hardly have been more conspicuous; for a moment Harry wondered whether it might not be better to leave now and try to think of a different plan. Before they could move or consult one another, however, they heard a voice from behind them. It was cold and lacked emotion, however it sounded like it came from a boy.

"Bellatrix," the voice spoke, "I wouldn't have thought I'd see you here."

When the group turned they were met with the face of their old friend, although each time they encountered him he looked in poorer condition. His face had dark, prominent eyebags accompanied with a semi-concealed scar slashed across his face whilst his hair scruffy and back to its natural H/C colour. In front of them stood none other than Y/N L/N himself.


I stared at the woman that I had murdered not too long ago and knew immediately this was an elaborate plan the others had come up with. After the incident at the Malfoy Manor, I had found myself in a worse state than ever before. When Voldemort arrived and saw the damage alongside the dead corpses he demanded an immediate explanation.

I gave him the best story that I could. Harry Potter and his friends had let all hell loose when they were captured. I told them how his Death Eaters were inadequate and how they failed to control the group. Had I not been there, the damage may have been worse. I told him how I fought to protect my so-called comrades but it wasn't enough.

I feigned guilt and disgust at myself when retelling Voldemort my story and apologised profusely by saying I had let him and the family name down. In return for my apologies, I was subject to the Cruciatus Curse. Voldemort felt that me showing emotions was a weakness.

The aftermath of the incident, Voldemort wanted it to be kept between the two of us that his most loyal followers was killed. He wished not show weakness and not to give his enemies a glimpse that his army was crumbling.

I focused my attention back to the obviously fake Bellatrix standing in front of me. I could see the imposter gulp slightly and when they replied there was a slight quiver in their voice. "Y/N."

I looked the fake Bellatrix up and down, inspecting her before looking at her accomplice. My best guess was that Hermione was Bellatrix, Ron was her accomplice and Harry was somewhere under his cloak.

"What brings you here today Bellatrix?" I questioned, looking at Hermione.

There was a slight pause. "I am going to collect some belongings from my vault."

Smart. There was definitely a Horcrux in there.

"Oh? Really?" I replied. "What good timing, my grandfather wanted me to check in on a few things at Gringotts too. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I accompanied you?"

Another subtle gulp from Hermione who could do nothing but nod her head. The three of us, plus Harry under his cloak walked towards the entrance of Gringotts. Upon approaching the main counter we were met with the goblin who seemed distracted. I coughed loudly to attract his attention before gesturing at Hermione.

"Madam Lestrange!" said the goblin, evidently startled. "Dear me!" How-how may I help you today?"

"I wish to enter my vault." said Hermione. The old goblin seemed to recoil a little.

The goblin looked at her. "Do you have any identification?"

I looked at the goblin and then Hermione who seemed to panic ever so slightly. "Do you know who you are talking to? When has Bellatrix Lestrange ever required identification? If she wishes to visit her vault you best let her visit her vault."

The goblin looked at me and stuttered his reply. "Sir...it's a new protocol we have...in case...well-well in case-"

"I expect stellar service or you best believe," and in my best impression of Draco I added, "my grandfather will be hearing about it."

The goblin nodded sheepishly and gestured. "Right this way Madam Lestrange."

I made eye contact with Hermione who knew I knew and gave me a small smile before following the goblin.

On the journey there, I knew the water we were about to pass would be the Thief's Downfall and would remove all enchantments the group had used. I kept my eyes forward and placed the goblin escorting us under the Imperio charm and when we arrived, I commanded the goblin to open the vault before rendering him unconscious with a simple spell. I chucked the goblin in the cart we came in and sent him on his way.

I looked over my shoulder at Hermione in Bellatrix's clothes and spoke. "You are all bloody idiots."

I turned and with a swish of my wand, Harry's cloak was flung to the side exposing Harry and Griphook the goblin. I stared at them all coldly, my wand by my side.

"Y/N-" Harry began but I cut him off.

"I applaud your bravery but what would you do if everyone knew Bellatrix was dead? And look, the water washed all your enchantments off."


"Bellatrix...she's dead?" mumbled Ron.

I nodded. "That day at the manor. I killed her. Along with Lucius and Greyback."

The group looked at me, stunned.

"We didn't know Y/N." Hermione began. "Otherwise we wouldn't have-"

"What if they alerted Voldemort and told him Bellatrix had somehow resuscitated herself?" I continued. I sighed and looked at the open vault. "Go on, find your Horcrux."

They began searching and quickly into the search we realised that curses were added so that everything we touched would burn and multiply.  

"Just look around!" said Harry. "Remember, the cup's small and gold, it's got a badger engraved on it, two handles – otherwise see if you can spot Ravenclaw's symbol anywhere."

They soon located the cup but were faced with the issue of actually retrieving it.

"Accio cup!" cried Hermione to no success.

"No use, no use!" snarled the goblin.

"Then what do we do?" said Harry, glaring at the goblin. "If you want the sword, Griphook, then you'll have to help us more than - wait! Can I touch stuff with the sword? Hermione, give it here!"

"Fuck!" I cried when their attempt to retrieve the cup failed and I felt myself being weighed down my mounds of gold and artefacts. I looked around and saw that Hermione was waist deep in treasure and rapidly made my way over before she could be swallowed by the gold. I got to her, ignoring the burning pains and grabbed her hand. I then proceeded to drag her towards the exit before she could be harmed even more.

When I looked over at Harry he had retrieved the cup but the goblin was gone. I could only assume one thing, we were about to be betrayed.

"Thieves! Thieves! Help! Thieves!" Griphook cried, brandishing the sword and then disappearing promptly.

Goblins rushed towards us and all we could do was throw stunning spells at them. The tethered dragon we passed earlier let out a roar, and a gush of flame flew over the goblins - causing some of them to flee.

"Relashio!" Harry casted, the cuffs breaking on the dragon setting it free.

"This way!" Harry yelled, and still shooting spells at the advancing goblins, he sprinted toward the blind dragon.

"Harry-Harry what are you doing?" cried Hermione.

The other three all jumped onto the dragon which had not realised it was free. I stayed behind as I knew I would have to clear up this mess. Now that the Gringotts' workers knew of my involvement, things could get complicated.

Harry tried to command the dragon and with a roar it reared. The three of them held onto the jagged scales as the wings opened, knocking myself and shrieking goblins aside.

The dragon opened its mouth and belched flame again, blasting the tunnel, whose floors and ceiling cracked and crumbled. By sheer force, the dragon clawed and fought its way through. There was a deafening crash of rock and the dragons roars and I clenched my eyes as the dragon sprung off upwards.  Soon after, the dragon's roars became distant and what was left were unconscious goblins and a vast amount of debris.

After making sure each and every one of the goblin's memories were altered and that none of them had information that would expose me I left Gringotts. As I walked down the streets of Diagon Alley I swore I could hear the roars of the dragon in the distance but ignored it. I hoped the other three, especially Hermione, were safe.

With each day passing, it was getting harder and harder to conceal my true loyalties. I felt as though I was walking on thin ice that could crack at any moment and lead to Voldemort being extremely displeased. I knew that if Voldemort found out, I would be sentenced to death - but that didn't stop me.

After all, what else have I got to live for?

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