3. Sabotaging The Potters

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Once we were dismissed from the meeting, I met up with Madison who seemed to be quite impressed with what I did.

"I killed her, there's nothing else to it." I told her plainly.

She looked at me quite jealously. "He loves you so much. He lets you do anything."

Was she really jealous of me being able to murder someone?

I straightened myself and made my way up to Draco and I's room. "Next time he makes me kill someone feel free to do it for me."

Madison rolled her eyes. "I never get to do anything. I tell my parents my ideas but they disregard me, they still think of me as a child."

"What are your ideas?" I asked her curiously.

"Well, if the Dark Lord really wants to get rid of all the Muggles why don't we get them all together and kill them all at once."

"You're a fucking psychopath." I said with a dry laugh. The fact that someone like her, who wasn't even an adult yet, could think such dark thoughts terrified me.

But then again, that was all she knew.

I entered my room and Draco was already there, his face pale and filled with terror as he merely laid there on his bed. I climbed onto mine and Madison joined me, lying next to me, stroking my H/C hair.

It seemed oddly similar to a time where Pansy used to stroke Draco's hair and I watched. But this time, the tables had turned. My hair was my normal colour and I had no need to change it because I wasn't going to return to Hogwarts so I was free to be Y/N, not F/N.

However, it felt like whenever I was part of the Death Eaters' schemes, I was F/N because that was the monster that Dumbledore had created. This was the false identity that I had to undergo to be a mule for Dumbledore and the product of that was that I had turned into a cold-hearted evil boy with not really much to live for.

I just wanted to be Y/N again. But as long as I had the Dark Mark etched on my skin, I would never feel like my old self ever again.

"My mother told me that she and my father are going to try sabotage Potter's escape." Madison told me, staring up at the ceiling.

"Let me guess, you're not allowed to go." I said,

Madison nodded.

"It's for the best," I told her, "the Order's tougher than everyone thinks."

"I think he'll want you to go." Draco muttered from his bed.

Draco was right. When the time had come for Voldemort and his crew to try and sabotage
Harry's escape from Privet Drive to a safehouse, I was called up to help them.

"Can't Madison come?" I asked Voldemort.

"The little girl?" Voldemort said with a laugh. "Are you sure she wants to hurt her pretty face?"

"She's quite a talented witch." I told him.

Voldemort nodded. "Very well, we could always use another."

When I told Madison she was filled with such joy that she placed multiple kisses on my lips.

"You better get ready then." I told her.

When the moment came, we all Apparated into the signature black smoke of the Death Eaters and began our crusade to try and find Harry Potter.

When we found one of them, I realised their plan. There were multiple Harry's to try and throw us off. Killing curses flew in all directions as they tried to get the real Harry. I noticed Hagrid on his motorbike with who I assumed to be, the real Harry.

We surrounded them and formed a circle around the different Harry's and members of the Order. We all fired various spells towards them and light flashed all around them. As the members of the Order rose, I fired a Killing Curse into the unknown and prayed that I didn't kill anymore.

I was wrong. I heard a scream as a white figure fell from the sky, it's lifeless body plummeting down. I looked at who, or rather what, I had killed.



I retreated slightly in hope that Harry hadn't discovered that I had murdered his beloved owl. I watched the situation from afar, there were streaks of green light everywhere and Death Eaters were surrounding following Harry and all his Doppelgangers.

I looked at Madison who was by her parents' side, firing spells and curses whenever the opportunity presented itself. I broke from our formation and made my way towards Harry and Hagrid, both looked extremely terrified. Harry was ducked down to avoid the Killing Curses as Hagrid pushed forwards to try and get Harry to the destination.

Curses kept on getting repeatedly fired at Harry and Hagrid and I paid no attention to all the other duplicates of Harry. I knew that the one travelling with Hagrid was the real Harry Potter. To me, it seemed like the Death Eaters were going to triumph and that there was no way for Harry and the others to get themselves out of this situation, it was heavily in the Death Eaters favour.

But then Harry started firing spells back and I had to dodge the incoming spells coming my way.

"That's the real one!" I heard Thadicus yell to the Death Eaters, the Death Eaters all charged towards the genuine Harry and I could see them in the corner of my eyes.

I suddenly felt an immense pain where my Dark Mark was and felt a wave of coldness enter me. There he was, flying next to me with his eyes set on Harry was Voldemort.


"NO!" Voldemort roared. "HE'S MINE."

Unsure of what to do, I remained close to Harry and Hagrid, tailing them and witnessing what Voldemort was going to do.

But just then, red light appeared from what seemed to be nowhere and hit me, causing me to stumble and begin the treacherous fall to the ground.

Shit...how was I going to protect myself. I tried to levitate myself but I wasn't focused enough and then it hit me. The cold, solid ground smashed into me and I experienced a pain like no other. It was different from the pain I had experienced from the Cruciatus Curse but it was almost as painful.

As my body landed on the muddy, wet grass I let out a loud groan. It was a miracle that I was still alive. I could feel bones break in my body and by sheer willpower, I had kept my consciousness. Just as I was about to try mend my bones with a spell, a voice came out of nowhere.

"Mummy...someone just fell from the sky."

My vision was very blurry but I could see four figures crowd around me. Two of them, who I assumed were the parents, started murmuring between them.

"Matty...get behind me." a woman's voice said.

"Call the ambulance." a low voice instructed.

"N-no..." I managed to croak out.

"Daniel...he's alive?" the woman asked.

My eyelids flickered slightly and I screamed as a surging rush of pain rushed through me. The family recoiled back slightly and watched me as I tried to recompose myself.

"D-don't call. I'll be fine." I muttered out, trying my best to stand up. What I needed was them to disappear so I could heal myself with magic.

The parents looked at each other, trying to figure out what they had to do.

"Let us at least take you back into our home." the man offered.

I grimaced. This wasn't what I wanted. It was extremely unfortunate that I had come into contact with Muggles, because if not for their intrusion I would've been able to heal myself almost instantly.

A part of my brain urged me to kill them on the spot, leave them cold and lifeless in their own garden, but I managed to suppress those thoughts as I got up and stumbled into their home.

"Where's your bathroom?" I asked them urgently once I had stepped into their home. The woman motioned to down a corridor and I nodded before stumbling down, trying to find their bathroom. Once I had located it, I entered and shut the door hastily behind me.

I took out my wand and waved it over my broken left arm. It was limp and I could tell from the pain that my bones were broken.

"Brackium Emendo." I muttered, the pain suddenly exiting me as the bones repaired themselves. After a few healing spells, I was almost as good as new. I was still in shock to how I managed to keep my consciousness and stay alive.

Parts of me still ached as I exited the room and made my way to the living room where the mother was waiting for me with a cup of tea.

"Are you sure you don't want us to call an ambulance dear?"

I shook my head defiantly. "I'm good thanks. I think I just need some rest."

I had to act quickly. They would be suspicious of the fact that I had almost fully healed. I knew I would still have bruises and marks, but for the most part, I was semi-healed. I had to quickly perform a memory charm on them before they could get too suspicious.

The dark side of my brain urged me to kill them, but I had to shut that part away.

I looked at the family that were near me. There was a mum, there was a dad and there were two sons. One seemed around my age and the other couldn't have been more than seven years old.

"I'm heading up to my room now," the eldest son told his parents, "got some studying to do."

I watched the older boy walk away, shortly after the youngest son left leaving only the parents.

Acting quickly and instinctively, I casted 'Obliviate' on both the parents. I made them forget how they met me and if they saw me again, I would be a friend of their eldest son. Their pupils dilated slightly and they had an empty and dazed expression on their face before they returned to normal.

"Hey," the dad said with a smile, "Kieran's up in his room."

I nodded and walked up the stairs and passed their youngest son's room. It only took me a couple of seconds to erase and modify his memory. It was only their eldest son left.

I stood in the open doorway of Kieran's room, he was looking over at some notes and had multiple books open.

"Obliviate." I muttered but it failed.


I tried again but to no success. What the hell was happening?


I tried for the third time but Kieran had spun around and he acted quickly, spraying water on my face.

"Holy shit dude," I yelled, closing my eyes, "not cool."

He looked at me fearfully before moving back slightly, trembling slightly.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." I said, "you've just got a lot of explaining to do."

Nam Joo Hyuk as Kieran Winstons

Randall Park as Daniel Winstons

Constance Wu as Rebecca Winstons

Ian Chen as Matthew Winstons

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